Well…does it make me a bad person that I am smiling about the idiot trump’s meltdown on his failing social media platform today? I mean cripes, 60 posts before noon and most of them are Q-anon bullshit going back to 2017? There has to be some more legal crap that is going to hit the fan soon that he has been informed of as a defendant…although, he is just nuts anyway so anything can set him off….I really do wonder what kind of a life the idiot has now with the walls closing in on too many fronts to count and not having the protection of the presidency…which I thought was bullshit anyway…no one at any time should be above the law and use the office to continue to break the law like trump did and like Lindsey Graham is still doing…citing a law that his lawyers say prevent him from having to testify about his attempt to get back votes thrown out in Georgia. Yeah, I guess I’m a bad person since I’m still smiling and have added a little chuckle in there, too…geez….
Tag Archives: meltdown
Something’s wrong with Elon…
Well….not sure if I’ve seen another human being melt down in real time but we are seeing it right now with ole elon and it is not pretty….and every time he opens his mouth, tesla stock takes another nosedive losing almost 10% Friday…meaning that tesla has lost hundreds of billions of it’s worth since elon started to try to buy twitter and shot his mouth off that he is only going to vote for repubs from now on…and that is really no surprise since the repubs are the party of the pouty billionaires who know they won’t make them pay their fair share of taxes…I wonder how the board of tesla feels about ole elon tanking the stock price by almost 50% from it’s high? And how he is alienating the normal left leaning tesla buyer with his pronouncements that he is now full maga? How many coal rolling maga folks buy teslas? I think all of this stems from him having someone say no to him for the first time in his life and not falling to their knees and worshiping him like he is used to….and his petulant reaction to is is just like a spoiled child that lashes out when he is told no….and let’s remember, ole elon is not a self made man…he inherited hundreds of millions from his daddy who was an emerald mine owner…and remember that he bought into tesla, he didn’t invent them he just brought cash to a product that was already in progress before he showed up….if anyone cares about him, they should pull him aside and call him out on this craziness and try to put him back on at least a quiet path….it costs quite a few people lots of money as he careens around shooting his mouth off….and as much as I like to see rich assholes lose everything, I feel for the workers at telsa that are going to pay the price for elon’s maga conversion…
Just so damn dumb…
Well…along with the idiot boy’s meltdown today at a press conference with the PM of Italy…and that one was a real eye opener with the idiot in chief going off an a psychotic rant while the PM just sat there with a bemused look on his face…I just read of a meeting with house leadership and trump at the WH where he verbally attacked Nancy Pelosi, essentially telling her she loved communists and called her a “third rate politician” to her face…now, we all know that trump is one of the dumbest people on the face of the Earth, but to attack the one person who controls the impeachment process that is going to rid the country of you? That is just so damn dumb as to be pathetic…and Nancy’s comment was just delicious…”what we witnessed on the part of the president was a meltdown…” and that will goad the moron into even more psychotic behavior…people at the meeting described trump as being “genuinely pissed off” and red in the face and noted that no one could communicate with him in that state. So, repubs…you own this mess…what are going to do to fix it and make trump go away? Nothing probably…but that means you are going away in 2020….and good riddance…
Meltdown in real time….
Well…with the revelations from the Cohen sentencing whacking the idiot boy upside the head and the fact that the parent of the Enquirer has been granted immunity to tell everything they know about trump and his criminality (prosecutors now have the contents of the “trump safe” that held all the worst stuff that he Enquirer found out about trump over time), we are seen a meltdown of trump in real time today and I am not going to lie, I am loving this crap. Just today, idiot boy returned to his wall and in the span of 15 minutes said that he would shut down the government if he didn’t get funding for his wall, then Mexico was going pay for the wall in the new version of NAFTA, and then that most of the wall has already been built and has stopped 7,000 terrorists at the Mexican border. Whew…is anyone else exhausted with just hearing of idiot boy’s delusions? Look, let’s put all of this playing to his base in context…it’s all he has left…he is going to trial after his term is up in 2020…that is a fact that appears to be finally sinking in and this mornings tweets trying to minimize the severity of lawbreaking in campaign finance violations show his panic is starting to be all consuming…and the reports from inside the WH that he is a ranting hot mess further show that he is melting down in real time…man, I’d like to throw a little gas on that fire and help him along the road to ruin….although he doesn’t need any help there…impeach…
It’s meltdown day…
Well….on the anniversary of 9/11, we have another day of meltdown coming with the publishing of Woodward’s book on the idiot trump and idiot boy’s reaction to it..I found the one from yesterday just so damn laughable…the moron threatening to write his own book about his “well-oiled” administration…now, I’m pretty sure that it is ‘well-oiled” but not in the way trump thinks…more from the barrels of Jack Daniels that his staff needs to just show up to work for the orange blowhard. To think that trump has the capability to write anything longer than a tweet just shows how deep his delusions run…he can’t even read anything that is more than a couple of bullet points long before he looks out the window and yells “squirrel” to no one in particular…and then praises himself for saying it…just the bestest squirrel yelling that anyone has ever done anywhere and then he has done his two minutes of work for the day and goes back to the residence and watches fox news while he gorges on Big Macs and cookies. I suppose we should be thankful that trump has the attention span of a gnat…I guess that limits the damage he can do…but it is still terrifying…impeach…
Watch out…he’s gonna blow!
Well…just sitting here reading the news and, with all of the scandals that are quickly closing in on the idiot trump, the title of this one just popped into my head..”watch out, he’s gonna blow”. It is well reported today that idiot boy became “unglued” when Hope Hicks resigned and that was preceded by another blowup when he heard that she was talking to Mueller…and now, who does the idiot have to talk to who doesn’t think he’s a moron? More telling evidence that the pressure gauge is almost maxed out was the twitter rant he went on this morning attacking Alec Baldwin that was full of spelling errors and that was erased 10 minutes later…I guess one of the staff took his phone away for a few minutes….now, I normally don’t wish ill on anyone…I’m more of live and let live kind of person…but, with the idiot boy, I hope he goes into full meltdown mode soon…the country can’t take much more of his venality and stupidity…and I hope he takes all of the repubs with him….impeach….