Tag Archives: obamacare

The crazy continues…

Well…if you had any doubts that the delusions on the right were going to be tempered by their ass kicking in the elections, you were right…with people freezing and homeless out on the east coast, guess what the first bill that the idiot Bachmann introduced at the start of the new session….and if you had the human thought it may be to help these people, you just don’t understand the modern repub party. The first bill was…ta dah…the 34th attempt to repeal Obamacare! Nevermind that the Supreme Court upheld the law and nevermind that the last congress got the least work done of any in history…these terrible, terrible people on the right are back to their old ways of screw everyone but their rich donors and corporations. I know you’ve heard this before from me but you have to look at it objectively…with unemployment and underemployment still rampant…not one bill out of the House to help regular Americans find work….not one bill to eliminate corporate subsidies when corporate profits are at an all time high….and not one bill to restore fairness to the tax system and eliminate the tilt toward the rich. We need to do whatever we can to restore the America of “one for all and all for one” to steal the phrase from Dumas….and send these idiots back to the hell they came from…geez….

Keep it up repubs..

Well…I am today still marveling at the gall of the stupid repubs and their delusion that they have any leverage in the fiscal cliff negotiations….they really don’t, but they are acting as if they have a mandate when they got their asses handed to them in the last election. But, you’d never know it listening to Boehner and Cantor…who has put forth as their plan the exact Romney plan that was rejected by the voters…they still want tax cuts for the rich and benefit cuts for everyone else and again, ole Eric came out today and said that Obamacare and Medicare have to be on the table or they will stamp their feet and hold their breath until they get their way. All I have to say to these idiots is “keep it up”…and we will control everything in 2014 and maybe we can even send ole Eric back to wherever he comes from…I do have one message to Obama…don’t compromise with these folks…we won the election an the majority has spoken…tax hikes for the rich and breaks for everyone else…and leave Medicare and Social Security alone…geez…open your ears and listen for a change…

It’s been a day…

Well…it’s been a day and I am a little disappointed that the car is still losing coolant but that is a story for tomorrow morning…I did want to talk a little about the repubs who did not learn a thing from the election…when the American people spoke and told everyone in Washington (that is the repubs) to get with the program and stop the obstruction….and now we have Boehner coming out today saying he wants the ACA gutted since he still believes the repub talking points that Obamacare increases costs….and the operative word here is “believes”, not that he has any numbers backing him up. In fact, the CBO scored the ACA and found it will SAVE over 80 billion dollars a year…so the idiot Boehner is still pushing the right wing agenda even when it is not true…but that is the pattern we’ve seen from these idiots over the past two years…ideology always trumps math to them…and they are always wrong…why is anyone still listening to them? geez…

Flippedy flop….it’s the Romney bop…

Well…I was laughing my butt off the other day when ole Mitt went on the Sunday shows to say that he would keep parts of Obamacare including the part that says that insurance companies couldn’t charge extra for those with preexisting conditions…but a few hours later, one of his aides went on tv to issue a statement that that was not what ole Mitt meant…what the aide said he meant was that those with with preexisting conditions who ALREADY HAVE insurance can’t be dropped by their insurance companies. So, the rest of the people who now don’t have insurance and have preexisting conditions are out of luck under the Romney plan…whatever that is since he has not said what his plan is…just like he has not said what his economic plan is either….what an empty suit…geez…

I’m stunned…

Well…just got back from the beach to the stunner that the supreme court has upheld the healthcare law with the chief justice being the swing vote that joined the liberal side of the bench in a 5-4 decision. Needless to say, I am stunned by this event since all of the pundits have been saying that the individual mandate portion would be declared unconstitutional…but, I guess all of the so called experts can be wrong. I am a little relieved that the law stood since it will help me to be able to afford insurance in a couple of years…it is still scary to be aging without insurance. I think I have to go turn the news on and then come back later to add to this one….

