Suck it up, dems…

Well…I have just about had enough of all the sniping going on from dems that think Biden isn’t doing enough or isn’t moving fast enough to address the problems this country has…I mean, shouldn’t he have passed every bill that every dem wants by now? Shouldn’t he have fixed inflation by now? Shouldn’t he have fixed roe by now? Shouldn’t he have fixed climate change by now? You get the picture…when the other side operates like a monolith with talking points handed out every day and no dissent is allowed, the message is pretty consistent…but on our side everyone has an opinion and everyone wants those opinions acted on…but that is just not how things work when you have two dem senators that are dems in name only and have done more to damage Biden’s agenda than the repubs have…why aren’t you dems bitching at them? They are the ones holding everything up and no amount of cajoling is going to move them to help get rid of the filibuster since it is the source of their power. Look, I know our side lives to bitch about stuff but this election is too damn important for us to have to try to convince people to vote…we need to just suck it up and vote even if everything isn’t great…it would be a damn sight worse if you folks stay home and that allows the nuts to elect more crazy ass repubs who will continue to dismantle this country…just fricking vote…and stop complaining for just a little while…geez…


Well…darn…the car started leaking coolant again today so it looks like I need to find a shop out here that will work on it….probably a water pump that will cost at least 600 bucks to have fixed since you have to take the entire front of the engine apart to get to it and then you have to replace the timing belt, too, while you have it apart….along with all of the gaskets for the cam covers since they have to come off, too….so I guess that will be the project for the week…and I just noticed that I have blisters on my scalp from too much sun yesterday…so I guess the beach is out today….darn again…

July 11th

Well…running a bit late this morning with not getting out of bed til 6:30 and I feel pretty worn out today….one of these days, I’m going to take a day off and just sit here and watch tv and drink coffee all day….but not today….have a lot to do today and need to get going here in a few minutes to get two rides in and head to GH to check out a new beach chair….I am looking forward to the release of the first JWST photos tomorrow that are supposed to be pretty cool and will start the flood of new science from it that I am pretty geeked about….it’s like the Hubble all over again and I can’t wait…and then there is the latest January 6th hearing that I will be glued to…but damn, indict the asshole in chief already…trump needs to go to jail and right now….but that’s a topic for another one today…and I will get to a political one later….two of my sunflowers died and I can’t figure that out…must be a fungus or something that I haven’t seen before…oh, well…I’m still waiting for it to rain out here and I am still shaking my head that the storms from yesterday fell apart again when they hit the lake and I expect that the ones that are forecast for today will do the same….I probably should put some food on the lawn just in case….not much to do today….just the rides and errand to GH…and I may go to the beach since there are beach warnings up and there may be some waves to play in…but there is not too much wind right now so that may not be til later…..need more coffee and to do my teeth….more later….

Can’t stop rushing…

Well…I really do think I have a problem…I just can’t stop rushing to do things when I have absolutely no reason to….just this morning, I rushed out of here to get the first bike ride in before the F1 race started but then, knowing I wanted to hit the beach, I skipped the race at about halfway and suited up and went to the beach…but then I got antsy and headed back here about 1 since I needed to water the gardens with another race on at 3….just don’t know how to relax and that really sucks….and it is probably why I’m going to start working on this place again after this week…I would really like to have a few days of doing nothing but there is no damn way I can do that…really, I don’t know if I ever could as I think about it…maybe I need to see a shrink? An entire life of going hard all the time has ruined me….I can’t stop riding or I’ll balloon up to 250 pounds and I can’t stop working on the yard or I’ll lose all of the work I’ve done in the past year…and I can’t just leave the house as it is and live….need to think about this for a while…damn….

July 10th

WelI…not much to talk about with sleep last night with getting up once at 4am and then out of bed a little before 6….feel okay this morning but a little worn out and I think it’s from the constant riding with no days off that I’m not going to fix anytime soon….it was a little cool going out for the paper this morning and that felt pretty good with the top down on the car…..I do need to get out on the bike here soon to get back here before the F1 race starts at 9 but I won’t get two rides in before that so that will keep me from the second ride until almost 11 and that will push everything back for the whole day….I am going out to the beach today since my skin has healed up some and it can take a little more exposure….have so many freckles on my arms that it looks like my mother’s did when she was out in the sun…not really a smooth tan at all but what can you do about it? And my scalp is really freckled, too, and that makes me laugh a little….didn’t get a lot done yesterday and I really don’t have much to do today, either other than water everything and watch races so it will be an easy one….damn, already have cramps in my right calf and it is really stiff….have been having some problems with my legs lately and I wonder if I’m getting enough water…my big toe on my right foot started giving me gout signals yesterday so I do need to pour the water in….not much to do today…and I feel pretty guilty about that…taking the summer off is harder than I expected and I’ll probably start doing things after my birthday… this will be my last week off….more later….

