Well…even with the despair that most of the country feels as trump and his criminal cronies get away with committing crimes every day, there are small bits of news that offer some hope that our institutions are going to strike back with the rule of law….and that happened Monday when a federal court judge ruled that yes, Don McGahn has to testify in the impeachment investigation (or this one is from the Mueller investigation) and the judge went on to say that no one is above the law or a king who can just do whatever the hell he wants…and the opinion went on for 120 pages where the judge tried to teach trump and his cronies what the constitution says about the separation of powers and that the legislative branch is well within it’s rights described in the constitution to conduct oversight of the executive branch. But, that little hope is tempered by the fact that trump and his enablers have put so many shitty judges on the bench that most of them don’t even know what the constitution says and those folks are the ones who will be deciding the case when the inevitable appeal hits the courts…and, of course, with Kavanaugh on the supreme court, trump really could shoot someone on 5th avenue and he and the rest of the conservatives would say that it’s just perfectly fine and a president can do anything without consequence. So, where does that leave us? We need to vote, vote, vote to throw these criminals out in 2020 and then our task will be to restore the rule of law and codify that yes, a sitting president can be indicted if there is evidence of a crime…just like anyone else….
Tag Archives: Don McGahn
The crap is going to hit the fan…
Well…with all of the stonewalling by the trump crime family that includes Bill Barr, the crap is going to hit the fan this morning with contempt of congress citations for Bill Barr and Don McGahn being presented to congress for a vote scheduled for tomorrow for their refusal to comply with legal subpoenas to turn over the unredacted Mueller report in Barr’s case, and to show up for testimony in McGahn’s case. With a change to rules that happened last week, the chairman, Jerry Nadler, can then go straight to the courts to force them to follow the law and may even knock down the rest of of the cases of stonewalling that trump and his cronies were hoping would delay the inevitable compliance with the House’s legal right to those people and that information. Oh…I get it now…that’s what the whole Mexican tariff thing was about…to distract from what is going to be a huge loss to trump this week and he was trying to crowd it out of the news cycle…what a predictable, sorry excuse for a human….impeach…
Trump doesn’t understand anything…
Well…over the past 18 months, we’ve all seen that the idiot trump really doesn’t understand how anything works…and this was on display, again for the umpteeth time, when he found out that the WH lawyer, Don McGahn, has been talking to Mueller for over 30 hours during the past few months…and talking about all of the meetings he has been in with trump when trump was plotting all of his obstruction. The thing is that trump really thinks that McGahn is one of his lawyers…he just doesn’t understand that McGahn’s job is to represent the office of the presidency…not the idiot president. So, everything that idiot boy has done or said over the past 18 months is in Mueller’s hands and now we can understand the trump twitter meltdown over the weekend…and idiot boy tried to say that he “approved” McGahn’s talking to Mueller…as if he had anything to say about it. One little thing you need to remember is that McGahn has stated that he talked to Mueller to make sure he wouldn’t be the scapegoat and get blamed for trump’s criminality….I wonder how long trump is going to let McGahn stay in the WH after this? If I was McGahn, I’d be turning in my credentials today and running as fast as I could away from that dumpster fire…impeach…