Well…as I hope you already know, actions by the repub appointed emergency manager in Flint has led to the poisoning of almost all of the residents there…and now our idiot governor has admitted that he knew way back in July that they were doing it…but did nothing about it even though every epidemiologist knows that lead poisoning is cumulative and can’t be fixed. That alone should have ole Snyder in jail or at least out of office…but that wasn’t enough for the ghouls appointed by Snyder…no, not by a long ways…now they are planning on shutting off the poison water since some people can’t pay for it…yeah, how much worse can the repubs get? Ruin the water system, poison the people, and then bitch when people either can’t or won’t pay to get poisoned anymore…just adding insult to injury that will last the rest of the people’s lives. We all know that the repubs don’t give a damn about anyone but their rich donors or corporations, but this is just too, too much…geez….
Tag Archives: Rick Snyder
Cry me a river, Snyder….
Well….boy, these tea party folks like our governor Snyder are a thin-skinned bunch. After getting criticized by Hillary and Bernie during the debate last night for his administration poisoning the people of Flint with lead and other chemicals…ole Snyder took to twitter to bitch about his treatment by the politicians saying “political statements and finger pointing from political candidates only distract from solving the Flint water crisis”….cry me a frickin river, Rick….you screwed the pooch here and and people have died! So, your little fee fees are hurt and you’re going to pout just like the rest of you repub assholes when you get called out for your mistakes? Typical “tough” repub we have here….one who knew over a year ago that the people of Flint were being poisoned to save 200 bucks a day by not treating the water correctly….and now the rest of us here in Michigan are on the hook to the tune of more than 1.5 billion dollars for the damage this “emergency manager” did….Have you no shame? One thing to remember is the same thing is happening all across the state, in Pontiac, and in Detroit where the crony capitalism of you repub idiots is bleeding this state and turning it into a third world country just to give tax breaks to the rich and business…maybe now people will see that any place the repubs are in charge is turned into a hell hole….geez…
What did Snyder know and when did he know it?
Well…I know the title is somewhat of a cliche, but I think it gets to the crux of the matter in the Flint water crisis…not only did they do a minimum of 1.5 billion dollars in damage to the Flint water system by choosing to not treat the Flint river water to save a couple hundred thousand a year, but did they know they were doing it? Ole Snyder has said he didn’t hear of the problems until October 1st of last year, even though they had been going on for over a year, but then why were members of his staff ordering the installation of water filters in Flint back in July? It appears that ole Snyder is just another of the lying repubs who really don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich and business…just like ole GW did with New Orleans and the poor there, ole Snyder has done to Flint…permanent damage to the state and it’s people to serve their god of tax cuts and austerity…he should be in jail…
It’s even worse than I thought in Flint…
Well…as you know, I did a post a few weeks back on the lead poisoning of the people of Flint when the first info came in that the water source was changed to just save money…a decision made by the Snyder appointed emergency manager…but, it’s much, much worse than that….these assholes knew they were poisoning the poor people in Flint and that they were taking care of it with water treatment when they just flat lied about it with a pattern of faking the water test results that would have exposed the danger. This is typical repub crap…make decisions based on cost when the guys making the decisions know they will hurt people….and they just don’t give a damn..especially when they can go home to their nice suburbs where the water and air are clean and it has no effect on them…the water in Flint was so bad the GM stopped using the water at their engine plant since it ruined iron engine blocks…read that again…Flint was saying that there was nothing wrong with drinking the water when it was eating away iron…what do you think it would do to a person? Typical repub crap and someone needs to go to jail for this….starting with the guy that appointed them..ole Rick Snyder..I’m glad there is now a federal investigation going on and I’m sure they will find that Snyder knew what was going on…but he will use the Chris Christie defense that he didn’t know what the people he appointed were doing….and that will be a lie…geez…
Idiot repubs….
