Pretty easy today…

Well…I did get two outdoor rides in today and the turkey was being exceptionally weird on the road up to the beach…when I got there, Stupid the turkey was chasing cars at full speed down the road gobbling loud enough that I could hear it over my, of course, I gobbled right back at him and he stopped dead, turned around, and started to follow me up the trail…weird as heck…man the wind has been blowing like crazy out here all day today and I’m glad I went out early but it was still blowing almost 20 when I was out there but now it’s blowing 25-30 and gusting to 40…I really shouldn’t be surprised at that after living out here for 4 years…I did get the dough for another loaf of sourdough bread mixed up using the new batch of starter I made yesterday and it is now in the fridge doing it’s cold fermentation so I can bake it tomorrow morning and have some with the soup I’m having for lunch and dinner tomorrow…probably need to do some meal planning tomorrow, too and get some stuff out of the freezer…the temp is going to start crashing here in a couple of hours and tomorrow’s high is only going to be 35 so I’ll be indoors for the rides…but it will be warm enough to outdoors for most of the week but I’ll have to be in part thermasuit…okay, need to do some reading…

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