Well…another 5 hour night and I am still a little worn out today and I am a little stiff from sleeping last night but the legs are still good from the rest day yesterday…not as good as they were last evening but I’m always a little creaky when I get up in the morning…it was nice to get the new router up and running with not much problems and now the computer starts as it’s supposed to without forcing it and it seem to be faster than the old one…but it should be with 15 years of improved technology in it…so I guess it’s worth 65 bucks…but, with paying my car insurance, I need to not spend any more money for about a month…that was over 700 bucks going out and that stings a little….I am going to get on the bike this morning and get at least one ride in today but I may just ease into getting back to two rides a day….I really want to see how the one day of rest works and if I can get by with only taking a little time off to heal….I really don’t want to go back to hobbling around like I was but that might just be unavoidable since I do want to get to the awnings this week….but, it looks like it may rain this afternoon so I might have to wait til tomorrow….would hate to have the rain ruin the finish and have to sand the whole thing down and repaint…not much to do today…need to have more coffee and think about the day a bit before I get moving but I will get something done…not sure what yet….more later….