An easy day turned into more..

Well…when I got up this morning and it was raining, I knew the rides were going to start indoors and it really did look like I wasn’t getting outdoors for any miles…and I even entertained the thought of only doing one ride indoors and calling it good…but the one ride turned into two inside and by the time I finished indoors, the rain had stopped and it was drying up quite quickly so I jumped on the outdoor bike to get a ride in…that ride turned into two for a total of 42 miles and my easy day turned into more…and now I only have 186 more miles to go to get to the goal of 7,100 and I should get there next week since there is no more rain in the forecast until next Friday…not sure how I feel about that…I know it’s what I have been working towards all year and have thought about for years and I know I haven’t thought past it…not sure if I need a goal to be motivated to ride but I know staying active is the greatest anti aging thing you can do and I like the way I look weighing less so I know I’ll keep it up…not sure if it will be at this pace, though, since I do feel like I’m wearing out…haven’t had a rest day this year but that is another goal to be met this year…riding every day for the year…time for weight work…

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