March 15th

Well…damn, feel like crap this morning and I wonder it I ate enough yesterday with a bowl of soup and one chicken thigh? Sure doesn’t feel like it but we’ll see after I get a cup of coffee down…with the rain and high winds out there, I won’t be outside on the bike today…and I may only do two rides indoors today with the way I feel….don’t even want to do one so I’ll wait a bit to go down…I did get the sourdough starter ready for making a loaf of bread today but that seems like too much work right now…it was nice to get rides in outdoors yesterday but March in Michigan weather is coming in tomorrow with the high only 35 degrees with high winds so I’m not sure when I’ll get back outside…was really hoping to get 2K miles in before the end of March but that looks out of reach…need to stop with the goals this year…they are wearing me out…I may go out at 8am since it’s going to be over 50 and shorts weather and the wind is not going to be howling until a little later…we’ll see…not much to do today…just going to do the rides and get the bread dough ready to bake tomorrow…have already gotten through the last Harlan Coben book I picked up yesterday and that is a little sad…have read everything the library has so I need to find a new author to fill my time…more later…

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