Well…damn, it’s after 7 and I’ve just poured my first cup of coffee and that puts me behind for the day already…need to get two rides in before F1 qualifying at 10 so I need to get going by 7:30…got a lot of miles in yesterday so I can only do two rides today and not feel too guilty about it…Michigan plays tonight so I’ll be glued to that at 7pm so another night of no Svengoolie and there are lots of races on, too, so today might be fun…going to slather my neck with voltaren before I go out in 8 minutes….and my right elbow that has been hurting so badly that it hurts to pick up my coffee cup…damn, I’m getting old…the humidity has finally dropped out here and it’s pretty comfortable here right now…it was just so wearing to have everything so damp for so long…I may even clean the bathroom today since it will dry after I wash everything…I do need to cook today with no leftovers to eat and I haven’t planned anything yet other than taking some thighs out of the freezer…should make another batch of pasta salad but that may wait til tomorrow…damn, I need to get going…more later…