Tag Archives: newt Gingrich

Let them eat cake…Newt’s version…

Well…I don’t think I’ve sen anyone as breathtakingly tone-deaf in a long time as ole Newt…we have here the embodiment of the 1%…a man who turned his House tenure into the connections and cronyism that got him no interest credit at Tiffany’s and huge government contracts that he made millions on…and now, he is championing the destruction of unions and their workers to be replaced by child labor. Nope…I’m not making this up folks…in a forum the other day, ole Newt actually said that union janitors in every school across America should be fired and replaced by the kids that go to school there…never mind what this would do to the poor kids that would be the ones doing the work, the stigma and bullying that would come from having to do this. But, this doesn’t matter to ole Newt…I’m sure he would like to return to the early 1900′s where children as young as 8 years old worked 12 hours a day in factories…after all it would mean more money for the “job creators” and wouldn’t that trickle down?

Then, he doubles down in response to a question about the “Occupy” movement where he is asked to comment on what has been going on and his only response is “they should all go out and get a job..after they take a shower”….but that is the point Newt, without connections and cronyism, there are no jobs for these folks to go out and get….how can anyone be so out of touch? Oh, he’s a republican…that answers that…. Geez…

Still no politics…

Well…it has been a nice day so far with another great lunch with T and since it’s raining, I’m going to take the day off from riding the bike and to try to not feel guilty about it. Even though there have been some events in politics that I could comment on, I just haven’t been able to work up the outrage necessary to put together a long one. Okay, there is one that I will drop a short one on…the self-destruction and implosion of ole Newt’s presidential campaign and the smile it brought to my face…the whole thing was just an exercise in narcissism that pointed out that Newt is great at talking and telling people what to do but when it comes to actually doing the work necessary to govern, he just doesn’t want to get his hands dirty and wants to act like the political elite he inveighs against constantly. Who else but one of the elites could have a 500K charge account at Tiffany’s? Oh, I do have another…ole Mitt working across our state claiming that he was the first one to suggest that the auto industry should be saved…but that’s not what he said, he said that the auto companies should be required to go through a non-structured bankruptcy that likely would have resulted in the liquidation of Chrysler and possibly that of GM and the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. He was against the government help that preserved all those good, middle class jobs, just as he did running his venture capital company that was responsible for the destruction of many more jobs than he ever created….not to mention hundreds of millions in profit he put in his own pocket that would have saved a lot of those jobs. Flip flopping again, eh, Mitt?

A couple of new things…

Well…was thinking this was going to be one of those days where I had nothing to say but then ole Newt came through and gave me one thing to talk about but there is also the Israeli thing that Obama is in the middle of. Let’s start with Obama….of course the right is going out of its mind with what they perceive to be a slight of Israel and a lack of support for the traditional relationship. I think they missed the point of Obama’s statements…there has been a stalemate in the talks between the Palestinians and Israel and all that Obama did was kick the hornet’s nest to stir things up a little and get them off the dime….geez…doesn’t anyone understand politics?

Then, we have ole Newt talking about the 500K that he and his third wife owed to Tiffany’s, describing it as the “standard, no interest account”…yeah, Newt? In whose world is any charge account no interest? It is just another instance where the rich are treated differently than the rest of us and don’t see anything wrong with it. They can’t understand why the rest of us don’t get those deals…or even better they just don’t care. How out of touch is Newt and how can he even relate to anyone but the rich…not the type of person this nation needs as its president….geez…

One last thing, to those of you out there that were opposed to the bailouts of the auto companies since they were a “sinkhole” and we would never get our money back…..Chrysler paid off the loans today…in full….this is the kind of thing only government can do or will do to ensure that 30,000 people didn’t lose their jobs…..what do you say now repubs? How many more times will you be wrong? geez….

Lots of things….