Okay, I’m back but with little more clarity on this whole issue…no one has a clue to what it’s going to mean…some say it’s a win for Obama while others say that it gives the repubs and edge since people across the country are not enamored of it…one other thing…the repubs are showing their true colors today by holding the AG in contempt of congress for the fake reason that he won’t give them documents relating to the “fast and furious” debacle…what they are truly after is to intimidate Holder to stop pushing back against the voter supression that the repubs are using to try to steal this election…..and they have been caught on tape saying that the reason they are pushing these laws is to get Romney elected….what a bunch of thugs and liars…geez…

A new twist on ACA…

Well….this is going to be a short one on some new study that was done by a repub who is a Medicare trustee saying that the ACA, or “Obamacare” will add 340 billion dollars to the deficit over 10 years…and I just love how the press has picked this nonsense up as “fact” when it is just another facet in the total war the repubs are waging on Obama…and they are hoping that throwing these huge, baseless numbers around will scare people into voting for the repubs in the fall…the only problem? The person who authored the study admits that he deviated from normal practices when doing his calculations…but he did say ‘trust me”, not the GAO or the CBO or any other agency that have run the numbers…but just trust me, my assumptions are correct and everyone else’s are wrong…an it is just a coincidence that my numbers are just what the rest of the repubs have been saying….how many times do we have to hear “trust us” from the repubs before we automatically know they are going to lie in the next breath….I’ve had enough, how about you? Geez….

The law and ACA…

Well…don’t know how long this one is going to be but I did want to comment on the supreme court and the ACA…aka Obamacare and the arguments that have been going on this week….one of the things that strikes me is how the conservatives have strayed from the traditional role of the court; deciding on whether a law is constitutional or not…with the questions that have come back from Alito et al…I can see the worst kind of judicial activism at work…where they are trying to set policy and write law when that is not their job, and I can see the ignorance of the roles of the three branches government that these conservative justices are showing. It is not their job to look at policy and implementation of laws and the effect of those policies, but that is what those on the right on the court have been doing during the arguments, usurping the traditional role of the legislative branch to write laws and placing themselves as equals to that lawmaking. We can see from the decisions that this court has made in Bush v. Gore, Citizens United, and now the ACA that the conservative justices feel they are only there to further the right-wing conservative agenda…ignoring precedent that reaches back to the founding of this nation for crass political advantage….now that we have seen this worst kind of judicial activism, it should make you realize that the court needs to be reformed…and the only way to do that is to re-elect Obama and hope that just one of the conservatives leaves the court so a justice who has respect for the law can replace him…geez…

Who cares what the supreme court does on healthcare?

Well…I have been kind of interested in the implementation of the new healthcare law since it would allow me to buy insurance again that I can’t afford now…but, that’s not I want to talk about right now…I really want to talk about the political implications of the supreme court taking up the case for the individual mandate before the fall elections. Some of the pundits on the right think that no matter what the decision is, they have a winning issue for the general….but I see it differently…let’s take the either/or of the decision and see where that will take us. So, if the court rules against the individual mandate, I see the immediate result that the dems will be able to use the decision to connect it to the conservative debacle of Citizens United and say that this is an activist court that is not in the mainstream of American life…on the other hand, if the court upholds the law…the dems can say “see, I told you the law was legal” and hammer the repubs on their ignorance of the law and then start to shift the conversation back to the benefits of the law that the people will like once it is implemented….if a political novice like me can come up this off the top of my head…I’m sure we’re going to be able to deflate this issue quite easily in the fall…

Just a quick question…

Well…I don’t know if you’ve been following the first rulings in the lawsuits that have been filed against the new healthcare law, but I see a troubling thing happening; that the two judges that upheld all provisions of the law were appointed by Dems while the one that recently struck down the individual mandate portion of the law was appointed by a repub. I was always taught that judges were supposed to be impartial arbiters of the law, using precedence as a guide, that were blind to political pressures…it was even one of the founding principles of this country…that an independent judiciary was necessary to rein in both the passions of the populace and as a check on the legislatures reflecting those passions. When did judges abdicate their responsibilities to be fair and impartial? One of the most egregious of these is the supreme courts overturning of a hundred years of precedence in the Citizens United decision that gave corporations the same rights to political speech as flesh and blood Americans; which the right wing majority knew would tip the political scales in favor of the repubs. But, don’t think I reserve my scorn for only those on the right, any judge that abdicates his responsibilities to be fair and objective, and follow the law, whether they lean right or left should be removed from office.

That said, the repubs who shout all day about following the constitution are the ones who expect judges to strike down laws they don’t like…just because they don’t like them, and they don’t fit their narrow view of what America should be. To those folks I say: please get a copy of the constitution and read it….the judiciary is not another political toy for you to play with…there is great danger to what you want judges to do…geez…