May 9th

Well…running a little late with having to make two stops this morning for groceries…and that is a pain in the butt…slept okay last night but got up feeling really slow this morning and that may be the antihistamines I had to take to get rid of the headache that was killing me last night….and I topped that off with an ibuprofen for the neck pain that was keeping me from moving it…but, that helped the pain in my legs so I guess that was okay…that’s what I get from doing 6 30 mile days in a row but it looks like a day off today with rain predicted for the entire day…I will keep my eyes on the radar though to see if there is a break that I can go out in if even for just 15 miles…didn’t get much done yesterday but I’ll have to do better today since I have no excuses to use to justify being lazy…the kitchen counters can use some work and I should do the bathroom so maybe that will be on the agenda for the day…don’t have to cook anything…oh, yep I do…going to make potato salad since I have a lot of eggs to use and I haven’t made it yet this year…but that will be it….will be eating out of the freezer again for this week and I still need to make alfredo sometime this weekend so I’ll get away from chicken, chicken, chicken that is boring the hell out of me….more later….

This can’t stand…

Well…when did criminals get to say what evidence against them can be seen by prosecutors? Just this morning, trump and his criminal minions asserted a non-existent executive privilege to keep the congress from seeing the entire Mueller report, adding to his obstruction and turning it into a full-blown coverup that is being run by his toady AG William Barr…now it’s the time for Nancy Pelosi to step up and say that this can’t stand and start impeachment proceedings against idiot boy…if you discard all of the Mueller report, this action by itself is the “high crimes and misdemeanors” necessary to start the investigation process which gives the House broad powers to access anything they want…and this has been upheld by every court in the land since the country was founded. It appears that the dems are starting to grow a spine with the vote to hold Barr in contempt of congress this morning but that is not enough…Mnuchin and all of the rest who are part of this conspiracy need to be hauled in front of congress and charged with breaking the law and that includes Barr….the very existence of our democracy hangs in the balance and the dems need to stop thinking of the political fallout of impeachment since there may be no country left if they don’t get moving…impeach…

May 8th

Well…my coffee is not hot enough…aargh…back the microwave…okay…that’s better…but it doesn’t fix that it was another 5:34 morning today….but, I feel okay so maybe that’s enough…I think I slept okay last night…for let’s not talk about that anymore…I did take an ibuprofen last night and probably took three years off my life but I hurt frickin everywhere after doing 5 days straight of 30 mile rides…and I have a brand new pain…yay? On the ride yesterday, I got a shooting pain under my right kneecap that I’ve never had before that is really annoying and it continued after I got off the bike…doesn’t hurt this morning but I think my legs are saying they need to have me back off a bit…so today will just be 15 miles and then it looks like a rainout tomorrow so I’ll take the day off…it may be cool to have thunderstorms all day if the forecast is correct…I did see a really cool soccer match between Liverpool and Barcelona yesterday in the semi finals of the Champions league…they play two games and use the aggregate score to see who goes to the finals…Liverpool was down 3-0 from the first game and came back to win this one 4-0 which sent them through to the final…pretty cool and there is another one on this aft with Spurs and Ajax…so guess what I’ll be doing this afternoon? Yep…not cleaning again but I do have to cook today…going to fire up the instant pot and do a pork loin that has been int the freezer a while…so, red meat and ibuprofen…crap, I’ll probably die tomorrow…more later…

Mitch McConnell is just a liar…

Well…you know, if ole Mitch would have been in office when Watergate was happening, he would have been the one last supporter that kept lying that Nixon was innocent…and would have gone on the senate floor to lie just like he did today to assert that the trump/Russia investigation was “over” and that the dems just need to move on since it was really Obama that was at fault in not catching the Russians quicker…ignoring his own role in making sure that Obama couldn’t reveal the ongoing investigation to the American people before the election. McConnell never once thought of the country but just his political calculations and how he could use trump if he helped the Russians elect him….and by blocking any revelation of the contacts and help trump got from the Russians, he has set the country up with this  fake president who destroys more of the country every day. At least Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer called bullshit on these lies immediately after ole Mitch made them but need to continue to counter his lies every damn time he continues…maybe the media will finally do their job and stop the “both sides do it” bullshit and just say that the repubs are all lying…all the time…impeach…

May 7th

Well…just can’t get motivated this morning and that makes me late to get this done….my allergies were killing me last night and I had to take two different kinds of meds for it…it seems that everyone was mowing their lawns on my bike route yesterday and it blocked my head up like concrete…still have a low grade headache right now but I can’t take anything for it after last night so I guess I’ll just have to live with it…slept okay last night and feel okay this morning with very little pain but I took something for that last night,too…have been avoiding taking ibuprofen lately since it is supposed to kill you but I did some research and the warnings start to kick in if you take more than 2400 mg a day…but, I never take more than one 200 mg a day so I think I’ll risk it for the pain and inflammation relief…even after 4 30 mile days in a row, the one ibuprofen I took last night got rid of almost all of the pain….didn’t get anything done yesterday but I will clean some today…and will probably only do 15 miles today since it is cold and rainy out there and I just don’t want to get wet when it’s only 46 degrees out there….where the hell is our spring? Just looked and there is no 70 degree weather for the rest of the month…and that sucks…more later….

