Tag Archives: republicans

Ebola and the republicans…

Well…now that there have been a few cases of Ebola here in the US, the repubs are screaming their heads off the government should be doing more to combat it and it is all Obama’s fault, etc. etc…..but, the real problem has been revealed by the head of the NIH in an interview this week. The NIH has been working on a vaccine for years now, and for other treatments for people who have already contacted the disease but, since the repubs don’t think government can or should do anything, they cut the budget for the NIH and other health programs to give tax cuts to the rich and corporations, saying that the private sector is the better place for this kind of research to happen. But, what these idiots don’t understand is that the private sector won’t do anything that doesn’t make them huge profits…but, since Ebola is not a disease that will affect millions, and it mostly happens in poor African countries, there is no profit so there is no research. So, if there is a huge outbreak here in the US, go and thank a repub…their budget cuts have put the vaccine more than two years out and that means they are responsible for any deaths that happen…this is the real world face of repub austerity and tax cuts…what a bunch of asses…geez…

Fear, fear, and more fear…

Well…I have been marveling over all of the tough guy repubs who are shaking in fear with the worst threat to the US in the history of the world…in case you didn’t catch it, that was sarcasm…and I sit here and wonder what these guys are smoking or drinking, or are they just the biggest bunch of chickens that have ever lived in this country? The latest is the state hopper candidate from fear (R) Scott Brown who came out today and said that Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat the US has ever faced and that Obama is not doing enough about it…let me get this straight, ISIS is a greater threat than Nazi Germany? ISIS is a greater threat than the Japanese empire? ISIS is a greater threat than the Soviet Union in the cold war with it’s 40,000 nuclear warheads? It has gotten almost comical when another of these supposedly tougher than Democrats repubs just about craps his pants and screams the sky is falling whenever a new terror organization kills a few people….but, you know this is their playbook to win elections…fear, fear, and more fear…it’s all they have left…geez…

A little surprising..but, not really…

Well…just a short one to comment on an article that I just read online that was a little surprising…but, not really given the climate for workers in the US. When they did a study of the money cost of crime in the US, robberies and burglaries cost approximately 300 million dollars when totaled together, but, when a study of wage theft by business was done, it was found that wage theft here in the US is in the multiple billions of dollars every year. Yep…the cheats in business who are held up as the “job creators” and paragons of the US economy are the ones that have figured out it doesn’t take a gun or burglary tools to steal…they just have to cheat their workers with little or no chance of ever going to jail for it. What a load of crap..I wonder how many of these guys are repubs? I’d bet a large majority of them…geez…

Dick Cheney is an expert?

Well…just read an article that just floored me and made it ever so clear that the repubs are the most stupid people on the face of the Earth…with all of what is going on in the mideast, caused by the repubs and their lies that broke Iraq, the congressional repubs invite the architect of that disaster back to give “advice” on what to do there. Yep, ole Dick Cheney, the person that has been wrong about everything he ever talked about was brought back to talk to these other morons today and with predictable results….his advice? More military spending and more intervention…more bombs, more killing, more torture…more of everything that screwed up the mideast on his watch….there has to be someone on the right that can see that this idiot is a failure and should be spending the rest of his life behind bars, not behind closed doors trying to screw the country and make more profit for his war monger buddies…geez…

The facts are in…and have been…

Well…I was going to update on the trip out to the beach today but ran across some facts on tax cuts that are given to business to bribe them to stay in a state, or to move to a state…or, like ole Snyder and his cronies did here in Michigan, just give them tax cuts just because they BELIEVE they work…never to just give more money to their donors in the never ending grift that is the repub party these days. In case you missed it that last part was snark. These two studies, one done in 2004, and another done in 2012 both came to the same conclusion, that tax cuts do nothing to create jobs and also do nothing to grow the economy in the states where this corporate welfare is doled out. So, how do they defend the continued tax cuts that decimate cities and states across the country? They have even given up that pretense…since we know that the repubs are not fact based they don’t care what the facts are…just like they knew there were WMD in Iraq and that torture is the only thing that saved the country from terrorists they just KNOW that tax cuts for business work and no amount to studies or facts can make them reconsider that belief…after all, when they are finally out of office, they want to be able to slop at the trough of free money that tax cuts for business are…geez…

