42 million dollars…

Well…just a short one about dem fundraising after the debate…in one day after the event, Kamala raised 42 million dollars and a lot of that is going to go downballot to try to help dems in state and local races…now that’s how it’s done…Oh, and Mary Trump, the idiot boy’s niece has said that the idiot will “never recover” from the beating he took in the debate…I guess we can only hope…going to have lunch and go to the beach…more later…

September 12th

Well…damn, this flu vaccination hit pretty hard and I’m sitting here in pain and feeling like I have a slight fever…has felt like I have a groin pull with how much pain my hips are in but it’s not the only place I hurt…my shoulders and knees hurt, too…and I had another really crappy night of sleep that ended at 5:34 today and I think I was up more than I slept…and it’s 51 degrees out there right now so the first ride will be indoors and I may only do two rides since I want to head for DD for more ham and then go to the beach after lunch since it’s getting to 87 degrees today…and that will be the last time for the year…another night of being good last night but I don’t feel good enough to keep it up..but who knows? Didn’t get a lot done yesterday other than the grocery run and vaccinations…need to start working on the yard to get it ready for winter but not in the heat of the next few days…still no rain at all in the forecast for the rest of the month and that will be a knockout blow to my lawn…oh, well…not much to do today….took some tylenol for the pain and hope it starts to work soon…more later…

Lots done today…

Well…it’s been a busy day until now and I am pretty worn out from it…I did get the grocery runs in and got my vaccinations and so far, no pain or problems from it…and I found out that I don’t need an RSV vaccination this year so in two weeks I’ll be scheduling the shingles and a tetanus shot since the last one was almost 15 years ago…and that will being me up to date with the recommended ones for my age…I did get a nice little surprise at DD when they had 1 pound packages of Oscar Meyer smoked ham on sale for a buck…when was the last time you saw name brand ham for a buck a  pound? That just about made my day along with getting the rides in and having the top down on the car even though it was a little cold…and I have two little round bandaids on my left shoulder…after not sleeping much last night, I should feel worse than I do…but I think no cocktails is offsetting it some…so I think I’ll do that for a few more days at least…who, knows?

She wiped the floor with him…

Well…I didn’t watch the debate last night but I’ve seen enough excerpts and transcripts to say that Kamala wiped the floor with the idiot trump…she toyed with him and then crushed him with attacks about his 34 felony convictions, and the fact that world leaders and former generals that worked for him think he’s and idiot who doesn’t know anything…and she hit him with sabotaging the bipartisan border bill just so he could have an issue to campaign on…and when he started attacking Haitian refuges lying that they were eating people pets, Kamala just laughed as the fact checkers came down hard on that debunked lie…one of the great lines from trump showing he has no policy clues was when he was asked about idiot boy’s Obamacare replacement plan and he answered “I have concepts of a plan” the same “plan” that he had for endless “infrastructure weeks” and never did a damn thing…and even right wing pundits are saying that trump lost badly and the poll taken after the debate showed that people think that, too…67% of the respondents said that Kamala destroyed trump…one of her best lines was when she was contrasting her policies with whatever trump’s were by saying everything about trump is me,me,me while the dems think about what they can do for the American people to make their lives better…Kamala knocked it out of the park and idiot boy knows it…yay!

September 11th

Well…that sucked…didn’t sleep well at all last night and was up and down with finally giving up at 5:30 and getting up…but, I knew that was going to happen with being good last night…I realized that it was 51 years since I started my only good job at Steelcase…1973…yow that was a long time ago…it’s too cold to get a ride in outdoors before the grocery run so I’ll be downstairs in an hour or so and then do two rides outdoors when I get back here…I do need to hit DD this morning to pick up some boneless/skinless chicken breasts to use in some chicken masala this weekend for 2 bucks a pound…but you have to buy 4 pounds so that is enough for two batches…still have leftovers for today and tomorrow so I may have to make the masala Friday….and I do have the ingredients for salads so that will stretch into the weekend…still no rain here for weeks now and none in the forecast until the 21st and that is a low probability…oh, well…not much to do today…just the grocery run and vaccinations and I hope it warms up enough to put the top down on the car…more later…

