How much bigger of a green light do you need, Jerry?

Well…with the spectacle of Corey Lewandowski lying and refusing to answer questions form the Judiciary committee this week with the smarmy, entitled look on his face, disrespecting chair Jerry Nadler all the while, and Nadler not doing a damn thing about it…Nancy Pelosi gave an interview where she said that Lewandowski should have been held in contempt ‘right then and there”…and my only question I have for Nadler is “how big of a green light do you need to hold these little pricks accountable for their lies and obstruction?” Look, I know that people on our side are still hoping for a return to “normalcy” in the congress but wake the hell up, there will be no normalcy until every damn repub is gone…have you had your frickin eyes closed for the past 30 years? Have you not seen that the repubs will break any law and lie, cheat, and steal to stay in power? Jerry, you have no choice here…you are the one with the power to restore the rule of law and every time you sit on your hands and let these assholes get away with not following the law, you aid and abet their dismantling of our democracy…so, get off your ass and hold these criminals responsible…or history will not treat you well….geez…

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