More Walmart extortion….

Well…another day goes by, and we have another case of Walmart trying to extort another city into not raising it’s minimum wage. the city of Desert Hot springs California is considering raising the city’s minimum wage to $10.20 an hour with a dollar an hour increase for the next two years and then indexing it to inflation…not an unreasonable way to ensure that people make enough to eat and pay their rent. But, that’s just too much for Walmart who owns land in the city and has told the city council that if they pass the wage changes, the store will not be built…going so far at to take out a full page ad opposing the council saying that their 300 jobs would not happen if the ordinance is passed. Other than the fact that this is corporate thuggery at it’s worst…I’d say to them “good, keep your damn 300 jobs”….especially in light of the studies that have been done that find that every time a Walmart is built and opened it leads to a net loss of jobs in the community…and this has been shown all across the country…..and this goes along with other economic studies that peg the cost of each Walmart to the taxpayers of a million dollars a year….since they don’t pay enough for people to live on, most of their employees are on food stamps and Medicaid…so, I’d say to Walmart from any city across this country…keep your damn, poor paying jobs and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out….geez…

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