Another easy one…

Well…damn, I think I’m getting lazy with the second day in a row with not doing much but ride the bike and doing laundry…didn’t even have to cook with having leftovers…I did get some reading done and that felt good to be able to just take a couple of hours to just relax and do that…tomorrow will be a little busier with the rides, grocery run, and vaccinations…going to stop at DD on the way home to get some boneless/skinless chicken to make some more chicken masala sine I haven’t made it in quite a while and I like it…no cocktails tonight so I’ll feel good with all the stuff to do tomorrow…and I can use a break…so I need to go get my allergy meds and find something to watch tonight…

Now ABC is in the tank for idiot boy…

Well…after promising to fact check the candidates statements at the debate tonight, ABC just decided that they won’t do it…giving the idiot trump free rein to lie his ass off with no consequences…and Kamala shouldn’t have to do it so I think the best course of action for our side would be for her to state that “donald lies all the time so whatever he says here will be a lie” or something like that and put him on the defensive and she should probably throw a few “weirds” in there, too since he hates that so much…but she can’t be drawn into his bullshit and but use his lying to bring forward her own points…and for icing on the cake she should bring up the fact that no one convicted of 34 felonies has ever run for president while other trials for other felonies are still pending…she has a lot of ammunition and has been preparing for this he entire life…go Kamala…

September 10th

Well…as you’ve noticed, the site was down this morning…and I need to get a second ride in right now so I’ll be back in about an hour and a half…more later…Okay, I’m back a little later than I said but have the three rides in, laundry started, and lunch in the air fryer…and I’m finishing up the coffee as I do this…slept okay last night but probably won’t tonight with the start of being good for a while…still have a lot to do today with putting the grocery list together, doing the weight work, and the putting the list together of the bike parts I need to order soon…the trees have started to change color out here and I wonder if it has to do with the fact that we’ve had 10 minutes of rain here in the past month? Some of the trees are under a lot of stress and have started dropping their leaves already and I think that’s a bit early…going to try to get a ride in tomorrow morning before I do the grocery run and get vaccinated…and then I can make it a three outdoor ride day but I’m not sure why I’m still piling on the miles after reaching the goal for the year…habit, I guess…not much to do today…should clean the kitchen some or take the AC unit out and put it back downstairs so I can get some air flow through my bedroom…more later…

Got my vaccines scheduled…

Well…it was an easy day with just the rides and some yard work done but I did remember to schedule my fall vaccines…getting both my flu and covid vaccines Wed morning after I get the grocery run done…then I’m going to wait a couple of weeks and schedule my rsv and shingles vaccines and then I’ll be done with them for the year..they had lots of spots open and I hope it stays that way for a couple of weeks..it was so windy when I went out that the waves were 6-8 feet tall and there was even a guy out there trying to surf them…and they were so loud that I could hear them even with music in my ears..so I took my earbuds out and just sat there listening to it roar for a while…then I did a weed walk and filled in the holes that the skunks dug in the grass with my last bag of topsoil…and even carved out a couple of hours to read…okay, just need to veg out for a while and stare at the tv…

Not going to watch the debate…

Well..okay, I’m saying it…I’m not going to watch the debate tomorrow night…the sound of the idiot trump’s voice is like a million fingernails on a million blackboards and I’m not going to subject myself to that…and let’s put it bluntly, he’s just going to lie every time he opens his mouth so what’s the point? I’ll watch the Kamala parts Wed and maybe read a transcript or maybe turn on MSNBC to hear Rachael’s take on it…probably not the best night to be skipping cocktails but I’m taking a few days off to dry out a bit…I really do hope that Kamala goes after the “sanewashing” the media is doing by taking the gibberish that idiot boy spews and turning it into something that makes a little sense…and, if you get the chance, go out and find the Penzies visit that Kamala did last week…I just watched the footage of it and it makes the contrast to the idiot so much sharper…and confuses me even more why anyone would vote for the idiot…lots of stupid, racist people in this country I guess…