Still cheating…

Well…yeah, I know, not much of substance for the past week or so but I have an excuse…no I don’t….just haven’t been motivated to try to make sense of the craziness in this country….on the right, that is…we on the left are marveling about the new depths of crazy that the right shows everyday and wonder how some of these folks even live in the world…they are so scared all  the time…scared of the bogeyman coming to get them so they have to carry guns everywhere…scared of children coming across the border so they have to threaten them and the states that have agreed to take them…and really, really scared that their white world is coming to an end….I just don’t see it that way…maybe I’m naive but with a little cooperation this country could be much better…oh, that won’t ever happen…geez…

People are just stupid…

Well…I have been subjected to many of the inane political ads that are being aired while working out and one thing really strikes me…people must really be stupid to believe any of those from the right….the latest one I saw was against Mark Schauer who is running for governor…which had the woman holding a squirming baby going on and on about how Schauer raised taxes 10 million times as a legislator and blah, blah, blah….here, in a state with crumbling roads, failing schools, and cities in deficit they’re talking about that? In a state that ranked 37th in job creation they’re talking about that? When most of the fiscal problems in the state are caused by the failed policies of tax cuts for the rich and business, they want more tax cuts? I’d gladly pay more taxes if it would go to fixing the roads or taking care of people instead of straight into the pockets of CEOs whose companies got huge tax cuts…that is patriotism, to fund the society as those before me have done…but, not in republican minds…geez…

Another difference between them and us….

Well…with the refugee crisis that is occurring on our southern border where thousands of children fleeing almost certain death have crossed into the US, we can see another huge difference between the right and us….the right replied to the crisis by protesting and howling that these kids should be sent back to where they came from not caring that most of them will die if that happens and mistakenly picketing YMCA buses trying to prevent them from getting the care they need…all the while snarling that it’s not our responsibility to do anything for them…so, what was the response of us on the left to these children? Outpouring of aid and comfort and howling at the government for the appalling conditions these kids are being held in…a young Democrat group putting together a way through facebook to donate clothing and other necessities….once the word got out on Kos that we could help…Kos started it out with donating over 300 dollars and then the community kicked in with thousands more….and that continues now with hundreds of us doing our part to help these scared kids….so, we have the “christians” on the right ready to send them back to be killed while the atheists on the left see the problem as a humanitarian one and organize a way to help….that is just another difference between them and us…they profess to be caring christians but they’re not and they tar us as being godless socialists and we’re the ones that are looking for solutions that will save the lives of these kids….what kind of a person would allow kids to die for ideology? Geez….

This explains a lot…

Well…read an interesting study yesterday that compared how children raised in religious homes fared against those raised in secular homes in the necessary skill of discerning fantasy from reality….and the results explained a lot to me when they found that those raised in the strictest homes that teach their children that the bible is the word of god had a huge problem telling what is real and what isn’t since they are taught that that myth is truth….and, that explains why the religious adults on the right so happily believe the conspiracy theories and the lies that are spewed at them every day from the right wing media. I think this is the worst kind of child abuse that is covered by religion..who in their right mind would doom their child to a life without this critical thinking skill? Oh, that’s right, they don’t care about that…faith is all it takes for them in politics and economics…even when that faith is proven wrong on so many fronts…geez…

The border crisis…

Well…I have been watching the right go frickin crazy over the influx of children fleeing the violence in central America and all I can do is shake my head at the actions of these supposed christians who have been trying to find the busloads of the kids so they can terrorize them. This is just what it is, too, terrorism…when they mistake a busload of kids that were going to a YMCA camp for immigrants and start shouting at them and trying to stop the bus…what do you think those kids felt?  This is what the right has devolved into….blind rage and hatred for anyone who is not like them…and this whole thing started with a black guy getting elected and the right just knowing that it couldn’t have been legal, after all, they and no one they knew voted for him so the election must have been rigged. Now, they are trying to add the administrations humanitarian aid for these refugee kids to the long list of fake reasons they think Obama should be impeached….for not following the law, or in this instance for following a law signed by ole GW that is preventing Obama from immediately deporting them…my head spins just reading about this nonsense…geez…