August 21st

Well…it’s only 50 degrees out here right now and that is just wrong for August in Michigan….and it’s going to be colder tonight in the upper 40′s…still thinking the heat is going to come on at some point…okay, it’s officially in the 40′s now…brrr….slept okay last night and didn’t get up til almost 7…need to get on the indoor bike here in a few minutes to get a ride in before I head over to DD to get some Black Forest ham for 1.99 a pound and then get on the outdoor bike…after today’s rides, I’ll only have 500 more miles to go to reach the goal for the year…pretty damn sore this morning and my neck is stiff so I’ll have to do something about that before I do anything…I am so damn tired of being sore all the time but I know it’s something I’ll have to live with the rest of the year if I’m going to get to my goal of riding every day…I do need to cook today and I think I’ll grill the chicken thighs I have thawed but I want to marinade them first…and make some potato salad…one of these days I’m going to take a day off…yeah, I know I’ve been saying that almost all year but the little tasks I have to do every day are just wearing me down and I need some rest…more later…

Gotta stop doing this…

Well…it’s been pretty busy today with moving the grocery run up til today and I have got to stop moving things around in my schedule or I’ll never know what day it is…I’ve bitched about that before when I retired and the weekends were not weekends anymore…oh, well…I did get three rides in today but the plan was for two since I didn’t get an indoor ride in before groceries…just couldn’t get moving this morning…just so damn sore and worn out and the pollen count is so high I’ve been miserable all day…my eyes do fill like they are filled with sand…I wonder if that is taking some of my energy, too? The lawn has greened up a bit with the rain last week but it is getting crunchy again and, with no rain in the forecast until September, it will go dead again…oh, well…okay, I need to do the weight work and figure out what needs to come out of the freezer for the rest of the week…

Yes, I watched the convention..

Well…running a little late today with moving up the grocery run to today and getting three rides in, but I did want to talk about the DNC that I watched a good part of last night…wow! What energy and enthusiasm from the crowd and the speakers…not at all what the mainstream media was pushing all afternoon before the convention started…they were going on and on about the divisions that have plagued the dems for a long time and they even tried to get people to not believe their eyes while they were pushing the division angle…hey media, now do you why Kamala doesn’t want to talk to you? It was just one of the most joyous things I have ever seen in politics and it gives me hope that we really can do a miracle and elect dems up and down the ballot…because we need to…and the contrast of what our side proposes to move the US forward vs the repubs always looking backwards is so stark that I really can’t believe anyone would vote for a repub ever again…but there is lots of stupid here in the US and the repubs depend on it…but just one thing to remember, when we vote, we win…so let’s do that…geez…

August 20th

Well…I’m turning into a complete slug after only doing 25 miles yesterday. it looks like I’ll only do that again today…didn’t get out of bed til 6:30 this morning and just couldn’t drag myself downstairs to get a ride in before I do the grocery run…just started my first cup of coffee at 7 and that doesn’t leave enough time to do an hour on the indoor bike…oh, well…it’s only 51 out there and even though it didn’t get into the 40′s, it is still damn cold for August in Michigan…okay, it’s actually only 50 so I won’t be putting the top down on the car this morning and I may even have to wait to get on the bike outdoors it’s so cold…I really thought the heat was going to come on overnight…man, I don’t know what to do with myself just sitting here and waiting and not doing…maybe this will be the break I need to not be so compulsive about riding…yeah, no…I’ll just do three rides outdoors…down to about 600 miles to get to the goal and need to keep grinding it out…not much to do today…just the grocery run and rides since I got everything done on the yard yesterday…more later…

Only 25 miles today…

Well…I tried to take it a little easier today since i knew I needed to get the lawn mowed and the rest of the garden taken out so I only did 25 miles on the bike before I got started on the yard work…and I had to make time to see the postponed race in between before I went out and did the weed walk to finish up the day…had to take all of the food and equipment off the shelf on my prep table since it had sagged on one side and I had to raise it and clean it before I could put everything back…it really did need cleaning so that was cool…I did get some small carrots out of the garden and they taste good so I’ll have them for a snack with some ranch later…still need to eat more with only having two chicken legs and pasta salad for lunch and a ham sandwich that I’m going to have for dinner…with only doing 25 miles, it’s probably a good thing I’ve eaten light today…I do need to pay my property taxes later in the week and pick up more books to read and I think that will be Thurs…they are not due til September but I might just as well get them paid…okay, need to watch some soccer and read a bit….

