It’s a meltdown….

Well…does it make me a bad person that I am smiling about the idiot trump’s meltdown on his failing social media platform today? I mean cripes, 60 posts before noon and most of them are Q-anon bullshit going back to 2017? There has to be some more legal crap that is going to hit the fan soon that he has been informed of as a defendant…although, he is just nuts anyway so anything can set him off….I really do wonder what kind of a life the idiot has now with the walls closing in on too many fronts to count and not having the protection of the presidency…which I thought was bullshit anyway…no one at any time should be above the law and use the office to continue to break the law like trump did and like Lindsey Graham is still doing…citing a law that his lawyers say prevent him from having to testify about his attempt to get back votes thrown out in Georgia. Yeah, I guess I’m a bad person since I’m still smiling and have added a little chuckle in there, too…geez….

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