Well…with the scared shitless repubs across the nation taking their fear out on Syrian refugees and the vetting process for those refugees, when asked, these idiots can’t point to one part of the process that is deficient…they just know it must be because Obama or something…and this doubly applies to our idiot governor, Rick Snyder, who started this whole mess. When asked yesterday which part of the 2 year process needs to be changed, he couldn’t come up with one thing….not one that he would change but he is also so scared by orphans and families from the middle east that he just KNOWS it needs to be changed…and it is all caused by the attacks in Paris. Here’s the thing…none of the attackers in Paris were refugees…they all were residents of Europe and had passports from Belgium and other European countries and no tightening of the vetting process would have kept them from coming to the US…we don’t even require visas for people to come here…meaning that these same terrorists could have just gotten on a plane and flew here with just their passports in hand. But, again, we have the repubs in their fear filled world attacking the wrong people for the wrong reasons since facts don’t mean anything to them…..good job you ignorant asses…hurt people and make the world more difficult…it’s what you are good at….geez…
Poisoning our children for tax cuts for the rich…
Well…I have been trying to work up some outrage over the shenanigans of the repubs for a while but their trashing of the country for profit has gotten so brazen that I just have to say something. Right here in Michigan we see the results of all these giveaways to the rich with the lead poisoning of the people of Flint, caused by the emergency manager there making the decision to disconnect from the Detroit water system and to start pumping water from the Flint River since it would save the city 12 million dollars a year. For 16 months now, since the switch, the people of Flint have not had any water that is safe to drink since the EPA and Michigan DEQ says that there are no safe levels of lead in water…none, that means that any lead makes the water unsafe…but, Snyder and his cronies knew that and just kept doing study after study and dragging their feet since to do something might mean they would have to raise some taxes to pay for the fix…and the result is we have many of our fellow citizens that are permanently damaged since lead poisoning never goes away…it can’t be treated, and the results will be felt by the poorest of us for the rest of their lives…all just to keep cutting taxes for the rich. This is how the repubs govern folks…it’s all bottom line to them…balance the budget with no thought to what that kind of nonsense does to the people…you have seen it time and time again here in Michigan and across the country from the repubs..ideology before the people and to hell with who it hurts…I just hate these guys…geez…
Rick Snyder is a liar…
Well…during all the hoopla over the “religious freedom” law that was passed in Indiana, our governor, ole Rick Snyder said he would never sign a bill like that…well today showed that he is a liar of the worst sort…he did exactly what he said he wouldn’t…he signed three bills into law that gives adoption agencies in Michigan a brand new right (that the right is always bitching about), the right to not allow same sex couples to adopt due to their “honestly held” religious beliefs. I have had enough of this crap…my tax dollars go to support each and every one of these adoption agencies and I do not want to support people that have now been given the right to discriminate against anyone they don’t like…but these laws go even father than the ones in Indiana…they allow these supposed “religious groups” to not allow divorced people to adopt…to not allow single people to adopt…too not allow inter racial couples to adopt…you get my drift…with almost 4,000 kids waiting for a new home here in Michigan, you would think that any loving single or couple that wants to adopt would be welcome here in Michigan…but, again the repubs and our liar of a governor don’t give a damn about the kids…just pandering to the religious here that want to impose their warped view of religion on the rest of us….shame on you Snyder…I have lost all respect for the “tough nerd” that said he was above this crap…
This is wrong…
Well…just read an article about the tax burden here in Michigan and it just confirms what I have been saying since the repubs cut taxes for corporations here…they are no longer paying their fair share of what it takes to run this state…in fact, the people are paying twice what corporations pay in income taxes just in the so called “sin” taxes on tobacco and alcohol…yep, you heard that right, the corporations whose trucks destroy the roads and whose pollution fouls the air and land pay so little in taxes that the few people that drink and smoke pay more in taxes just on those two items than corporations do with the giant tax cuts they were given by Snyder and the repubs. This continues the repubs plan to shift the burden of taxation to the middle class and the poor while allowing corporations to steal the use of the state without paying for it…or understanding that these tax cuts do nothing but destroy the ability of the state to pay it’s bills, as we see from the fight here to try to figure out how to fix Michigan’s roads. Now, I don’t mind paying my taxes because that is what you do in a society…but taxes have to be fair, and since “corporations are people” they should pay their fair share….geez…
It’s getting close…
Well…just looking at the new polls that are out and there is good, and not as good news here in Michigan…I think these are the last polls before the election and I kinda happy about that….first the good news…even the Detroit News, that right wing rag has endorsed the dem Gary Peters for senate…I think this one is more of a reality check since Peters is up on Land by 15 points, but they did admit to the shortcomings of Land and recognized that she is nowhere near ready to represent Michigan in the US senate…the kinda okay news is that Mark Schauer has pulled even with ole Snyder but I’ll believe that when I see it Tuesday….but, with how we outnumber the crazies here, if we vote we win…I’m going to keep saying that for the next few days…if we vote, we win…it is really simple but we need to get out there and do it…at my polling place here it has never taken me more than 15 minutes for the entire process so there is no excuse…we can take back our state if we just vote…so let’s do it….
I just hate political ads…
Well…I am just getting so sick of the political ads here in Michigan, especially the lying ones from our wonderful governor that have revived the zombie lie that Obamacare cut 700 billion out of medicare and seniors are going to not get the care they need and then will die….this one was debunked so many times but I am going to do it again here…the 700 billion dollars were for cost savings in payments to Medicare providers and slowing the rise in costs…not one senior would even know that these cuts have happened since their care will not change….so, if you hear anyone talking about these cuts..cut them off before they get into the talking point…I hate to hear them and I bet you do, too…geez…