375 prosecutors can’t be wrong…

Well…amid the cries of “no obstruction” coming from the criminal in chief, today we have the counterpoint to those lies coming from 375 former federal prosecutors who today stated unequivocally in an online posting that the only reason that idiot boy was not charged with multiple felonies of obstruction of justice is that he is president…and they made this judgement with just the evidence that was presented in the Mueller report…not the underlying evidence that supports the report. No matter how much the criminal in chief bleats that he is innocent, the evidence shows that he is a multiple felon, not even counting the campaign finance violations that the SDNY convicted Michael Cohen of and that Cohen has testified he was ordered to do by trump. Ole donnie boy better start sweating because of his continued attacks on the rule of law…there is going to be at least one prosecutor who will take all this evidence and charge him after he is out of office…there is a lot of institutional pride in people in the justice system that will want to ensure that no one is above the law…and, let’s remember all of the things that were not addressed in the Mueller report…namely trump’s finances and tax returns that are widely suspected to be a swamp of fraud and that are under investigation across the country. Poor, poor donnie…bluster and attack all you want…you are going to jail after your squatting in the WH is done…and there is not a damn thing you can do about it…or Mueller testifying to the House…tick tock asshole…impeach…

Got my passport…

Well…I was pleasantly surprised today when I opened my mailbox and found my passport had arrived! It’s the first one I’ve had in my lifetime and the possibilities it opens up are pretty darn cool…whether or not I’ll use it much is not really the point…it was something I’ve wanted for a few years now and if not now, when? It even has a good picture of me in it and, from what I understand, that’s pretty unusual. Now maybe I can take advantage of the 49 dollars to Europe fares that I have been seeing on the internet…probably won’t but it is cool that it is now a possibility….oh, and it only took three weeks to get it…pretty cool…

Over 1200 farms gone…

Well…hey, Wisconsin dairy farmers that voted for the idiot trump…how’s that working out for you? At least 1,200 of you are now without a farm due to the grifter in chief’s stupid tariffs and a couple of thousand more will be lost in the next year if nothing is done to fix the stupidity oozing out of the WH. But, I’m sure you still support the idiot since Hillary has something, something e-mails…right? That’s really sticking it to the libs when you lose your farm, right? Look, I do feel for ignorant people who, through no fault of their own, voted for the idiot and his policies due to trump’s lies…but, to continue to support him after losing family farms that have been in the family for generations is just pure, unadulterated  stupidity that can’t be forgiven…after all, these people saddled us with the ignorant, stupid, reality show loser that shows his venality and criminality every day….and these “real Americans” deserve whatever they get…impeach…

May 6th

Well…that was an interesting night…started to sneeze and cough like crazy when I went to bed last night and that kept me up until after midnight and you would think that I would be able to make up for it by sleeping in a little…but no, back up at 5:45 today and I am exhausted…again…but part of that may be doing my second 30 miler in a row…had to take something for the pain last night since my neck and shoulders hurt as much as my legs…I’m now starting to re-think doing 30′s every day…maybe every other day would be a better plan? Still coughing a lot this morning and that is just damn annoying….didn’t get a lot done but the bike ride yesterday and today looks the same with the napcar race being rained out and rescheduled for noon today so I need to get out and get the first ride in this morning before the rain comes so I can nap during it…still no cooking today or tomorrow for that matter since I’m still using up the leftovers from the cooking binge last week…still have a tray of thighs that I got Thursday that will need to be frozen today so that means I won’t have to buy any protein this week…unless daily deals has something cheap…I should clean some today but, how I feel right now, that is not going to happen…more later….

May 5th

Well…it’s another Sunday morning at 7 am and the coffee is starting to work but this still may be a short one…didn’t get up until almost 6 and that was welcome and a long night for me…cripes, I’m sore today from doing 30 miles yesterday and I am thinking about doing it again today if I can get out early enough but Man U is going to dictate that…and the temp…they play at 9 and I think I’ll watch the first half and see how they play…they have been really bad lately and it may be a good thing that the season is ending in the next couple of weeks…had some problems with the bike yesterday and the damn rear shifter is driving me nuts…but I was just thinking if that is the only thing I have to bitch about, things are okay and I’ll figure it out at some point…I do have to get under the car this week and lube up the parking brakes since they are hanging up and not releasing but that is no big deal…just need to do it but can’t get motivated right now…don’t have to cook today with trying to use up all the leftovers and I can’t figure out how I ended up with so many…still have stir fry chicken and a homemade pizza to use up and that will last me the next three days so I may have to freeze the chicken thighs that I bought Thursday…okay, need more coffee and to watch the MotoGP race that is coming on in a minute so I’ll end here….more later…