These people are pretty sharp…

Well…I’m not sure who is running the Harris/Walz campaign but they are making me smile a lot…with their lightning action in response to idiot boy’s lies, he looks old and deflated…for example, the campaign posted a photo of the idiot’s “rally” in Pennsylvania  showing all of the empty seats and people leaving early and trump tried to say that it was before the thing started…but the campaign responded immediately directly to idiot boy showing that the photo was taken during his speech…and no response from the idiot from being called a liar…and last night, with the DNC starting today, the campaign has been trolling trump by shining various phrases on the idiot’s building in Chicago like “Project 2025 HQ” and “trump/vance weird as hell” and “trump-vance out for themselves” and yet there is still happiness and joy coming out of the campaign and I love to see that….you can be happy warriors like Tim Walz and Kamala Harris…smile and laugh and show people you are enjoying the process of campaigning…that life is not all doom and gloom like idiot boy would have you believe…keep it up…

August 19th

Well…damn, I need to get moving  to get the three rides in before 11…the nascar race was rained out yesterday and was moved to today at 11am so that will give me something to do…slept okay last night and was only up once and then out of bed a little after 6…only have 45 minutes to drink coffee and get a jump start on this old body and it is really getting old that I am always rushed to do something…I do need to do the weed walk again today with the crab grass sprouting all over the lawn…not sure when I’m going to mow it but it will probably be a couple of days…and will only do two rides on that day…just don’t have the energy to do more than that…it’s going to be cold tonight so that is going to push the rides back til later in the day tomorrow…it will be nice to have an easy morning for a change…and I want to avoid having to wear a fleece on the bike…not much to do today…have leftovers for one meal but I need to figure out the second one…maybe some pasta? Who knows? More later….

Weird weather…

Well…as always when I get ready to go out for the rides in the morning, I checked the radar and it was clear so I jumped on the bike around 7:30 and before I got a hundred yards, it started to rain and I don’t like to get wet that early so I put the bike back in the garage and did an indoor ride to wait it out…after I finished, I suited up since it wasn’t raining and by the time I got to the garage it was raining again…so I waited til 9 and went out anyway and didn’t really get wet..did two rides outside and the inside one for 33 miles and I’m okay with that…okay, maybe that wasn’t weird but this is…it’s supposed to get down into the upper 40′s for lows the next two nights and I can’t remember it ever being that cold in Michigan in August…this is supposed to be our hottest month with lows not getting below 70 or so…if my heat comes on in August, that will be weird, too..oh, they are putting up a new sculpture downtown called “The Portal”, a 40 feet tall ring that will have a winding trail spur off to it and be lighted at night…the first thing that came to mind when I rode down to see it this morning was “they found a stargate” since it looks like one…the sci fi nerds here will get it…

A couple of things…

Well…want to talk about a couple of things in politics today that I find interesting…first, the dems knowing that the repubs will be trying everything in the courts to steal the election after the idiot trump loses are putting together a legal team of the cream of the crop of lawyers including Marc Elias, who has been in the forefront of challenging the repub voter suppression laws…and winning damn near every one of the cases…and the team is going to be 20 times larger than the one Joe had for the 2020 election…they are gaming out all of the possible ways the repub assholes who don’t care a bit about our democracy are going to wreck it and will be on any try in  a flash…good planning by Harris/Walz…the next thing is that polls are showing people are just damn tired of idiot boy…tired of seeing him, tired of hearing him, and tired of him trying to wreck our country and that is going to power our side to a win…and our senate candidates are pulling away due to the joy and enthusiasm that our side is basking in…can anyone say trifecta? Yep, I’ll say it…

August 18th

Well…damn, I just noticed that I only did one of these yesterday and I wonder how the hell that happened…however it happened, I won’t do that again today…it was a really easy day yesterday but I did get three bike rides in and did some cleaning in the kitchen but I’m not sure what I’m going to do today…I really do need a day off at some point but it won’t be today…need to get on the bike by 7:30 but that gives me an hour to drink coffee and try to wake up some…we got almost 3 inches of rain here Thurs and Friday and we really needed it…the trail was flooded in places from it and I hope my lawn revives some but it’s not going to rain again for two weeks so I just give up on it…what a crappy year for my garden and lawn…I’ve never had my garden out in August before and I wonder if I should just not do one anymore…the past two years have been so frustrating and a lot of work and I’m not sure I want to work that hard anymore…we are going to have near record lows the next couple of nights getting down to around 50 and this August has been the strangest one I can remember…it’s supposed to be hot here in Michigan but I’ll need to put a fleece on to ride tomorrow morning…ick…not much to do today…I do need to grill some chicken and put the rest of it in the freezer…I think I may force myself to eat out of the freezer for the next couple of weeks so I can get the thing cleaned….not a project for today…more later…