Well…since the G7 summit was being held in Canada, our SoS lil Marco Rubio had to go there and the greeting he got at the airport made me laugh like hell…first, there were only two people to greet him and the red carpet was about the size of a bath mat and dropped into a puddle…and since it was being covered by Canadian media, almost all of the questions were about his idiot boss and his threats to take over Canada…after a while lil marco got a little frustrated and lashed out at the reporters…now I’m not sure if this was planned by the Canadian government but their new PM ripped on idiot boy and in no uncertain terms said his comments on Canada and the stupid trade war he started are his fault…so good, the rest of the world is starting to treat the moron in chief with the contempt he deserves…oh, and Portugal just cancelled an order for a bunch of F-35s they were going to buy…geez…