Category Archives: Politics

Can’t pardon state charges…

Well…as predictable as the sun rising, the idiot trump is already talking about pardoning Paul Manafort for the 8 felonies he was convicted of just Tuesday….you have to remember that traditionally the presidential pardon power has been used to right a wrong or to help someone who is really sorry for what they’ve done and additional punishment would not be the right thing to happen…but, as we can see with trump’s pardons so far, the power is being misused to reward trump’s buddies who broke the law and still proclaim their innocence, as if the law doesn’t apply to them. So, it was with more than a little smile on my face that I read that Mueller has been working with some state AG’s on a contingency plan to have Manafort tried in state courts that are beyond the reach of trump…and, I’m sure this contingency has been considered for everyone else that is under investigation in the trump/Russia conspiracy case. So, idiot boy, go ahead and pardon everyone that is part of your elections stealing scheme…it will just be more evidence of your obstruction and it will make it far easier to put you in jail…impeach…


Well…have been getting some news on the Manafort trial jurors and the reasons that they couldn’t agree on a verdict on ten of the counts against him…it is a little sick that just one MAGA trump lover kept the rest of the jurors from doing their jobs and convicting on all counts…the hours of voting in the jury room and more hours of the rest of the jurors patiently showing this holdout why they were voting to convict;…but this one trump loving juror kept parroting what trump said before the trial started that the only reason that Manafort was on trial was to get to trump and that the whole trial was not “fair”….now this is what trump’s constant bleating about witch hunts and bias in the justice department has gotten us…a poisoned jury pool who puts trump above the law and refuses to convict when the evidence is clear that Manafort was guilty on all counts. With this knowledge, I think Manfort should be re-tried on the counts that were declared mistrials…and the feds need to do a better job of jury selection…if the jurors watch fox news, they should be booted….impeach….

Now two felonies is not enough?

Well…let’s think back to the Obama administration for just a few minutes and remember how incensed the repubs were when he wore a tan suit, even taking to the floor of the house to complain how he demeaned the office of the presidency by wearing it. Now that we have a felon in the WH, I wonder what their response will be. Ha, ha, that actually sounds like a joke since we know that not one damn repub will say anything….and just this morning, the idiot trump was adding to his obstruction of justice charges with his effuse praising of Paul Manafort which is little more than a veiled promise that trump will take care of him if he continues to “be strong” and not cooperate with Mueller. This reminds me so much of “Goodfellas” when the criminals were promised that they would be “taken care of” if they kept their mouths shut and did their time without being a “rat”. Trump even used the term “rat” when he was talking about Michael Cohen who implicated trump in two felonies…I wonder if all the time that trump spent with American and Russian mobsters has him talking and acting like he thinks he’s a mob boss instead of the president? Two felonies should be enough to make this stain on our country go away…how about it, repubs? Impeach….

Manafort, Cohen, and trump..oh my…

Well…cripes how many more of trump’s inner circle are going to have to go to jail before the repubs will impeach the son of a bitch? Manafort was found guilty of 8 felonies but the big thing that happened was that Michael Cohen threw the idiot trump under the bus when he told the court that trump conspired with him to break campaign finance laws…a felony and is an unindicted co-conspirator…and guess who the only other one of those there ever was? Yep, Nixon during Watergate….drip, drip, drip….trump’s going to jail…and that is more certain after today…I’m a little giddy that this has all come out…impeach…

Let me get this straight….

Well….with the news from this afternoon that Michael Cohen is going to plead guilty to multiple counts, and that is happening right now, the one that interests me is the campaign finance charge that he is pleading to….I’m pretty sure that is connected to all of the women that trump paid off in 2016…so, if Cohen is pleading guilty to carrying out the violations, I would guess that the person that ordered the payments would be guilty, too….and I wonder who that would be? Yeah, you know it’s the idiot trump….there is going to be an epic meltdown later today when idiot boy holds a “rally” in coal country where the idiot is celebrating new rules for coal plants that will allow them to spew 20 times more pollution into the air than they could under Obama’s rules and it will lead to almost 2,000 more Americans dying every year from it…but, I guess murdering 2,000 Americans is okay to trump and his cronies so they can give more profit to the 1%…after all, we are all expendable to them….impeach…

