January 12th

Well….running late this morning since my internet has been down since I got up….and it is still not working right….but, I guess I’ll try to get a short one out…it was an okay day yesterday and I made some cash so that was cool….slept okay but have been up since really early and I’m not sure what that is about…my back is almost okay again…have been getting up and down with no pain…or just a shadow of pain and I can live with that….another night of snow and I am tired of it already….but, it is better than last year so I better just live with it and not let it bug me….not much to do today….need to do some work around here but that is about it…more later…

RIP David Bowie

Well…these are never easy….yesterday, David Bowie died at 69…the weird thing is, even with all of the news I read, I never heard that he was even sick…just about the new album that just came out and the great reviews it got….my first memory of hearing David was the song “Space Oddity” which I really liked at the time but it was a while after that, I think the “Ziggy Stardust” time that I really started to listen to his other stuff and became a huge fan…I think there was a year in the late 70′s that he was almost all I listened to…his double live album being the centerpiece to that time along with “Station to Station”. For some reason, the software that came with my new mp-3 player erased all my Bowie… restoring that seems like a good project for the day…I need to listen to “Young Americans” and “Let’s Dance” today….

RIP David…..


January 11th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done…I did go out and have a couple with G and it was pleasant so I may do that again…but that put me way ahead on cocktails so I and feeling it today…slept okay but on my right shoulder and now that pain is added to the back pain that came back yesterday…oh, well….it was only 13 degrees when I went out to get the papers this morning and I was hoping that we wouldn’t see much of that this year…but, it looks like the entire week is going to be cold but I guess it’s Michigan so I just have to get used to it…I could use some more sleep so maybe there will be a nap later….not much to do today…I am going to clean some once I get started and make some pork loin for lunch…and I do have to come back here and do one on David Bowie who died yesterday at 69….rip….

January 10th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I still didn’t get much done…I did get the chance to watch Man U stink up the place again and I am thinking of moving my allegiance to Everton or Spurs….just awful soccer…slept okay and had a few dreams that I don’t remember and that is a shame…the storm that was supposed to be so bad dropped about 2 inches of snow and now it’s over….big deal winter storm….it is winter in Michigan and I can’t understand how they get so breathless when it is going to snow…I will have to clean the car off later today since it is going to be the coldest week of the year so far…my back seems to have plateaued with some pain but it is low enough to live with without painkillers so I can live with it…not much to do today….going to just veg it out and watch some soccer…and maybe clean a little but I’m not sure about that….more later…

I think they protest too much…

Well…have been reading quite a few articles that talk about how the pundits on the right are attacking ole Trump since he ‘doesn’t represent the republican party’s values”…and then I just have to laugh my butt off….what values are they talking about? Gutting Social Security? Hating everyone that is not a christian or white? Taking away healthcare from millions? Giving the rich more and more of the country? Having more and more guns everywhere? Closing the border to Muslims? Cheating to win elections? I hate to break it to the pundits….this is EXACTLY the repub party these days….the Donald is channeling the id of the party and has taken what were dog whistles and turned them into shouts and made it acceptable to bring all the meanness and hatred to the surface for all to see…so the next time you say this isn’t “your” repub party you are either stupid or lying…or both….just stfu…..

January 9th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but very unproductive….seems like they are all like that these days and I know I don’t like it…slept okay and had the same recurring dream I’ve had for a while now and I’m not sure why…feel okay today but my mood is a little sour with the storm that is coming tonight and through the day tomorrow…could get 8 inches of snow and that will keep me off the bike til spring…that is part of why I’m a little grumpy but I have been able to maintain my weight so far so that is something….and I just noticed my back doesn’t hurt so far today so I guess things could be worse….it looks like the powerball is going to be 800 million tonight and i have my three tickets so there will  be a day of hope…and the mega was won last night so I have to check my tickets….not much to do today…going to make some pork stir fry and clean a little but that’s about it….more later….

Oh, happy birthday to Jimmy Page…72 years old today…

Still trying….

Well….I have been trying all day…again…to find a topic that will mean something…well…to me anyway…and I am still not having much luck….I do find it funny that the ultimate birther king, ole Donald has turned his sighst on Ted Cruz since he wasn’t born in the US…using the same methods he always uses to make his lies sound like there may be a grain of truth in them…the old “some people are saying” that Ted isn’t a citizen…just like he said “some people saw” thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 when that wasn’t true either…but, I do relish the fact that he is turning on the other idiots in the repub race…this is going to need some popcorn….I did find another thing funny with the Obamacare repeal bill that was sent to the president, and the repubs all patting themselves on the back for it; knowing it would be vetoed and thinking they were super geniuses for doing it. Are they going to try to run on it this year? Taking insurance away from 20 million people? Man, I can see the ads now and even I could write them…nice job, geniuses….geez…

January 8th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t do much….did get out to have a couple with G but that was about it….slept okay last night but no dreams to speak of so I won’t….my back has continued to improve to the point that there is almost no pain so that is cool….I feel a little worn out today so it will be a lay low day and I will take it easy since the coffee is not working right now….I did get the car washed to get the salt off it just in time for the next snow over the weekend….and the week looks like a cold one that I will hunker down to survive…..not much to do today…..going to make some part of the pork loin I got yesterday and watch some soccer but that is about it….just too low energy to do much more…more later….

It’s even worse than I thought in Flint…

Well…as you know, I did a post a few weeks back on the lead poisoning of the people of Flint when the first info came in that the water source was changed to just save money…a decision made by the Snyder appointed emergency manager…but, it’s much, much worse than that….these assholes knew they were poisoning the poor people in Flint and that they were taking care of it with water treatment when they just flat lied about it with a pattern of faking the water test results that would have exposed the danger. This is typical repub crap…make decisions based on cost when the guys making the decisions know they will hurt people….and they just don’t give a damn..especially when they can go home to their nice suburbs where the water and air are clean and it has no effect on them…the water in Flint was so bad the GM stopped using the water at their engine plant since it ruined iron engine blocks…read that again…Flint was saying that there was nothing wrong with drinking the water when it was eating away iron…what do you think it would do to a person? Typical repub crap and someone needs to go to jail for this….starting with the guy that appointed them..ole Rick Snyder..I’m glad there is now a federal investigation going on and I’m sure they will find that Snyder knew what was going on…but he will use the Chris Christie defense that he didn’t know what the people he appointed were doing….and that will be a lie…geez…

Donald, Donald, Donald…

Well…I’ll bet you thought this one was going about Donald Trump but, unfortunately, it about one of my idols, Donald Fagen…one of the founders of Steely Dan. I read yesterday that he was arrested for assaulting his wife…pushing her into a wall and bruising her shoulder…the aftermath of that is that Libby Titus has filed for divorce…as she should…no woman should take this crap and I am so disappointed that the cool hipster personae that Donald cultivated is not true…not sure if I will completely stop listening to his stuff since it is such a big part of my life and maybe I should not be so judgmental in this case…but, as I taught my 3 boys, it is NEVER okay for any man to physically bully or hurt a woman…NEVER….no exceptions….another person I looked up to disappointing me…I hate this crap….