Tag Archives: Ted Cruz

Okay…this one is filler…

Well….yeah, the title says it all…just don’t have a topic for today so this one is just going to be filler…there was one thing about ole Ted Cruz….he has vowed that he will appoint “conservative” judges to the supreme court who will then outlaw gay marriage…yeah, Ted…you are never going to be elected so that’s not going to be a problem…and the 14th amendment doesn’t change just because you want it to….another time where the repubs are shown to be the huge hypocrites they are….real law and order until they don’t get what they want and then the court ruling is “unlawful”….what the hell law school do you go to? I’m sure they taught you what the constitution means…and yet you go on and on how illegitimate it is….what a poor excuse for a human being this guy is…hmmmm…might have to change the title…nope…I think I’ll just leave it…I did make the goal for the month so I guess that’s something….

Ted Cruz is a liar…

Well…if you remember a couple of days back, I did a post here about ole Ted’s saying that he lost his health insurance due to Obamacare and the insurance company he was using getting out of the business because…Obmacare…and his premiums were going up 50%, too, because…Obamacare….guess what? None of it was true…he was just lying through his teeth like all repubs do. He never lost his coverage…just moved to an HMO since the PPO’s that the company offered were being eliminated…and the 50% increase? The insurance company can’t figure out where he got those numbers from….they are lowering their rates for that type of insurance….and if he wasn’t such a prick, he could get his insurance from the federal exchange, like the rest of senators and their staffs do and get a subsidy for it…well…maybe not subsidy since his family had income of 10 Million dollars last year.  So, again, we have a repub that is so ideology driven that he will lie and lie just to try to make a political point….real presidential material…geez…

Too much religion…

Well….I know it’s Iowa caucus time where the candidates are trying to woo the evangelical vote, but I mean, come on righties…this is even too much for you guys….first we have Ted Cruz coming out the other day and saying his religion is more important to him than the US is…now, this coming from someone who wants to be president? Does that mean he will put the christianists first instead of his oath to uphold and protect the constitution that builds a wall between church and state? Imagine if a Muslim candidate said that…he would be run out of town but this is just fine for a christian to say? Then you have the Donald saying the other day that christians are going to be running the country if he is elected…don’t they now? Oh, I guess he means that christians will be able to be open with their bigotry against everyone again…and he will use his power to subvert to constitution to cater to his christian followers…look, I have had way too much of these idiots believing that this is a christian country…we are not….and I take offense with having any religion jammed down my throat by having their religion codified into laws…just like the “blue laws” that kept almost every business closed on Sunday when I was a kid…and it was so bad here in West Michigan that we had the only McDonald’s in the country that was closed on Sunday…thanks Jenison….geez….

Still trying….

Well….I have been trying all day…again…to find a topic that will mean something…well…to me anyway…and I am still not having much luck….I do find it funny that the ultimate birther king, ole Donald has turned his sighst on Ted Cruz since he wasn’t born in the US…using the same methods he always uses to make his lies sound like there may be a grain of truth in them…the old “some people are saying” that Ted isn’t a citizen…just like he said “some people saw” thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 when that wasn’t true either…but, I do relish the fact that he is turning on the other idiots in the repub race…this is going to need some popcorn….I did find another thing funny with the Obamacare repeal bill that was sent to the president, and the repubs all patting themselves on the back for it; knowing it would be vetoed and thinking they were super geniuses for doing it. Are they going to try to run on it this year? Taking insurance away from 20 million people? Man, I can see the ads now and even I could write them…nice job, geniuses….geez…

A new worst person in the world…

Well…as you know, I’ve stolen this bit from Keith Olbermann and I think it still serves a purpose, especially after the murders at PP this past week. As a recap, the guy that murdered three people and wounded many more told the cops that he did it to stop them from ‘selling baby parts” the false narrative that was set in motion by a rabid anti abortion group and which has been picked up by  the repubs in many “investigations” they have done since then which has found no wrongdoing at all. But, the truth doesn’t matter to the right and to Ted Cruz in particular who stated this weekend that the killer was a “transgender, liberal activist” and said he had proof since one of the crazy assed right wing websites said they had a voter registration that listed this guy as female. I think ole Ted deserves an award here for working three of the right’s dogwhistles into a sentence and that award would be the worst person in the world…three people are dead, the shooter told you what his reasons were, and you have to take this tragedy and turn it into more of the same stoking of hatred that you expect to ride into the presidency….if that’s not the worst person in the world, I don’t know who is…geez…

