Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Impeachment articles are coming today…

Well….House dems have announced that the articles of impeachment against the criminal trump are going to be released today and I’m not sure how I feel about that…I know he has earned them many, many times over but if they are only going to have three articles as the reporting says, I don’t think that describes the depth of the criminality of this asshole and the damage he and his cronies have done to our country. And, what’s the hurry? I know that the dems want to play this straight and work the process as transparently as possible but there is more and more information coming out every day that should be added to these articles and to have them only include three counts gives the repubs a talking point that he only did three things wrong and everyone makes mistakes….so it’s not such a big deal…shredding the constitution is a big frickin deal but I don’t see the pushback that should be happening with something this serious…like hauling everyone who is stonewalling the investigation into the house and compelling them to tesify…so what if it will take into next year for the cases to get through the courts? Time is on our side and we should be playing hardball with every damn one of these criminals…and now we see that not forcing testimony has become a repub talking point over the past couple of days….with them saying if trump’s criminality is so serious, why haven’t the dems forced people to testify? Feeding into the false narrative that the impeachment is all political and trump is a misunderstood angel….so, I guess we’ll see later this morning how the dems are going to roll all the criminality into the articles…and I hope they do their jobs to expose and explain why this can’t stand…or this country is gone….

The whiny baby runs away…

Well…with another performance by the idiot trump on the world stage where he embarrassed our country with his non-stop whining and attacks on the US and its representatives, is there any question why the rest of the world leaders laughed at him at a reception? This time it was even caught on video where their disdain for trump and his antics was on full display…and, according to multiple news reports, this is not the first time this has happened…at every summit, presidents and PM’s are doing everything they can to not talk to trump or, in the case of the almost as ridiculous Boris Johnson, to not have his picture taken with idiot boy since he knows it will cost him in the election that is scheduled for a couple of weeks from now. Do you know what the whiny baby’s reaction to the world laughing at him was? He called Macron names and then skipped his last conference, ran to his plane and ran away…the big, tough trump ran away because the other kids were mean to him….what a petulant little baby trump is…and this is the baby that the repubs think is the greatest leader in their party…well, looking at the rest of them, maybe he is…geez….

Karma bites trump and rudy on the ass….

Well…just a short one on a funny bit of karma doing it’s thing against rudy and the big orange idiot…as you know, or at least I hope you know, that idiot boy trump is being impeached for extorting Ukraine into ginning up some “evidence” of wrongdoing by the Bidens there…and ole rudy has been all over trying to get officials there to help with the conspiracy under the guise of “fighting corruption”…okay, here’s where it gets funny, to me at least, just the past few days every damn one of the people in the government that rudy has been conspiring with have been fired by the new president of the country…and guess what for? Corruption! Now, when they say that Karma is a bitch I guess it’s one bitch that trump can’t move on…okay, that one even made me laugh a little….

Whiny baby says what?

Well….god, I wonder if the idiot trump ever gets tired of being a big, whiny baby? With the impeachment hearings moving over to the Judiciary Committee this week and the perfectly reasonable invitation of chair Jerry Nadler for trump and his lawyers to come and participate to defend trump, all we got from the whiny baby and his lawyers was a letter Sunday saying that they wouldn’t come…I guess they realize that Devin Nunes or Jim Jordan aren’t going to be in charge and trump would really have to answer to the facts that he committed multiple crimes and not just get fluffed by his moronic minions. But, what this invitation does is put to rest the talking point that the “process” is unfair to trump and he doesn’t get to defend himself…hey, idiots…you had your chance to come and refute the evidence and you chose talking points instead…and that just isn’t going to cut it when more and more of the facts come out….and I think it’s funny that not one repub has come out to refute the facts that trump is a criminal committing daily crimes by obstructing the investigation…because they can’t…facts are facts and trump’s cronies can only whine about the fact that they don’t think crimes are crimes, and anyway, a repub president can do whatever he wants and it is just peachy keen with them….so, keep piling up the felonies just as long as the sweet, sweet Russian cash keeps rolling in to their campaigns….they are going to have to pay at some point….

If the repubs won’t convict in the senate…

Well…as we watch the impeachment proceedings that have already revealed that the idiot trump has committed multiple felonies while in office and before…and as Mitch McConnell has made it clear that he will not allow trump to be convicted in the senate no matter what the evidence is or how much he has betrayed the country, the dems need to come up with a new strategy that will guarantee that trump pays the price for his crimes after the repubs can no longer protect him. Now, I have never seen such a corrupt party as the repubs now are in my long life…so it left up to us to make sure that whoever comes next sees that, while it may take a long time, they will not be allowed to commit crimes with impunity.  I propose that we use the impeachment inquiry as a grand jury that will gather evidence that will then be given to prosecutors across the country to bring charges against trump and his minions after they are out of office…and we need to make the country aware that, if it wasn’t for the cult of trump that the repubs are willing members of, idiot boy would be convicted in the senate and removed from office. One component of of this action would be a letter from Jerry Nadler to trump telling him that this is what is going to happen and that there is not a damn thing trump can do about it since it is within the power of the House committees to release whatever evidence they want to whomever they want. One last thing that need to be shouted to the heavens is that ALL repubs who have decided to not uphold their oaths of office are part of this conspiracy and just as guilty as trump…we need to play hardball to make sure trump knows he isn’t going to get away with all of his crimes…

trump loses another one….