Waiting, waiting…

Well…another day, another fiasco of trying to find a doctor and I am getting more and more disappointed with the entire process…but, that’s not what this is about…the waiting is for the Manafort verdict that may be released this aft if the jury can work through the one count of 18 that they can’t agree on…so, is it good news that they have agreed on 17 counts or is it more ominous? With what I saw from the trial, there is no way they can acquit on the tax evasion or bank fraud charges but who knows about the rest of them? We are also waiting for more details in the Michael Cohen case where it has been reported that Cohen is working on a plea deal and will then testify against the idiot trump….after all, Cohen was in on every shady deal and all of the money laundering that trump was involved in over the past ten years….man, I’ll admit I’m a little excited for news this afternoon since trump was involved in exactly the same crime methods as Manafort…and let’s not forget that trump was broke and couldn’t get a loan in the US and the Russians rescued him from another probably bankruptcy….my big bitch is that trump has been doing this crap for his entire career and no one in the justice department did a damn thing to hold him responsible for his crimes until now…hammer time is coming…impeach…

Are all repubs morons?

Well…you know, every time I hear a repub talk one question pops into my head: “are all repubs morons?” Just over the weekend, the majority leader of the house, Kevin McCarthy, went off on a rant that twitter is censoring conservatives and he was going to haul the ceo in to testify before the house and explain why…only one little problem with that….the moron doesn’t understand how to use the settings on twitter and had them set to the under 18 setting which filters most political speech out since it can get pretty nasty. Even when it was explained to him by tens of thousands of twitter users, ole Kevin didn’t respond or change the filters…but just kept on with what I guess is this weeks talking point that the mean liberal social media sites are “censoring” conservatives and is still saying he wants to have the ceo’s of all of the social media companies come in and explain themselves…maybe one of those people will be able to explain to the idiot Kevin how to use the sites…he’s obviously not too bright so that may be a stretch….

Trump doesn’t understand anything…

Well…over the past 18 months, we’ve all seen that the idiot trump really doesn’t understand how anything works…and this was on display, again for the umpteeth time, when he found out that the WH lawyer, Don McGahn, has been talking to Mueller for over 30 hours during the past few months…and talking about all of the meetings he has been in with trump when trump was plotting all of his obstruction. The thing is that trump really thinks that McGahn is one of his lawyers…he just doesn’t understand that McGahn’s job is to represent the office of the presidency…not the idiot president. So, everything that idiot boy has done or said over the past 18 months is in Mueller’s hands and now we can understand the trump twitter meltdown over the weekend…and idiot boy tried to say that he “approved” McGahn’s talking to Mueller…as if he had anything to say about it. One little thing you need to remember is that McGahn has stated that he talked to Mueller to make sure he wouldn’t be the scapegoat and get blamed for trump’s criminality….I wonder how long trump is going to let McGahn stay in the WH after this? If I was McGahn, I’d be turning in my credentials today and running as fast as I could away from that dumpster fire…impeach…

The orange idiot doesn’t get his parade…

Well….I am laughing my ass off with all of the backpedaling the orange idiot is doing about his stupid military parade getting “rescheduled”….in military speak that means cancelled. For once the news media was all over this bit of idiocy, highlighting that, just to keep the thin skinned moron happy, the US was going to spend almost 100 million dollars and basically shut down DC for a day….all this for a five deferment draft dodger whose “bone spurs” magically healed after they stopped drafting people for Vietnam. Of course, idiot boy tried to blame the postponement on the AA mayor of DC, saying that she was overcharging him and wouldn’t be taken advantage of….just another racist slur from the racist in chief that shouldn’t surprise anyone….the funniest part is that after the military “postponed” the event, trump lied like trump does and said he cancelled it, acting just like the child that he is…when are you going to do something about this danger to the country, repubs? impeach….

Why should DC have to pay?

Well…just reading of the cost of police protection in DC over the weekend for the Nazi rally and my first thought was “why does DC have to pay for this?” The city spent 1.8 million dollars to protect the 18 Nazis who showed up and to attack the protesters who were there to show their disgust with these idiots. That’s theĀ  sick point here…that after the Nazis left, the police then attacked the protesters with tear gas and clubs when they were doing nothing but holding up signs and chanting….this shows you where the sympathies of the police lie and should open everyone’s eyes to the fact that many, many police are white supremacists, too, and should be rooted out and fired….I think DC should send a bill to those 19 Nazis for the 1.8 million…oh, but they can’t pay it…the organizers of the “rally” are currently living their parent’s basements…losers all….