Tag Archives: Dementia Donald Trump

trump stands alone…

Well…wow, I’ve never seen so much shoe leather smoking as I have over the past couple of days as countries across the world backed away from the idiot trump as fast as they can after he ordered the murder of Soleimani without consulting or even notifying any of our allies, what few of them are left. Even Bibi Netenyahu, who has never seen a murder he didn’t love, held his hands up and shouted that Israel had nothing do do with any of it…and even after trump’s cronies tried to pressure Europe and the UK after the fact to support their stupidity, no one would even hedge a little, basically leaving trump and his cronies to stand alone in the world…how’s that for making America great again? Over the past three years trump has taken our stature in the world from the top to the bottom with his stupidity, ignorance and bullying and I wonder how long it is going to take to repair that after he is in jail somewhere? The biggest fallout so far from this deranged infatuation with Iran is that it has left a power vacuum in the middle east that Russia and China were more than happy to exploit since they have adults that actually know something running their foreign policy…and I wonder what Putin is thinking? He invests a few million dollars installing the idiot and his cronies and has gotten everything he wanted and more…now, the world trusts frickin Russia and Putin more than they trust the US and we are the ones who are now the most dangerous country in the world according to new polling that is out in the past couple of weeks. So now, repubs…you have destroyed everything you used to stand for and are letting the moron continue to do it every day…how the hell do you live with yourselves?

I guess regular crimes are not enough….

Well…with it well proven that the idiot trump has committed many, many, many crimes throughout his lifetime culminating in his extortion and bribery of the president of Ukraine, I guess he’s getting tired of doing just regular old crimes and has now started to explore the possibility of committing war crimes in Iran. After his unlawful murder of the Iranian general, he tweeted up a storm about the attacks he will order if Iran retaliates at all…and those include murdering civilians and destroying Iranian cultural sites…but there is just one teensy tiny little problem with that…either of those attacks is considered a war crime by both US law and by treaties that the US has signed…but, that didn’t matter to ole GW so I guess trump feels he can get away with it, too. The only problem with that is if idiot boy travels outside the US after he is out of office since it is the duty of any country who is a signatory to the treaties to arrest and transport to the Hague for trial any war criminal who is on their soil…and the UK is one of those so no more trump golf there…did you ever wonder why neither Cheney or GW ever travel outside the country? That’s the reason…they committed war crimes by ordering the torture of prisoners and they will end up in a cell in the Hague if they do….this is the big problem that Obama created by not prosecuting GW and his cronies for the multiple felonies they committed when in office…now every repub crook thinks they are immune from any law since GW got away with it…

Did they ever meet the idiot boy?

Well…with reporting coming out of the Pentagon that the idiot trump was presented with a “menu” of ways to attack Iran for reasons unknown, and that killing Soleimani was the most extreme action that was just thrown in to make the other choices look reasonable…I have a question for these idiots: “have you ever met idiot boy?” With his fan boy love of dictators and murderers from the time he was involved with the mob in NYC, it has always been clear that he has always been really pissed that he couldn’t just do what the mob bosses did and just make people giving him problems  “go away”. So now they give him the chance to murder someone and they are surprised that he took it? Giving the idiot that choice is like giving a monkey a gun and then just hoping nothing bad happens….but knowing it would and doing it anyway. And, what the hell is it with a “menu” of ways to attack Iran? Did trump say “I’ll take an order of murder and two orders of drone strikes please?” Just having to present anything this complex to the idiot in the form of a “menu” shows that he is not competent to do his job and should be removed….and I’m sure idiot boy is walking around his golf club with his chest puffed out with his cronies telling him what a wonderful tough guy he is…and that is just sickening…and I know how trump is taking this whole thing….in his mind, he is thinking “why did I get impeached for extortion when it’s okay for me to murder someone? It’s not fair…” Oh, and Iraq’s parliament just voted to throw the rest of the US troops out of the country because of this murder….nice job, morons…

Lies and more lies…

Well…they open their mouths and they lie, they lie and lie and lie…and on Iran and their justification for murdering Iran’s top army minister they lie…reporters who have seen the evidence that trump and his stupid cronies used to justify murder all came from Saudi Arabia and it has been described by multiple reporters as “razor thin” and in no way says that a “major” attack was imminent….hey, you remember the last time the repubs lied us into war? Yep, they are doing it again and instead of Russia being the beneficiary, this time Saudi Arabia gets to see one of their chief rivals attacked and they have to do nothing more than feed the morons and trump and then sit back and see their stupidity in action. We know that this murder was done without proof by the reaction of the Pentagon folks who we asked by reporters why now? Why did they murder this general when the three previous administrations had the opportunity but declined to do it since they knew it would push the middle east into war with unknown consequences for everyone?All the spokesmen did was bluster, get pissed off and cut the press conference short…if there was such justification, why wouldn’t they make their case unless they couldn’t? Since all these people do is lie, we can all assume that every justification they say is a lie and now we are left to wonder…is this trading lives for trump’s reelection chances? He’s done it before…

