Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Trump inspired killings…

Well…with trump’s daily spewing of hatred towards Muslims, it was only a matter of time before one of his followers again committed violence against “middle eastern looking” people…as happened in Quebec, one of his followers internalized that daily hate and acted on it, shooting two men in a bar in Kansas after shouting “get out of my country”…killing one of them. After this added incident of right wing hate, what was trump’s response? I’ll bet you can hear the crickets…not damn thing…but one thing I do know is that there will be more hate spewing from this cesspool of an administration…when does it all end?

Watergate, watergate, watergate….

Well…only thirty days in and the trump administration is breaking the law just as much as Nixon did…or even more…the latest revelation is that the wh chief of staff leaned on the FBI to have them say that there is nothing to the investigation into trumps ties to Russian intelligence…essentially trying to quash the investigation and use the FBI as another propaganda arm of the administration, just like Fox news. Now, I have no trust in the FBI and Comey, but at least this time they told the wh to kiss off and stop trying to meddle in an ongoing investigation….the thing here is that one of the articles of impeachment that was levied against Nixon was that he tried to get the FBI to drop the investigation of Watergate and that is obstruction of justice…see any parallels? Okay Jason Chaffetz…is THIS enough for you to get an investigation going? No…I didn’t think so you partisan hack….geez….

Jack booted thugs….

Well…the only way to describe what is going on in this country with immigration is to highlight the immorality of it all…these supposed “christians” who elected the fraud who is in the white house has unleashed his jack booted thugs on people whose only crimes were wanting a better life and coming here to do the jobs that no one else will do. The idiot trump thinks that deporting 11 million people will mean that there will be 11 million more jobs for “real Americans”, but he is so ignorant that he doesn’t realize that the same thing was tried in Alabama a few years back….and the only result was that 60% of the crops there rotted in the fields and a lot of farmers went broke. The idiot was on tv today saying that his deportation force was ridding the country of “bad dudes”, drug dealers, and gang members…but, as we all know, trump lies all the time and the truth is that many of the people their dragnet has rounded up are just people trying to get a better life by coming here…like the woman who was hospitalized for treatment for a brain tumor and the jack booted thugs of the ICE came into her hospital room, shackled her and took her to a detention center…where she was cut off from her doctors and lawyers….I think trump should be sued by these detainees under the 14th amendment that states that due process is available to everyone in the US, not just citizens…and that can’t happen too soon….

Don’t screw with the intelligence community…

Well…I hope the rank amatuers in the white house continue their feud with the intelligence community as long as it takes to goad them into revealing all that they have on trump and his minions….just last week, after trump tweeted his contempt for them, magically, stories appeared throughout the media that tied the trump campaign to the Russians and detailed the contacts that multiple people from the campaign had with Russian intelligence….and I find it sick that a so-called president of the US has a better relationship with Russian intelligence agencies than he does with American ones….there was one telling comment from an intelligence source that said that trump can only look forward to spending the rest of his life in jail knowing what he knows about the lawbreaking done by the trump campaign….keep it up, trump…can’t wait to see you doing the perp walk in handcuffs….

Poor little snowflakes…

Well…the idiots on the right are raising up with indignation that the sane of us are not going along with their racist, ignorant destruction of this country….and are crying daily that we are not letting trump do his job…hey, I got news for you, snowflakes, it’s better for you if trump doesn’t do his job…if he does, there goes your social security, your medicare, your health insurance through the ACA, your clean air and water and your country’s standing in the world….but, I guess none of this really means anything to you…you just want the ability to be openly ignorant racists again and that is what trump gives you…but, if you think we’ll take this ruining of our country lying down, you are even crazier than you sound…and you can whine about us not “shutting up and letting trump do his job” just remember what you and your ilk did for 8 years under Obama…the birtherism, the overt racism, and the obstruction you people showed for 8 years is shutting up and letting the president do his job? Keep whining, snowflakes….we’re going to keep up the pressure until you and your troglodyte ideas are discarded to the dustbin of history…

I just noticed….

Well….I just noticed that I have broken the record for posts in a month but I don’t think that is enough…I am going to shoot for a hundred for the month and that means I need to get going…and there may even be a couple of fillers…who knows? One thing that I notice when I watch the travel shows is the huge difference in how inviting the people of other countries are…and I do understand that these are just shows and the reality could be different, but with all of the hateful rhetoric and actions coming out of trump and his supporters, it makes us here in the US looks like a bunch of small minded, unwelcoming fools that seem to have forgotten that the people that trump is demonizing are still people….that just want to live and get away from the perpetual war that we had a hand in starting. And that hate is now being institutionalized by the idiots that trump has surrounded himself with and by trump himself…when asked if he rejects the hate and threats that have been on the rise against Jewish people and organizations here…trump couldn’t even do that simple thing since he is just like the idiots who surround him…full of hate and racism…just like his followers….that is not the rest of us here in the US….but we are being tarred with that ugly brush…and we don’t like it….

Where’s the outrage?

Well…just catching up on some reading and found a little bit of news that should spark some outrage…outrage I tell you….in the one month on the job for the idiot trump, he has spent more on travel than Obama did in his first YEAR…so, repubs…the supposed party of fiscal responsibility, where is the outrage…especially since trump harped so much on Obama’s outrageous expenditures on travel? No outrage, of course, it’s perfectly fine for repubs to spend like drunken sailors and then come up with a budget that cuts every program for their voters….but, they’ll never wise up since trump “speaks the truth”…yeah, right…..geez…

Republicans, what does it take?

Well…I am getting scandal overload and yet the repubs don’t see anything that the idiot trump does is wrong….so maybe this will push them over the top…Politico just revealed that they have recordings of trump selling off access to sit in on interviews with his potential cabinet secretaries….read that one again…trump is lining his pockets by trashing our democracy…why am I not surprised? This venal asshole would probably rent out the white house if he could get away with it…..what does it take, repubs, for you to do something? Jason Chaffetz, I’m talking to you….

Drip, drip, drip….

Well…no matter how much bluster and lies ole trump and his minions put out, there is some there, there, when it comes to the investigations of his collusion with the Russians. We found out the other day that the FBI alone has three investigations going on into how trump helped the Russians throw the election to him….and as an indicator of how much is already known, when the FBI briefed the senate intelligence committee on what they know, the senators were described as being “stone faced and white” when leaving the briefing. As a result of that briefing, the intelligence committee has issued orders that all of the organizations investigating trumps treason save every piece of paper and every file that has anything to do with the investigation….and that sounds like the intelligence committee is getting ready to do their own investigation. So, the drip, drip, drip of this treasonous scandal is turning into a torrent…better get your water wings trumpie…you’re going to need them quite soon….

Trump’s press conference?

Well….not sure if you watched the “press conference” that trump gave yesterday…I didn’t just because I refuse to listen to that idiot…but, the reviews are in and they range from the worst bad acid trip you’ve ever been on to that idiot is certifiably crazy. The shockwaves from it are resonating across the world…and the big question that keeps being asked is “how could America have elected this mentally ill person?” The answer to that is we didn’t…3,2 million more of us voted for Hillary but with the vote rigging that the repubs did, they stole the election and installed this idiot….and the idiots that work for him. I think the delusion runs all the way through the right since the comments from fox news and every other right wing rag is that trump hit it out of the park and put “the media” in it’s place….the right seems to be living in a shared delusion and they are sucking the rest of normals along with them…..