Well…with the way he’s acting on the infrastructure bill, you would think Joe Manchin was a damn repub….just yesterday, it was reported that Manchin is a hard no on the 3.5 trillion dollar bill that would start fixing all of the neglect of the infrastructure that has happened over the past 50 years…and that bill also includes expansion of Medicare to cover vision, hearing, and dental care…so retirees, when you buy hearing aids, buy eyeglasses, or have a filling or extraction or bridge done…and you pay for it out of your pocket, you can thank Joe Manchin….and the sick thing is that he won’t even say why..even when this idiot is told that it will be paid for by raising taxes on the rich and corporations…oh, that’s why…Manchin is in the pocket of business and he has been told that he will vote against any rise in taxes on them….so, again, business screws over the working people who keep them in business because the are greedy as hell and just want to use infrastructure for free since many of them pay no taxes at all…so that means you and I are building roads and bridges for these pricks to use as they laugh and count their money. I sure hope there will be a progressive challenger to Manchin to give the people a real voice for a change…think what could be accomplished if a real dem sat in Manchin’s seat…geez…