
Well…no matter how many times the bleater in chief stands in front of his minions and declares “no collusion, no collusion”, the US people just aren’t buying it…even with Bill Barr trying his damnest to try to spin the results of the Mueller probe, more than 80% of the US don’t believe him and want to see the entire Mueller report, not some “summary” or redacted version, but the entire report including the underlying evidence. Barr has been trying to create a role for the AG out of thin air when every other SC report has been released in it’s entirety…and there is no role in the SC statute for the AG to summarize, edit, or otherwise limit the information that the Intelligence committee can see so it will be interesting on Tuesday when the IC has a deadline for Barr to produce the report or they will start issuing subpoenas compelling Barr to give the entire, unredacted report to congress. Oh, back to the polls…I’ll bet the latest polls are driving the idiot in chief crazy when they say that his approval rating is back under 40%…and here’s the kicker…fully 64% of the US believes that trump committed crimes before he was installed by the Russians…and well over 50% think he’s committed crimes since he was installed. So, no…no “total exoneration” no matter how many times he shouts that to his troglodyte crowds…one other poll that I can’t find but I think it was really bad news for idiot boy here in Michigan…his approval here is only in the mid 30′s and almost 60% say they won’t vote for him if he’s not in jail before 2020…poor baby..impeach…

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