Well…how much clearer is the overt racism of the repubs these days when they defend a known racist, Jeff Sessions, by using a senate rule that was put in place in 1902 to protect another racist in the senate from being called on advocating the murder of AA’s? And to have the turtle McConnell silence her just when she was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King from the 80′s that made clear that Sessions was a racist then and should be excluded from consideration to be the new AG. Back in the 80′s Sessions was up for a federal judgeship and had such a racist trail that he couldn’t get approved then, but in the new repub party that doesn’t matter…the only thing that matters is power to them and they really like the idea of having a racist AG who will take voting rights away from those damn minorities who vote for the dems. This one is a two fer for the repubs…they shut up an uppity woman who dares to think she is equal to the men in the senate but they then allowed two male senators to continue to read the very same letter…these actions distill what the repubs are about these days…hatred for women and minorities are at the top of their agenda…and this crap needs to be slapped down hard….