February 9th

Well…okay…maybe there is a good thing to being good and having no cocktails…for the first time in a long time, I had dreams all night long…three different threads that ranged from storms, to murder, to two Audi TT’s racing and crashing into the Grand River…and yep, they were just as weird as they sound…probably the best sleep I’ve had in quite a while and didn’t get up until 6 or so even after going to bed early from boredom last night….I wonder if that sleep will help with the exhaustion I’ve been feeling lately? I think I need to re-adjust my calorie intake without the calories from the cocktails…I know they are empty calories but they are still calories and without them I’m down to around 1,200 a day and that is not enough with riding the bike twice a day and getting back on the weight machine….so I need to figure out how to add calories that are not red meat…I did buy lots of fruit and veggies this week so maybe I can make up the difference with those…I hurt pretty much everywhere this morning but my shoulder is not too bad…the pain from sleeping on it went away as soon as I got off it so that is progress that I welcome….not much to do today…I may get out to have a couple with K either today or tomorrow but that is about it…still didn’t clean much but I will cook today with doing some chicken in the Instant Pot…I do have 10 lbs of chicken that I need to cook or freeze in the next couple of days so that will be in the plan for the day…more later…

The swamp gets deeper….

Well…there was so much that happened late in the day yesterday concerning the National Inquirer and it’s attempts to blackmail Jeff Bezos that I don’t know where to start with this one. The facts as known now: late last year the NI somehow got hold of some compromising phone pictures of Bezos and his affair that ended his 25 year marriage….and they tried to blackmail Bezos into dropping a story that his newspaper, the Washington Post, was doing on the connections between the Saudis, the NI, and the trump administration or they would publish the embarrassing photos of Bezos; something they have done many, many times to suppress stories that made their friends look bad…just like they did for trump and his payoffs to the pornstars who were going to come forward to expose trump during the election. But, there is a twist in this one…Bezos wasn’t playing along and exposed the blackmail yesterday which just freaked the publisher of the NI, David Pecker, completely out since it would mean their business model of blackmail and collusion was exposed in the worst possible way for them…and that involves the no-prosecution agreement with the SDNY from the payoffs to the pornstars that Michael Cohen is going to jail for…the pertinent clause being that if they were caught breaking the law within 3 years of the agreement being signed, then all of the charges that were stayed were back on the table along with the new charges of extortion and blackmail from the Bezos affair. So now, AMI, the parent company of the NI is in for a world of hurt…but the one little detail that is not getting too much airplay is that a reporter lat last night revealed that the hacking of Bezos phone may have been done by a “government agency” and then the photos given to Pecker for blackmail…and that couldn’t have happened without the approval of the idiot trump…okay, that’s a lot to take in and this is a long one…but the one takeaway is that it looks like trump conspired with Pecker to use the government to attack one of his biggest enemies…and idiot boy is on record tweeting how much he hates Bezos because he is digging into the criminality that is rife in this administration..stay tuned, folks…this is going to be good….impeach…

February 8th

Well…about on time this morning with getting up at 5:44 and was only up one other time all night so that makes it a good night…slept okay and there were some dreams that had my old Fiat in them and lots of blankets for some reason…so that was cool…haven’t had them in quite a while and I wonder if it’s the no cocktails finally changing my sleep patterns? All I know is I’m going to continue being good until next Thursday when racing starts and we’ll see if maybe I’ll even go past that if the improvement in how I feel continues…I am going to hurt my shoulder again this morning by getting back on the weight machine but the pain wasn’t so bad last time so I may be improving enough so it won’t hurt too much…I did get two rides in on the bike yesterday and even extended each to 25 minutes and I think that will be the goal for today, too….I do need to thaw the car out today so I can go out and get my powerball tickets but the wind is howling out there and it will take time to get the doors open after the rain yesterday and the freeze overnight…didn’t get much done but cook yesterday but I will get some stuff done around here today…not sure what but something…more later….

I think idiot boy is confused…

Well…I am just laughing my butt off this morning with idiot boy’s latest tweetstorm going off on the fact that Adam Schiff is going back to the start with the Russia investigation of trump and how the Russians affected the election in 2016. I think one of the problems is that trump is confused on how the government works but even more than that, he is confused that the bluster and bullshit that has always worked to intimidate people and protect him from consequences of his criminal behavior is no longer working….and he is just not bright enough to think of what else to do…one of the funny things that the bloated moron whined about this morning was that “they never investigated Obama like this”…hey trumpy…Benghazi for 5 years, your damn birther conspiracy that went on for 8 years, e-mails, etc, etc.  so no, they did investigate every damn thing that Obama did but his wearing of a tan suit…but the key here moron? Obama followed the rules and they found no wrongdoing….no bribes in the guise of renting hotel rooms, okay…I don’t need to list all of the lawbreaking and scandals…let’s just leave it at every damn thing you have ever been involved in is rife with criminal wrongdoing and that is why your “life” is being investigated…not some “deep state”, not some grudge, but elected officials who see their duty to the constitution, not to some tin pot dictator like you…so, buckle up buttercup…you’re in for a bumpy ride…oh, and prison…impeach…

