Well…if you were here a few days back, you heard me make the assertion that one of the reasons that ole Mitt wasn’t releasing his tax returns was that it was going to reveal a dirty little secret of those whose income is derived from investment; not from wages….that those who live off securities and investment income only pay about 15% of their income in taxes…and that is exactly what happened today when ole Mitt’s campaign revealed just that. Now, I don’t know about you, but I just don’t think it’s right or fair that the 1% can buy tax laws that allow them to avoid paying their fair share while the rest of us pay 25% or more..even in my case, where I am living on savings from my lifetime of work and I pay more than the multi-millionaire Mitt…c’mon Mitt…let’s see the pretzel you are going to twist yourself into trying to justify these facts….I hope you can now understand why the 99% is so pissed off…geez…