Didn’t do much today…

Well…darn, what an unproductive day…I did get the two rides in this morning but that was about it….didn’t even get out to the beach since I needed to give my skin a break after all of the sun this week…and my beach chair is falling apart after 15 years so I need to find another one but this late in the summer, it’s not easy to find a cheap one….and I still have two months to go out to the beach….I did go down to the fishing contest that was supposed to be a big deal at Heritage landing but I just laughed when there were just a couple of canopies and about 5 guys standing around when there was supposed to be live music and a beer tent….so that was a bust and all I did after that was water parts of the lawn and gardens…and cooked…need to get some room in the freezer since aldi’s has chicken leg quarters for 59 cents a pound starting wed or 5.90 for a 10 pound bag….so that will be my protein for the week….I sure hope I can be more productive tomorrow….and I am going to the beach….with the temp approaching 90…

Will be making calls tonight…

Well…it’s been a good week up here and pretty quiet but I can feel that’s going to stop tonight and I’ll be making some noise calls to get them to shut the hell up….the guy with the crap brown suv to the south of me is testing the waters right now with turning his stereo on and off after a couple of minutes to try to avoid someone making a call on him…and that is the guy that someone else called on the other day and that kept my streak of not calling going until today….and that is something I don’t understand…how enjoyable is it to sit in your car turning the stereo up and down every couple of minutes so the cops won’t catch you? I think some of these folks are addicted to the thump, thump, thump and need to have it or why else would they tempt a fine just to hear their music…exactly this thing was discussed out on jalopnik the other day when they reported that Florida has a new law that says if you can hear the stereo outside of the car, they can be pulled over and fined 112 dollars….and I couldn’t believe the support for people being able to blast their stereos there…calling it just another excuse to pull over minorites…but I had to retort and ask them if they’ve ever lived anywhere where 150 cars a day go by thumping their music with up to 85db from it in their living rooms? Not one of them have had to endure that so I told them they shouldn’t really be commenting if they don’t have any experience with it…otherwise, it’s just an opinion not supported by evidence. Didn’t go over well….I think there should be the same ordinance here to make this a livable city where people can have their windows open without having to listen to that crap….and maybe go to an event or to the beach without some ass pulling in and blasting the entire place….I think that needs to be suggested when I talk to the city commission at the end of the month…

An unequal fight….

Well…I’ve really tried to figure out why Joe Biden’s approval ratings are down so far and I think I can distill it down to  a few things…first, he needs to fight with the repubs more and directly attack the obstructionism, lies, and bullshit that comes out of the entire right wing machine….the people are behind our ideas and he needs to make sure everyone knows there is only one reason why we are heading in the wrong direction…and that is the repubs…they have blocked all of the popular proposals on abortion, gun control, and gas prices and he needs to hammer that home every time he talks to anyone…it needs to be flooded to the media so they have no choice but to print it…and the second thing is to stop the helplessness….stop whining about not being able to get anything done because of the repubs…figure out a way to get things done…use executive orders and other administrative parts of the government to give the people what they want…I know that looks like a contradiction but he needs to hit them hard and then preach about what is getting done…and contrast, contrast, contrast…break the media habit of both siderism and make sure voters know there is a difference…that the repubs will make your life worse if you vote for them…and pound that all damn day…get out there and fight, Joe….the people like it when you do….

July 9th

Well…damn, running late this morning with not getting out of bed til almost 7….and the two day rule is in effect today with my legs hurting a bit after the long ride thurs…and they are pretty stiff, too, but I am going to get on the bike here in a few minutes to get two rides in before the F1 sprint race at 10:30….I do need a day off at some point and I think today would be a good day for that but I know I won’t take it off….there was a miracle last night when there was no campfire smoke, no loud music, and no fireworks and that made it a pretty relaxing night….it’s been a pretty good week out here and I sure hope it lasts through today….I did get some garden work done yesterday with weeding and moving two cuke plants from the end of the garden into the open spot where I was supposed to have my peppers but only have 3 that came up….cukes need a lot of room and I really didn’t want to have to move them when I mow the lawn….some damn animal has attacked one of my sunflowers and ate part of the flower that hasn’t even opened yet and that sucks….probably one of the squirrels…I did have one of the young ones eat out of my hand the other day and that was pretty cool….not much to do today….just going to water the lawn and fool around a bit after the bike rides…I do need a day off at some point…I am just damn tired but I have 7 minutes and I have to get on the bike….more later….

Poor baby Brett…

Well…poor, poor baby Brett Kavanaugh…last night when he was going out to dinner at some fancy restaurant in DC, protestors found out about his reservation and peacefully protested outside the restaurant and he was such a chickenshit that he had them sneak him out the back door of the restaurant…of course, the right wing assholes have been whining about this all day today…saying he has the “right” to be able go out to dinner without seeing protesters…hey, righties, guess what…women still had the right to control their own bodies until bretty boy overthrew 50 years of precedent and voted as the people who bought his seat wanted him to…and it is a first amendment right to peaceful assembly that even bretty boy can’t overturn…and it was his fellow right wingers on the court who said it was just perfectly fine for anti abortion protesters to harass women getting reproductive care and there was no carve out for lying SC justices so they don’t have to see people protesting their corrupt behavior on the court…so tough shit bretty boy…you did this to yourself by attacking women’s rights and trampling the constitution….it’s much less than you deserve….like impeachment…geez…