February 7th

Well…running a little late today with doing the grocery run before the big rain and freeze comes in…it started to rain pretty hard on the way back from Meijers and that didn’t help the skating rink that is the parking lot here…glad I’ve got everything done and can just veg out here today…slept okay last night but was up at 4:44 to start but was able to get back to sleep until almost 6 so that was a bonus…and, with being good, I feel okay today so it looks like the skipping cocktails is going to turn into a thing that I am going to want to continue for a couple of weeks at least….and it saves me a bunch of money so that is cool…I did work out yesterday and it appears that the damage that I do to my shoulder is getting less every time…and I think the skipping days helps with the healing…so I’ll keep that up for a while and see where it goes…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but errands but I think I’ll try to clean some today…the kitchen counters need some work and I still need to vacuum so that will be the plan for this aft….more later….

just had a laugh…

Well…as you know, I braved the ice this morning to go out and get some groceries at Aldi’s…okay, I didn’t brave the ice…the only place there was ice left by the time I went out at 10 was in the parking lot here…the roads were just wet with a few slick spots so no big deal…oh, I did find out that I pulled the overflow hose off the radiator tank sometime when I was screwing around with the car…or it just came off with the hose being pretty old and stretched out so it didn’t fit too tightly anymore…so I lost a bunch of coolant and had to re-fill it today, and I found a small clamp to put on it to make sure it doesn’t come off again….but, that’s not what this is about….I just checked the packages of chicken thighs I got this morning…didn’t even check how much they weighed when I bought them…the two of them together weighed over 10 pounds…now, I’m not sure if anyone needs 10 pounds of chicken thighs but, damn, how can you pass up 69 cents a pound? Just knowing I have 10 pounds of chicken, again, made me laugh….


Well…not sure if you could stomach listening to the idiot in chief last night, I know I couldn’t, but the reviews are in and it was all just more of the same old crap the trump spews every time he opens his mouth…need wall, best president ever, murdering immigrants, I’m great and you’re not, interspersed with many adderal sniffles and stopping after every sentence for applause by his toadies in the congress…and that applause is the only reason he wanted to do the speech…he is so needy that he would cease to exist without applause and affirmation by his cronies. There was not one damn policy proposal…no comparison of where we are and where we need to be and how to get there…no anything at all of how to make the lives of Americans better….but there was a threat that if the investigations into him and his crime family didn’t stop, there would be no legislation signed by him…doesn’t the idiot know that that statement can be used as evidence of obstruction of justice? On a historical note, this is exactly what Nixon said in his final SOTU…that the investigations into Watergate had gone on long enough and needed to be stopped…and, how did that turn out for him? All in all…the whole speech was just a word salad of hate and bragging that no one should have watched….impeach…

February 6th

Well…running a little late for normal this morning with not getting up until after 6…okay…for last time after 6 but was up and down all night and wrenched my shoulder somehow so there was quite a bit of pain that seems to have subsided….but, I don’t feel too bad this morning with the first night of being good under my belt…going to continue that for a while just to see if I can get through the winter losing weight instead of gaining it like normal…looks like quite a bit of ice out there this morning and the Miata is coated pretty thickly so I need to get a photo of that to post today…it appears that the ice has already started to melt since there are rivers running down the parking lot and the rain is supposed to be over by 8 or so…I need to get out some time today to get some groceries at Aldi’s since they have chicken thighs for 69 cents a pound and can’t pass that up…a couple of trays will keep me in protein for a couple of weeks for about 7 bucks and I can make lots of different dishes with them…I did get a few things done yesterday and I am going to try to continue that today with clearing some of the dust and cobwebs along with vacuuming….and some laundry that needs to be done…and maybe some soccer if there are any matches on….more later…

Nothing to do with the White House?

Well…with the bombshell report that the trump inaugural committee has been subpoenaed basically for every bit of records they have with the SDNY and Mueller looking into money laundering, illegal foreign contributions, influence peddling, and many, many other crimes, we have the press secretary coming out yesterday and saying “it has nothing to do with the WH”…..now it appears to me that Sarah Sanders has just given up even trying to understand that there is truth out there…that, yes, it has EVERYTHING to do with the WH and the crime family that is running it…and the fact that trump has had the for sale sign out front since he was installed. I wonder if Obama’s inaugural committee was ever accused of any of these crimes? Yeah, we know the answer to that one…nope…and yet not one damn repub has said anything about all the criminality since trump has given them the unqualified right wing judges they salivated for and the tax cuts they were instructed to enact by their owners. Is there any damn facet of trump, his administration, or his businesses that isn’t under investigation? Nope…impeach…

Might be wishful thinking…

Well…just wanted to do a short one on a post that I just read over at Kos, and while it may be wishful thinking, it still sounds pretty cool. This article described supposed plans that Nancy Pelosi has for the response to the idiot trump’s SOTU speech tonight just in case the moron goes off and shows that he is truly unhinged…supposedly, Pelosi has a panel of expert psychiatrists that will do a real-time analysis of trump and his behavior…and diagnose that he is truly mentally ill and then call for congress to begin the process to remove him. Now, I’m not sure if there is a grain of salt big enough for this or if this post was just one of the trolls that sometimes infest Kos but it did make me smile for a short few seconds…I would love to see it but the chance of it happening, of finally ripping the blindfold off the country’s eyes and showing that trump is a real danger to this country if allowed to stay in office, is really just a bit of wishful thinking…impeach….