Well….I’ve got the problem again where I don’t have enough to say about any one topic so I’m going to put a bunch of them in one and keep adding to it as the day goes on…or not….first a little about ole Newt….I’m old enough to remember when the Nixon administration was wading through Watergate and the Newt meltdown reminds me so much of the disclaimer that Nixon’s cronies used…”that statement is no longer operative” I think it was….made me laugh then and Newt is giving me a huge case of the grins with his verbal gymnastics and assertions that David Gregory’s question on Ryan’s Medicare plan was not fair…I think he’s come down with the Sarah Palin disease where she thinks any question asked of her is a “gotcha” from the media….why does anyone think Newt is such a “towering intellect”? Maybe in his own mind….

Next…this could be the next to last one of these…you know, the world is going to end tomorrow and, as you already know, I won’t be one of the ones getting raptured….I will be toasting with a beer and a shot at 6 PM Saturday…can’t wait to see what the end of the world looks like and feel huge earthquakes here in Michigan….maybe it won’t happen in MP? It was weird seeing the full page ad in the newspapers today…and I can’t wait to see the ones in the paper Sunday saying they “miscalculated” again…you just gotta love these religious nuts who are just so sure they are right about everything….I think this whole thing may be a marketing plan from some of the papers since there is a statement urging people to go out and buy “multiple” copies of the paper and give them to family and friends….

Okay, that’s it for now…I need to get a bike ride in with the fog still here…it looks really cool with all of the spider webs showing up in the dew…

One last thing….my spam filter on Yahoo has been trapping hundreds of e-mails from psychics….shouldn’t they know that the e-mails won’t get through? Just a thought…

Ole Newt and the food stamp president…

Well….I really don’t know if Newt is the most brilliant or the most stupid of the repub presidential candidates that have announced so far…if you saw any of the weekend news show where Newt’s line of attack against Obama is that he has presided over a great increase of Americans that are on food stamps and he makes the assertion that food stamps are welfare that people don’t deserve even if they are out of work because if they are out of work, it is only because they don’t want to work….conveniently ignoring the deepest recession on the last 80 years and the fact that employers are just not adding enough jobs to make the unemployment rate drop. Just what audience is Newt trying to reach? The millions of middle Americans who are out of work through no fault of their own but through the fault of the policies of the repubs? Does he think that even one of these folks who deserve this help will vote for him when he rails against even the smallest of safety nets? I think this is just another racist comment where ole Newt is trying to dupe the poor people that are still voting repub by equating people that need food stamps to feed their family with the abuses of the old welfare system. With over 12 million jobs lost in this recession that was caused by the excesses of the repubs, of course the amount of people on food stamps is going to rise…but there is still no plan on the right to help people get jobs that will help them get off the type of assistance that the repubs loathe…for individuals…but it’s okay to continue to give oil companies 10 billion dollars a year in corporate welfare…what did you expect from Newt and the repubs?

May 15th part two…

Haven’t done one of these in quite a while and no, I don’t think it’s cheating…I did watch the movie and it was no where near as good as the documentary on Jack Abramhoff that I watched the other day….there was way too much focus on the title character and not enough on the influence peddling and the “pay for play” aspect where he was selling access to repub senators and congressmen. The real story was just more interesting….it has been kind of interesting what is going on with the repub presidential candidates and all of the supposed front runners that have decided they can’t win in 2012 so they are staying in their cushy Fox jobs and will continue to rake in the money from their hate and attacks….now, all they have left is Paul, Romney, and ole Newt that have their hats in the ring…and not one of them can ignore their pasts of favoring healthcare before they were against it, for being serial cheaters, or for wanting to tear the federal government completely down….I know you can figure out which one is which without me telling you if you’ve been paying even a little attention…..

I do have a little hope that Obama is starting to think and act strategically by getting bin Laden, pushing for more oil drilling, and attacking the Ryan budget proposals…now he just needs to get out in front of them instead of counterpunching…I may even have another one today…

More wandering…

Well…still not a lot happening in politics so far this week so I think I’ll just wander around again like yesterday and go off on some topics that aren’t really formed yet but I’m going to give it a try anyway. First, let’s start with the laugher of the day, ole Newt is going to run for president, yeah, I laughed my ass off, too. What is he going to run as? The family values candidate? He was on tv the other day trying to explain cheating on the first two of his three wives and said that since god forgives him, no one should question him about it. Pretty frickin convenient when you think of it….trying to place all of the bad behavior off limits and saying “trust me” that he can still be the arbiter of family values and a role model for America. Yow….he does have a huge set….

