Well…hey it’s Saturday and I’m doing a political one…that’s pretty unusual as you know…but, this one made my day and I thought I’d pass it along if you haven’t read about it yet…as you know, trump and his minions have had a concerted effort to try to destroy Andrew McCabe, the former FBI director for not being trumpy enough and actually following the law while he was director…and the latest was that Barr tried to use the Justice department to pursue the vendetta that trump has pushed since about when he got into office but that didn’t work out so well for him over the past few days. Just Friday, the grand jury that Barr took his “evidence” of wrongdoing to laughed him right out of the building…voting a “true no bill” which the Justice Manual compels the justice department and the AG not to resubmit the case to the same or a different grand jury…what that really means is that the evidence is not even strong enough for the grand jury to indict let alone get a conviction in court…now, part of this is speculation based on the fact that the GJ was dismissed with no indictment revealed and you can bet that if there was an indictment, idiot boy trump would be tweeting about it right now…but, not a peep so where is it? This won’t be the last time that trump and Barr try to use the justice department to go after their enemies but I hope the people that sit on the GJ’s will continue to tell them to follow the law…