Well…have been reading a bunch today and this thought came to me given the way that ole Mitt is acting in this last week of election season: “shouldn’t being delusional disqualify any candidate for the presidency?” After all, you have ole Mitt out on his “Victory Tour” over the weekend and to hear people within his campaign, Mitt truly believes that he is going to win in a landslide…never mind that all of the swing state polls have Obama ahead and the trend is moving toward him…and you have ole Mitt blaming the dysfunction in the congress on Obama as well…conveniently forgetting that it was his party that made it their life’s work to make sure Obama was not successful…and conveniently forgetting that in Mass he vetoed over 800 bills that were put up by the dem controlled legislature and they were all overridden…so this just goes to the ultimate delusion that ole Mitt has…that he has been successful in anything other than destroying peoples lives…getting set up in business by daddies friends is not a success…lying, lying, and lying is not a success…and losing this election is not a success…okay, it is to me when he loses…