Now we know why Deutsche Bank lent money to trump…

Well…didn’t we all know that this was going to come out sooner or later? As no bank in the US would lend to the idiot trump after his multiple bankruptcies and stiffing of creditors over a decade, for some reason, Deutsche bank stepped in to bail trump out for hundreds of millions of dollars and no one could figure out why…but, now we know…the loans were being guaranteed by a sanctioned Russian bank, VTB, that no American was legally supposed to deal with…and by extension the loans were backed by Putin since VTB is supported by the Russian government and does the bidding of the government. So, Deustche had no liability at all but were just a conduit to get illegal money to trump and bore no risk if idiot boy defaulted….and gee, do you see anything wrong with the head of an enemy government having hundreds of millions of dollars of leverage over our useful idiot president? But that’s not all of it…this money that came from VTB was laundered through inflated real estate purchases at trump’s buildings…the same thing that Manafort went to jail for and something that trump would need to keep quiet…and we can see that Putin pressured  trump with this fact with all of his ass kissing to Putin…now, I want to know what prosecutor is going to run with this one? Reports have the SDNY looking into this but it appears that they are going to let Deutsche off with just another in the billions of dollars of fines they have paid for being the biggest money laundering bank in the world….where are the criminal charges? Trump knew about what was going on and approved it so why is he not being charged? I hope that the prosecutors are just waiting for him to be out of office and then drop this on him like a ton of bricks….no one is above the law…or should be…

So now, trump just murders people…

Well…just when you thought that trump and his cronies couldn’t get any dumber….yesterday idiot boy ordered our military to murder the head of Iran’s army…and with that have set the middle east on fire no matter what they lie and say that this murder has made the middle east “safer”….but, if it is safer, why did the idiot Pompeo just tell all Americans in Iraq to run to the exits and get out right now? Look, this is just another example of the lawlessness that is rampant in this administration….not even bothering to inform the congress that has the only power to wage war…not the executive branch, not some liar of a president who is doing this for only one reason…to distract from the fact that he has been impeached and to give Moscow Mitch an excuse to go in front of the cameras and gravely say that impeachment should be put on hold in a time of war…see how convenient that is? All trump had to do was start a war and he is free and clear from the consequences of his criminality by being even more of a criminal….and the repubs are all chiming in with exactly that talking point…that impeachment of a “war time” president just can’t go on…even though there is not one “get out of jail free card” in the constitution anywhere. So now we have the most corrupt and dishonest group of criminals starting another mideast war that will cost thousands of American, Iraqi, and Iranian lives and the idiot trump doesn’t take to the tv to explain it at all since his too damn dumb to even understand what he has just done….and the rest of the world is going to pay just because this asshole just can’t stop being a criminal…this is the modern repub, folks….

The media can’t do math….

Well…I really do wonder if most of the media are just stupid or if they are getting paid off to push the repub candidates. Just today, Andrea Mitchell went on her show to tout the fact that the dementia suffering trump raised 45 million dollars in the last quarter of 2019 and that it is more than any dem candidate and the dems are in trouble…yadda yadda…first…apple and damn oranges Andrea…trump is raising money for the general election while the dems are raising it for the primary season but, lets do some math and lump all of the dems together and see what the results are…with just the three that have reported so far, the dems have raised over 77 million dollars and that is without either Biden or Warren included…and their number should be close to 25 million each so, again, do we need to give the media a math lesson? Which is larger, dementia sufferer trump’s 45 million or 77 million+50 million? I’ll give you a guess but just one…yep, you got it…127 million is larger than 45 million but it seems that the media doesn’t get it. I think it’s just more of the “horserace” bullshit that the media has to push to keep the right wingers happy and continue to get access to the repubs…and that’s it….this isn’t a damn horserace, it’s the future of our country and the future of truth in our country…media, quit this bullshit and report dementia trump’s fundraising as anemic as it is….something like “dems smash trump in fundraising” would do it….and the bonus? It’s the truth so it’s a two-fer….geez….