Trump has his ass handed to him…

Well…it was quite a spectacle a couple of hours ago when the idiot trump invited Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to the WH to discuss legislation to keep the government open…I am still laughing that idiot boy wanted the meeting to be covered live and he thought he could bully Pelosi and Schumer to get the damn wall since he was able to do that to Paul Ryan and the rest of the repubs he has had to deal with…when he started his usual schtick of going on and on that the wall is needed to keep the country safe and that he would shut down the government if he didn’t get funding, Schumer basically said go for it and Pelosi made it clear that she understood that he couldn’t get funding for the wall passed even in current repub controlled House…and trump continued to bluster that he could get funding passed “in a minute” if he wanted to…sounding like a little kid caught in a boast that he knew was a lie and then reverted to bragging that the repubs “won” the which Schumer replied “when the president brags that he won Indiana and North Dakota, he’s in real trouble” and then manuevered trump into accepting that if the government shuts down it’s his fault…all this while Pence sat there looking like he’d rather be anywhere else and trying to stay awake…the fact is that trump is facing people who know how government works and are tougher than nails and he has no clue how to do anything but bully and bluster and lie….and he had his ass handed to him…this could be a great show…impeach…

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