Tag Archives: senate republicans

I guess repubs don’t think women deserve rights…

Well…with the vote in the senate today on codifying roe into federal law, and every repub voting against it, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that repubs don’t think women have inherent rights like men an don’t think they deserve them. The next question is what are the dems going to do about it? We really can no longer just wring our hands and blame other people for what we can’t do even though the structure of the senate puts us at a huge disadvantage and gives the small, rural states an effective veto of what over 70% of the people want…and that is to preserve the right to an abortion that was decided in Roe. So, what do we do about it? First, stop ever thinking the repubs will do the right thing for once and vote to protect their constituents…that is not going to happen…so we need to plan how to get things done without them…and we need to get the message out of who they really are and hammer them about it every day…but not the piecemeal approach that just doesn’t work in the media environment we have…but find a damn theme and pound on that daily with a set of daily talking points so that message will get reported and repeated across all media whenever any reporter talks to a dem….and then go out and talk to people and explain why the promises the dems made during the election are not being kept…that the repubs control enough of the government and the kinda dems like manchin won’t allow the filibuster to be killed so the agenda can’t be passed…and then make it clear that the only thing that will change that is for the people to elect more dems to the senate so we never have to talk about Manchin again…so dems, get after it…show some righteous outrage for a change…there is no civility left in politics and no matter what you do you are going to be attacked by the right so you might as well get something for the attacks….

It’s treason….

Well…with every damn one of the repub senators set to vote against a commission to investigate the January 6 attack on our country, it is not hyperbole to say we are witnessing a continuation of that attack and that makes this vote treason for every repub senator that votes against the investigation. This from a party who spent two years and 8 separate investigations on Benghazi! and found nothing…while there have already been over 400 people charged in relation to the attack and I’m sure the reason they don’t want an investigation is that a large number of these same repubs were involved with the sedition….I want to know who Kevin McCarthy talked to that day and what he had to say to them…we know he talked to trump and we know that trump was happy watching the attack and now ole kevvie heads down to trumps tacky resort to kiss his ass almost daily? Look, what Nancy Pelosi needs to do is just appoint a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of it…just like Watergate or any other attack on this country and let the repubs stew about it…they are all dishonest assholes anyway and will only obstruct the investigation…so cut the repubs loose and tell them to go to hell….geez…

The only words I want to hear from the idiot trump…

Well…it appears that the idiot in chief is going to speak again today about the virus that is on pace to devestate this country…wasn’t one worst day in the history of the stock market enough for him? Every damn time this moron opens his mouth something bad happens…and he continues to lie and lie and lie about the measures that are being taken to at least find out the scope of the problem…and new reporting this morning has trump actively preventing testing from happening because the numbers would make him “look bad” and the only thing he has ever thought about in his entire life was him. Think about that for a minute…this asshole is going to kill thousands of people just because he didn’t want his fee fees or election chances hurt by truthful reporting that there were more than the “12 to 15″ cases of coronavirus that idiot boy has been lying about since the start of this crisis…hey trump voters, what are you going to think when grandma gets sick from this preventable virus just because your cult leader didn’t want to look bad? Yeah, they will think that it’s Obama’s fault because something, something….scary black guy.  Look, the only words that I want to hear coming out of the idiot in chief’s mouth today is “I resign, effective immediately”….since he is worse than useless and is actively making things worse for his own personal gain…hey senate repubs…you are all responsible for this for letting his criminal ass off with your votes in the senate…and we are going to make you pay in November…