Well….with the crazies out of DC, I haven’t had a lot of things to write about so I thought I’d just do some rambling…there was a cool thing the other day when John McCain came out of his fog and actually made sense when he wrote about his new bill that would force cable and dish companies to allow a la carte pricing…meaning you wouldn’t have to pay for the 35 religious channels to get the ones you want…or you wouldn’t have to take all of the children’s stuff when you don’t have kids….would save people a bunch of money and it is the first time he has made sense in quite a while…
Then, there was Bob Dole coming out this week and saying that the repubs should just close up shop if they are going to keep electing people like Ted Cruz and the rest of the crazies that have paralyzed the government; trying to use shame to get them to change their nonsense..but, what he doesn’t understand is that these guys have no shame, they don’t care if they are assholes…they are even proud of it and they don’t care about governing and the compromise that makes government work….
What else? Not much right now…so I guess the title should have read ” a couple of things”….oh, well…
Well…I really do have to stop reading so many newspapers every day..the more I read, the crazier the republicans seem…no, not seem…are…first you have the pet attack on women they seem to favor, intrusive ultrasounds…then you have a rep in one of the southern states, who was just on unemployment for a year, vote to cut off the rest of the people in that state that are still on it. Then, you have the repubs in congress who have been wrong about everything for the past 10 years thinking if they let the sequester go into effect, people will blame Obama when all of the polls say that a large majority will blame the repubs….are these guys just too stupid to believe facts or I wonder if it is the fact that they only listen to the propaganda arm of the party for their news? Boy, there are so many to talk about today…how about John McCain berating the parents of one of the victims of the Aurora shooting? When they asked if he would support the assault weapon ban, his response was “I can tell right now you need some straight talk…the assault weapons ban will not pass…” nevermind that these people are still grieving, but who treats their constituents like that? What the hell happened to compassion and niceness? I think the repubs have to turn that in when they get elected…and the country is worse for it…just checked…head still hasn’t exploded…yet…geez….
Well….just read an article that made me laugh out loud…if you follow the news at all, you’ve seen the concerted effort by the repubs over the past few years to paint Obama as the worst president in history in his support of Israel…calling him a traitor and worse since he supports an even handed approach to the middle east. Today, those talking points and attacks were destroyed by a very unlikely source….Israel itself…yep…the president of Israel, Shimon Peres announced that Obama will be the first sitting president to receive the Presidents Medal from Israel for his unwavering support or Israel. So, I wonder who’s right? Is it the rabid right, hate Obama, liar crowd or is it the president of Israel and the Israeli people? Are we now going to have the idiots on the right attacking Israel for a “conspiracy”…not sure what kind of conspiracy but if Obama is mentioned, there must be a conspiracy…I wonder what ole John McCain is going to say now…will he come out and say he is sorry for the attacks since they were all just to damage Obama with no shred of proof in them? I am laughing my butt off right now and can’t wait to read the comments by the right…it’s going to be a fun afternoon….geez…
Well…it seems to be a pattern that I just haven’t been able to come up with the big topic of the day on a regular basis lately so I think I’ll just noodle around again and see where it goes…I did laugh my butt off yesterday when I came across this weird video on the internet of goats that shout like people…yep, just like people and I still laugh when I think about it…did you see John McCain on “Meet the Press” this morning? For the first time that I can remember, David Gregory actually called someone out on the talking point nonsense that serves as journalism these days….asking the question “what are they covering up?” when ole John went on and on about the “huge coverup” that is supposed to be going on…and McCain wouldn’t answer…just turning into the man who shouts at clouds…a cool thing to see. Hmmmm….I do like my car….and I may be able to put the top down tomorrow if it doesn’t rain…oh, let’s go back to John McCain for a sec….I just shook my head when the old coot admitted that he didn’t vote for Hagel because he was “mean” to ole GW….I think this guys intelligence is regressing by the day…we’ll next see him crying that someone stole his lunch money…
