Tag Archives: Puerto Rico

This is sickening…

Well…the idiot in chief went on tv yesterday and the result was pretty predictable…anytime he talked about Puerto Rico it was all about him…how he was doing such a good job in the relief attempts, how he was the most caring *president ever…that everything was fine and going to plan…well, I’ve got news for you, idiot…it’s NOT fine, no where near “fine”…the idiot spoke in the afternoon and last night on Rachael’s show, the mayor of San Jaun was on crying….that nothing is happening…people are still without food, water, or medical supplies….that children are dying in hospitals that have run out of generator fuel….and this is just the tip of the suffering…people are drinking out of polluted streams and there is still no food for the majority of the country and trump is not doing a damn thing except picking fights with NFL players…..it is still so bad that private citizens are making their private planes available to fly medical supplies into and cancer patients out so they can come to the states for chemotherapy…both Pitbull and Mark Cuban have sent their planes and pilots for the relief effort but the largest military in the world is still waiting on the idiot trump to allow them to help. Is this enough, republicans? Isn’t this sickening behavior enough for you to remove this asshole? Nope, probably not…again…

Trump is letting Puerto Rico die…

Well…it would be one thing if it was only incompetence that is keeping trump and his minions from doing anything to help Puerto Rico….but we have the worst kind of combination that is going to kill many, many American citizens there…the combination of incompetence, racism and indifference…and this is proven by the statement from the WH that they will be putting forward a proposal on aid to PR in the first or maybe the second week of October…who knows? By then the children in the children’s hospital there will be dead from lack of power, water, and food…and hundreds of people on dialysis will be dead from the same…and hundreds, if not thousands of people will starve to death from this callous indifference to their plight from our so-called president…the bottom line is he just doesn’t give a damn about brown skinned people…no matter if they are citizens or not…and the people he put in charge of the government feel the same damn way….what a bunch of worthless assholes….what do you say now repubs? Is this blatant disregard for his responsibilities enough for you to impeach? Nope, probably not…

Not sure what to write about…

Well…again, sitting here thinking bout what to write about without much luck…I just can’t do more Trump…he is such a ridiculous person that I can’t make stuff up that is stranger than what he says….I did read a small article that is making me think some about the election…how do you campaign against someone who just doesn’t care what he says? Who can be on both sides of an issue within the same interview or just doesn’t see lying as a problem…it’s not anything that anyone has had to deal with in an election before so how to do it?  I did want to talk a little about Paul Ryan’s ideas to fix Puerto Rico’s financial crisis since they look so similar to what ole Snyder did to Michigan with his “Emergency Managers”….basically, Ryan wants there to be an appointed board that will take over and deal with the crisis with the emphasis being on slashing more and more out of the budget for the island that already has endured draconian cuts just to make sure that hedge fund managers will get their payday….I just don’t understand this crap…after all, austerity never works for anyone except for the rich…oh, that’s it…I get it, the rich need to get paid for any crisis…even ones that they cause….what a bunch of crap…geez…

Before I have lunch…

Well…just got back from the ride and thought I’d do this one before I get to making lunch…I guess I’ve never seen such a truth challenged bunch like the current crop of repub candidates…starting with ole Rick in Puerto Rico last week saying that for them to get statehood, they would have to comply with federal law that says they have to speak English…I don’t know if it ignorance or just stupidity but there is no such federal law on the books..nowhere…so that still leaves us with the fact that ole Rick is either ignorant of federal law, a great thing for a president, or he is just another of the repubs who are showing they are just not too bright. That brings us to the main event and the attack that ole Mitt made on Obama this week saying that is Obama’s regulatory overreach that is phasing out the incandescent light bulbs that are such energy wasters. First, Mitt, the law that is resulting in the demise of the old fashioned bulbs is contained in a law that was written and passed by a repub controlled congress and signed into law by ole GW himself…long before Obama even took office and long before any regulations on these bulbs could have been made by him. So, here we have supposedly the two best that the repubs have to offer both either showing their stupidity or deliberately lying just to mollify their base…what kind of governance should we expect from these guys? Geez…