Well…even with the despair that most of the country feels as trump and his criminal cronies get away with committing crimes every day, there are small bits of news that offer some hope that our institutions are going to strike back with the rule of law….and that happened Monday when a federal court judge ruled that yes, Don McGahn has to testify in the impeachment investigation (or this one is from the Mueller investigation) and the judge went on to say that no one is above the law or a king who can just do whatever the hell he wants…and the opinion went on for 120 pages where the judge tried to teach trump and his cronies what the constitution says about the separation of powers and that the legislative branch is well within it’s rights described in the constitution to conduct oversight of the executive branch. But, that little hope is tempered by the fact that trump and his enablers have put so many shitty judges on the bench that most of them don’t even know what the constitution says and those folks are the ones who will be deciding the case when the inevitable appeal hits the courts…and, of course, with Kavanaugh on the supreme court, trump really could shoot someone on 5th avenue and he and the rest of the conservatives would say that it’s just perfectly fine and a president can do anything without consequence. So, where does that leave us? We need to vote, vote, vote to throw these criminals out in 2020 and then our task will be to restore the rule of law and codify that yes, a sitting president can be indicted if there is evidence of a crime…just like anyone else….

There are tapes…

Well…not sure if you read about this little bombshell that dropped over the weekend but one of the Ukrainians indicted for funneling Russian money to repub campaigns in 2016, and who was neck deep in the Ukraine/Biden conspiracy has given tapes of trump, giuliani and others to the House committee that is still investigating the crimes that trump and his cronies committed. Now, let that one sink in a minute…Lev Parnas has tapes, photos, and video of the conspiracy in real time that he has already turned over to investigators…now, I wonder how the repubs are going to spin this one? “Who are going to believe, me or your own eyes?” is going to be the latest talking point that is going to come out of the conspirators and fox news…and it won’t make a damn bit of difference to them that these tapes will make abundantly clear that trump was at the head of these crimes and induced others to committ felonies on his behalf…now, we all know that there is nothing trump can do to lose the synchophants who are protecting him…but they all better lawyer up for when trump is gone because they are all going to need them….

In any normal time, it would be all over after today…

Well….I wonder if they make a bus big enough for all the people Gordon Sondland threw under one today? If you didn’t see it, trump’s ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, testified in the impeachment investigation in the House today and boy, he laid out that every damn one of the department heads that work for trump was in on the extortion of Ukraine and took an active part in it on the orders of the idiot trump….let that sink in for a minute…almost every damn cabinet secretary has committed a felony in support of trump trying to get a foreign power to help install him just like Putin did in 2016…Mulvaney, Pence, Pompeo, Perry and many more people were in on the scam according to Sondland who was there and pushing most of it with those other criminals….and in any normal time, there would be a delegation of repub senators heading to the WH right now to tell the idiot boy that it’s all over and he needs to resign…but, these aren’t normal times since every damn repub has lost his mind and still supports the criminal in chief…and I can’t figure out why. After all, trump can’t even get repubs elected in deep red states and his influence is waning every day…so I wonder why all of the repubs still kiss his ass and protect him regularly…and here’s the kicker….we haven’t even heard the worst stuff yet since the courts haven’t forced any of the criminals from trump’s inner circle to testify yet…what are we going to hear when that happens? It sure as hell isn’t going to get better and more and more of trumps cronies are going to end up disgraced or in jail or both….and resigning like Perry did or that Pompeo is contemplating is no protection or a get out of jail free card…there are consequences for extorting a foreign government for personal gain and every damn one of them that don’t resign should be impeached…

More crimin’….

Well….I am still smiling that Roger Stone is going to jail for a long, long time but there is a little detail that not many people have picked up on and the danger it poses to the idiot trump….as the trial went on, it was made clear that Stone lied to investigators about his contacts with Wikileaks, saying that he didn’t have any at all when all of the evidence showed that he was the conduit between Wikileaks and the trump campaign…coordinating the campaign’s response to reinforce the effect of the release of the stolen dem e-mails…that were stolen by the Russians. When asked what he knew about Wikileaks by Mueller, the idiot in chief said he had no knowledge of anything about the stolen e-mails and put that in writing since he wouldn’t sit for an interview with Mueller…but, during Stone’s trial, many witnesses testified that Stone had talked directly to trump abut Wikileaks and the e-mails, showing that trump lied to Mueller and that is now being investigated by the House…and I really think that perjury will be added to the articles of impeachment that are piling up on a daily basis. I think the stress of all of this is getting to idiot boy since he ended up at Walter Reed Hospital over the weekend for what the liars in the WH said was “getting a head start on his annual physical” but was reported that it was some sort of a panic attack…or a reaction to all of the Adderall he snorts…at least that was the major speculation that was going around this weekend….or it was just the start of the latest lie that he is going to use as an excuse to resign since even someone as stupid as trump must realize that things are only going to get worse for him…

Witness intimidation in real time…

Well…cripes, can a day go by that the idiot trump doesn’t commit more crimes? Just today, while Marie Yovanovitch was testifying in his impeachment investigation, idiot boy tweeted at least two tweets that were aimed at the ambassador but even more than that, it was aimed at anyone else that is scheduled to testify that trump tried to extort Ukraine for fake dirt on the Bidens…and I smiled a little when Adam Schiff broke into the testimony to tell her what trump had done and to make sure that everyone knew that he takes witness intimidation very seriously…I can guess where this is going, that today’s tweets from the mob boss in chief are going to be the basis for another article of impeachment against the moron…and I think he just can’t help himself…but, where the hell are his lawyers in all of this? They should be wrenching his phone out of his tiny little hands because this is a crime that can be prosecuted after he’s thrown out of office…to add to the hundreds he’s already committed..doesn’t he understand that he is going to spend the rest of his life in jail after prosecutor after prosecutor gets done with him? I just think he’s to dumb to understand that things have changed…he was able to get away with this crap while he was a two bit developer in NY but now it’s bigger than that and moron boy is going down…counting the frickin days….