Well…just have to comment on the new flap over the refusal of ole Mitt to release his tax returns…and you and I know why that is…I’m sure they are going to show that this person who has over 250 million dollars is not paying his fair share of taxes like the rest of us. You can see that this will be the case if they are ever released since much of his holdings are in tax havens like the Cayman Islands where his rate will be around 15%…when was the last time you paid only 15% in taxes on your wages? Never is the answer…and that is the problem with people like ole Mitt…the rich are treated differently in this country and it is just that sense of entitlement that is rife in the 1%’ers that is shown in his campaign…he has felt since he was little that he was owed a Harvard education, that it was his birthright to have whatever elected office he chooses….that’s elitism at it’s worst. geez….