What else? Not sure right now…I’m going back to think for a while….should be back before 1 or so…okay, I’m late but the Red Wings are pushing everything else out of my head today…so I’ll talk about them….Sunday’s was one of the most exciting games I’ve seen in a long time and my concern is that they left it all on the ice out in Cali…but they didn’t work that hard in the first three games so maybe they have something left in the tank…and the Sharks do have a reputation for choking in the playoffs so maybe they’ll do it again….we do have an injury problem with Frantzen’s ankle and Pavel’s wrist but it would be nice to see Modano in for one last game, no matter what, it’s going to give me a damn heart attack..Go Wings!!

Let’s put the mosque controversy to rest….

Well…this is going to be short and the coup de grace for the loonies that are opposing the Islamic center in lower Manhattan. Their argument to support their opposition is that ground zero is hallowed ground, and since the terrorists were Muslim, it would be sacrilege to allow the center at Park 51 to be built. Well…here’s a little tidbit that the haters don’t want anyone to know, there was a mosque in the south tower of the World Trade Center that was destroyed on 9/11. Yep, a fully functioning mosque, at ground zero….let’s repeat that…a fully functioning mosque, at ground zero; destroyed by the terrorists. So, doesn’t that mean that Muslims have just as big a claim to ground zero as the haters?

Let’s just dismiss Palin, Newt, and the rest of the idiots as the political opportunists that they are and start getting to the real issues that we should be focused on and get this country moving again…let’s have some real debate, leave the posturing behind and be adults.

9/11 is not a politcal prop…

Well…since it’s 9/11 today, I have a few thoughts about how the right has used their fake reverence for the losses on that day to score political points at every turn. If they had any true feelings, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin wouldn’t be staging political rallies in Alaska today to further their crazy brand of patriotism that cynically uses the wrongheaded fear of Islam to stoke the fires of hatred for their own financial gain. If the right’s feelings were true, you wouldn’t have had Giuliani running for president with his only stump speeches consisting of a noun, a verb, and 9/11. Of course, you’d have to be a hermit to have missed the pandering the right has done to score political points with the opposition to the Park 51 project in Manhattan…and before you say it, no, the left has not been involved to any comparable degree.

What has happened to the integrity of the Republican Party? Of course when you have people like Newt, Palin, and Beck considered leaders, this is what you get. What happened to the GOP of old that didn’t protest the building of Shinto shrines in Hawaii where the sneak attacks by Japan on December 7th killed almost 4,000 soldiers and sailors?

Who is going to restore the reverence for a day that is still fresh in the collective memory of our country? Don’t count on it being the right….and every time they sow dissension using the 9/11 attacks, they are giving Osama bin Laden just what he wanted; disruption in our society and moving it toward his vision of the world. Is this what they want? Geez….

Why are they rooting for the US to fail?

Well…a thought came to me this morning when I was at the coffee shop reading the newspapers. That’s not the only place thoughts come to me but it seems that way sometimes…and it was not really a thought but a question. Why are everyone on the right rooting for the US economy to fail? Whenever more bad news is reported, the commentators that call themselves patriots on the right gleefully gloat that it’s all Obama’s fault and that nothing he has or will do will have any effect. This has been true for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, too, and I wonder why no one on the left is calling them on this ghoulish behavior.

I know why they are doing it, it’s just more of the scorched earth policy that the right has used since the early 90′s; led by the same guys, our old buddies Newt and Karl. When are we going to start recognizing that these two are responsible for most of the rancor that passes for politics these days? But it doesn’t have to be that way…we can change it if we just stop listening.