What else? I think my interest in racing is starting to wane after 50 years…I fell asleep during the nascar race last night…yeah, I know, I call it “napcar” but that is only supposed to be for the Sunday races….there was no Man U game this weekend so I am a little irritated about that…the Wings do play tonight but they have been so terrible lately I think I’ll watch the fox cartoons instead….okay….that’s enough for now..there may be a political one for later but I wouldn’t count in it…it is Sunday, after all…
Well…it has been one long, wasted day today and I have done absolutely nothing except rest and watch movies today and I may be feeling a little better…still have the chills and am sweating like crazy but the throat is better, I hope, and that may be cause to have some hope…I did want to write about the whole Susan Rice hypocrisy and the comparison to what Condi Rice did during her time in GW’s administration…okay I will…as you know, the repubs have been screaming conspiracy about the whole Benghazi nonsense, and they have been vowing to block Susan Rice’s nomination for sos just for her reading the talking points that were given to her by the intelligence folks…what about the approval of Condi Rice when she deliberately lied to the American people about Iraq’s ability to make a nuclear weapon when she had been told that the intelligence was faulty and she used it anyway. Now, which is worse, reading a paper or lying to the American people? And getting us into a war that cost us trillions of dollars and got over 4,000 Americans and countless Iraqis killed? I think you know the answer to that…so when you hear the hypocrites McCain and Graham (who helped push Condi Rice’s approval through the Senate), just think hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite, and stop listening to these idiots…they don’t deserve it…
Well…I needed to make just one short comment this aft on the meltdown of John McCain and the resultant smackdown that has come from his own party along with that of Harry Reid….who wrote a very pointed letter to the “gang of three” that made fools of themselves by holding press conferences instead of going to the intelligence briefing that would have explained everything about Benghazi…but those idiots just wanted to score political points instead of getting to the truth…but, I shouldn’t be surprised with the only passing acquaintance with the truth that the repubs have shown over the past few election cycles…can you say “death panels?” I don’t know why anyone even listens to these folks anymore….they’re crazier than anyone I have ever seen in public life in my lifetime….and if it wasn’t so sad, I would think it’s funny…geez…
Well…it’s been another day today and I have been reveling in the meltdown of John McCain over the Benghazi crap…and this idiot keeps doubling down even when people in his own party say there is nothing there to be so crazy about…I just think he’s become unhinged…or addicted to the cameras on the Sunday morning shows…it kind of looks like he has one of those attention needs that is not being met by him actually doing his job as a senator. There was a great article in the Daily Kos today about the secessionist nonsense that has swept the crazys on the right…this, coming for people who supposedly are the great patriots and love this country…man, I’m not sure what they are putting in the water in the red states but it is just frickin stupid what these people want to do…kill the country to save it? I think there has been an invasion of the body snatchers or brain snatchers? When did it get to be a badge of honor to be stupid and ignorant…oh, well…at least we won the election so the crazy will be limited…geez…
Well…this is going to be a short one on the jaw dropping assertions by Michelle Bachmann that a muslim aide of Hillary Clinton’s is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and is, in effect, a traitor that is trying to bring Islamic rule to the US. Yep, in the world of Bachmann crazy, this one is even crazier than most and just shows how stupid and biased these folks are. But, then, along comes John McCain (who lost his soul in the last election and is entirely responsible for unleashing Sarah Palin on the US) to rise to a full throated defense of this woman, calling her a great American for her service to the country and slapping ole Michelle for her normal nonsense….now, if he could just do the same to the tea party idiots that he helped get elected so we can get back to some sanity in the national discourse…geez…
Well….this one is the continuation of the one down below where I started to comment on the article by John McCain in the Washington Post today where he takes the torture apologists that fox news has trotted out to task…calling their assertions that the information that led to Osama bin Laden came from torture lies….you know I’m not a big McCain fan…but it is about time someone on the right stood up and told the truth just once….It was not ole GW that did everything but order the raid that killed him…his waffling and reliance on his “gut” instead of facts let bin Laden live for so long and these are facts…something I know that the repubs really are not acquainted with. So, I will thank McCain for this too little, too late, denunciation of the fox liars…and hope that more on the right discover the truth and their spines…geez…