Ted Cruz is just sick…

Well…with all of the crazy on the right these days, I guess ole Ted has to turn it up to 11 to just be heard…but the way that he is doing it just irritates the hell out of me…in trying to capture the religious right, ole Ted has put women in the cross hairs, again, by trying to get the religious nuts in this country to try to shut down Planned Parenthood and by doing this, eliminate healthcare for over 20 million women in this country. Now, you know how I feel about religion…that is should be practiced in church and not jammed down people’s throats….or even better, not practiced….and using it to hurt people is no religion that anyone should be proud of…who gave them the right to interfere with anyone’s personal choices? I know I’ve talked about this before and, as I sit here, I am tired..tired of the daily religious crap that we have to deal with here in the US…tired of the religious playing the victim all day every day….what ole Ted wants here is a theocracy pure and simple with him as the preacher in chief….all a bunch of crap…okay, this one was a little disjointed but I tried to get the point across…

Long day…lots of crazy…

Well…it has been  a long day that has been filled with lots of crazy on the right…leading the way was ole Ted Cruz who just ratcheted it up to eleven over the weekend with his comment on marriage equality…where the hell do they find these guys? Ole Ted just went off on the supreme court, saying that he has an idea to “fix” it by making the justices run for some kind of an election every eight years…something like a vote of no confidence…who knows what the hell this guy means about anything. Then he goes on to say that when elected president (yeah, that one made me laugh, too) he will push for a constitutional amendment ensuring that a group of his fellow citizens have their rights taken away from them…but, I don’t think he understands the process that takes….2/3rds of each house of congress would have to vote for it…and then 37 states would have to ratify it through their legislatures…listen to me…never, ever going to happen, but the rubes that he is playing to will eat this crap up and think it’s the best idea ever. I just shake my head….

Ted Cruz is the worst person in the world…

Well…I apologize up front to Keith Olbermann for stealing his schtick but there is no better description for Ted Cruz for what he did this week….at some speaking engagement, ole Ted was trying to be his smarmy best to the ugly crowd and decided he needed to make jokes about Joe Biden…the same Joe Biden who is burying his son right now…the same one who has seen tragedy throughout his life, losing his wife and young daughter in a car accident many years ago…but that doesn’t matter to ole Ted, the only thing that matters to him is to get a laugh at anyone’s expense….but this, this is just the distilled essence of the modern republican….the cruel psychopath that doesn’t care about anything but his ideology, who doesn’t care that…okay…who just doesn’t care about anything except himself….how can he live with himself? Quite easily, it appears…the essence of a psychopath according to the APA….geez…

Ted Cruz (and the rest of the Texas delegation) are still hypocrites…

Well…I know, I know…I do a lot of these pointing out the hypocrisy on the right but there is so much of it that I feel compelled to expose it to sunlight and hope that people recognize that it is even worse than anyone imagined. The latest case is one of those headshakers…okay, no it’s not….not where repubs are involved…you’ve heard about the flooding in Texas that has done lots of damage and left many people without homes…and businesses underwater…..and you’ve probably heard the calls from the reps from Texas like Ted Cruz say the federal government should be stepping in right now to help pay for the damage…the only problem here is the hypocrisy of these statements; in fact dripping with it so much I think it may be adding to the flooding…a few years back, when hurricane Sandy devastated the entire northeast…Ted Cruz and the rest of the Texas delegation voted against any federal aid…calling it nothing but pork…so yesterday’s pork is now necessary since it is in Texas? I, for one think that it is part of being a citizen that you can count on your country to help in these disasters and when your neighbors or anyone in the US is in need, I have no problem with my tax dollars going to help them, that is what a society is about…but these venal asses in Texas should have to pay for turning their backs on other parts of this country as they wave their sense of entitlement when it is in their state….this has to be thrown in their face at every campaign stop….as long as they continue to be the hypocrites they are…geez…

More hypocrisy…

Well….I’m sure you’ve read about the shootout between biker gangs in Texas a few days back,,,but there is one thing you didn’t read about…have you heard any politician say anything about it? In Ferguson and in Baltimore where the people who were protesting (and to be accurate, looting) were black, politicians like Ted Cruz couldn’t comment fast enough that it was a problem with the black community and rolled out all of the nonsense you normally hear from the right…no families, no work ethic…yadda yadda….not that their community is being systematically abused by the police there and that is the cause of these protests. Where were the comments when white biker gangs get in a shootout that left 9 dead with over 170 people arrested? Not a fricken peep from these guys…and I think I know why…the right wing asses vote for Cruz and his ilk and there must be an excuse for this behavior…after all, there are no problems in the white community…yeah, that is snark….just more and more hypocrisy from these racist asses and I am getting really tired of it…where is the media calling them out on this crap? As always…nowhere to be seen…geez…