Well….I think the transformation of ole Mitt into Obama is complete today with his “major” foreign policy speech where he was going to lay out his “better way” on foreign policy…the only problem with that is he basically just restated Obama’s policies and called them his own and new. When is this country going to wake up to the fact that this guy is just the worst sort of panderer who has no core, no beliefs of his own and start to really listen to what this idiot is saying? First he says tax cuts for the rich and then no tax cuts for the rich…what is he going to do if he is elected? You know it will be all tax cuts, all the time and more wars that the neocons that are running his foreign policy want…especially with Iran. I for one, have had enough of the rehabilitation of the neocons that got us into the two wars the repubs didn’t pay for giving us the ballooning debt we have now… wake up, people…geez…