Well…it appears that the idiot in chief is going to speak again today about the virus that is on pace to devestate this country…wasn’t one worst day in the history of the stock market enough for him? Every damn time this moron opens his mouth something bad happens…and he continues to lie and lie and lie about the measures that are being taken to at least find out the scope of the problem…and new reporting this morning has trump actively preventing testing from happening because the numbers would make him “look bad” and the only thing he has ever thought about in his entire life was him. Think about that for a minute…this asshole is going to kill thousands of people just because he didn’t want his fee fees or election chances hurt by truthful reporting that there were more than the “12 to 15″ cases of coronavirus that idiot boy has been lying about since the start of this crisis…hey trump voters, what are you going to think when grandma gets sick from this preventable virus just because your cult leader didn’t want to look bad? Yeah, they will think that it’s Obama’s fault because something, something….scary black guy. Look, the only words that I want to hear coming out of the idiot in chief’s mouth today is “I resign, effective immediately”….since he is worse than useless and is actively making things worse for his own personal gain…hey senate repubs…you are all responsible for this for letting his criminal ass off with your votes in the senate…and we are going to make you pay in November…