Well…the thin-skinned idiot is at it again…okay, I know, I promised to not write about little Donnie Trump anymore but damn, when you have such a target rich environment, you just have to especially when I need to get two of these out every day…and really, it is fun to poke at this moron and his moronic campaign. The latest in this mess is ole Donnie’s attack on the media since he thinks they do nothing but lie…and boy, does he know about lying….his new bitch is that since the media reports on the stupid things he says and does, he is behind Hillary when he thinks he would be ahead by 20 points if they would just stop reporting. Yeah…don’t report on the stupid shit I say because that is a “rigged” media…just go and attack Hillary or Obama since he started the war in Afghanistan when he was a state senator…there has to be something there….just go look at it…or, Benghazi, or birth certificate….or, or, or….you get the gist of it…..his rallies are so biggly that he has to be ahead but it is the “rigged” polls that are wrong….oh, that’s another line from today…I am really kind of enjoying this idiot blowhard’s self-destruction….almost as interesting as the Olympics…sad….