Everyone opposes Kavanaugh…

Well…after reading the news over the past couple of days, it appears that everyone in this damn country opposes the attempted rapist Brett Kavanaugh being elevated to the supreme court…except for the 51 repubs in the senate. At last count, over 1700 law professors have signed letters saying that Kavanaugh shouldn’t be confirmed…and that is along with two retired supreme court justices and almost 70% of the people polled on the question…and almost two million people who have signed a petition opposing him…making him the candidate with the worst polling and support of any in the history of polling….and yet, the repubs keep pushing forward with this scam that is destroying what little faith the people have in the senate…making the SC illegitimate in the eyes of most of the people and will make Kavanaugh the first sitting justice to be charged with a felony…or multiple felonies of perjury and sexual assault after the dems take back the house and do a real investigation…not the sham that has been perpetrated on the US by McConnell, Hatch, and Grassley. Anyone with any character or honor would have withdrawn with all of the crimes that have been exposed, but in his speech to the senate and yesterday’s op ed in the WSJ, it can clearly be seen that honesty, honor, and duty are foreign concepts to Kavanaugh as they are to every damn repub in this country…and again, it falls to the dems to save this country and clean up the repubs mess as we always do when we get back in control….geez…

October 5th

Well…up again at the new normal time so that puts me here a little early and still shaking off the cobwebs…slept okay last night but feel a little sore everywhere today and I’m not sure why that would be….might take something for it before I get on the bike but that will have to wait until around 10 or so since it is pretty cold and I need it to be at least 47 so I can go out in shorts…I did get a lot of cooking done yesterday with soup, smoked salmon, and chicken stir fry for dinner and I am looking forward to a toasted bagel with cream cheese and salmon with my coffee here in a few minutes…I think I finally ate enough yesterday and I need to continue that today to see if that helps with the flat legs I’ve had lately….this place does still smell a little smoky today since the fan over the stove is not the best and some of the smoke escaped into the kitchen…but it was worth it to figure out how to smoke fish…didn’t get a lot else done yesterday but I do need to clean some and spray some bug spray to keep the spiders out with it getting cold outside…not ready for that yet…more later…

Let’s go Red Wings!

Well….another fall comes and another Red Wings season starts tonight and I am going to admit that I am still excited when a new season starts even though they have missed the playoffs the past two years. That excitement is tempered this year by the retirement of Henrik Zetterberg who has been my guy since he came into the league in 2002 and has made me some money betting on who would score the next goal over the years…but, I am glad that he is going out on his own terms and is thinking about his health and the rest of his life…I am going to miss him but maybe there will be one of the youngsters that will step up and provide the excitement that Hank did over his career…we can hope. The boys have looked good through the preseason but we all know that really doesn’t mean much and the season is a long grind….the one thing I can say right now is that we are undefeated and I will be watching…and will be breaking my no cocktail policy for tonight…Let’s Go Red Wings!

Now trump has ruined the FBI…

Well…in keeping with the fact that the idiot trump ruins everything he touches, he has just done that to the FBI with his interference in the investigation of the sexual assaulter, Brett Kavanaugh. It has been revealed today that the FBI was limited to interviewing only 9 people and the ones they did interview were dictated by the WH and the old white guys who are ramming Kavanaugh through the senate…think of that again…the FBI, which is supposed to be an independent investigating organization was told how to do it’s job by the criminal in the WH to protect the criminal they are installing on the SC….what is going to be next from these criminal conspirators? No more elections? Outlawing dems? At this point, nothing McConnell and his criminal cronies do would surprise me…they are ruining this country and stand there grinning about how clever they are for doing it…but, they will pay at the ballot box in November…

Another great batch of ham soup….

Well…just finished up the first part of the cooking day and now it’s break time for a few minutes…I am going to brag a little about my ham soup…I have this recipe down and it appears that it doesn’t matter what the cooking method is….I normally do it in my big stew pot on the stove top and it takes most of the day…but today, I used my instant pot and it was only a total of an hour or so including the prep work for the veggies…oh, and an extra hour to get the ham to fall off the bones by pressure cooking it…and it didn’t take a lot of work like the old method did…just loaded the pot up and walked away…I thought the 8 quarts was smaller than my stew pot but I ended up with three two quart containers in the freezer and half of another one in the fridge so I guess it’s the same…and that’s cool…oh, I did figure out how to make a smoker for my stove top and smoked two fillets of salmon that Tom gave me…they came out pretty darn good, too, and I can’t wait to have some on a bagel with coffee in the morning…and I still have to make stir fry chicken for dinner later…or I may wait until tomorrow and just have a couple of pieces of pizza instead….I do know I need to eat more since two bowls of soup is just not enough…maybe a couple of apples this afternoon? Who knows?

October 4th

Well…running a little late today with doing the grocery run and then getting the pressure cooker loaded up to make ham soup…it is going to be a cooking day today with the soup and with trying to figure out how to smoke some salmon on the stove top along with making some chicken stir fry…and I need to wedge in a bike ride, too, so it will be pretty busy but fun….slept okay last night but I know I didn’t eat enough so I am going to make up for that today…getting two ham bones out of the freezer sure freed up some space and but I won’t have to buy any protein for a couple of weeks….my coughing seems to be getting better and I didn’t even use any flonase yesterday for my allergies and I think I’ll try that again today to see what happens…had a weird blood pressure day yesterday and couldn’t get it below 130…but, the lower number got down to 65 which is a good thing…and I have been reading about what is optimal for someone my age and it is all over the map so I don’t know what to shoot for…more later….

This whole damn government is a sham…

Well…I am sitting here trying not to let the destruction of our country get to me too much but some of it is bleeding through and it pisses me off…there is not one honest person on the right in this country and trump an his minions are destroying more and more of it every day and it should piss you off, too. The latest in trump’s ongoing effort to turn the US into a third world backwater has him taking personal charge of the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh and has put so many limits on it that they can’t even talk to Dr. Ford, who brought the allegations of attempted rape against Kavanaugh…oh, and they didn’t talk to Kavanaugh, either…or to any of the more than 20 witnesses that have come forward to corroborate Ford’s allegations…so who the hell are they talking to? Not to one damn person that could shed some light on how bad of a person Kavanaugh was and is…and how many times he has lied to move up the ladder in the courts….I am starting to think that even if we take back the house, there is too much damage already done for the US to survive it…and it is all the repubs fault…I have never seen such a cynical, amoral group of people in my long lifetime…and I just hate them….

October 3rd

Well…running early again today but if I continues, is it still early? Not sure about that but my head hurts to have to think so early in the morning….had an okay day yesterday and got the oil changed in the car so I guess that’s something…and I continued to get rid of stuff that I don’t need anymore…I mean, I still had parts to the MX-6 that went away over 6 years ago so they went in the trash…slept okay last night and had some weird dreams about chairs and cars that were quite entertaining and I hope that happens again tonight…it’s been a while and I really thought they’d come back after being good for so long…oh, well…I did have a nice dinner with some of the salmon that Tom gave me and I am going to make a stove top smoker tomorrow to smoke a couple of fillets so I can have them on toasted bagels with cream cheese….and I am going to use the new cooker to make soup at the same time so tomorrow will be a cooking day…..not much to do today…going to clean some after getting the workout and bike ride in and it looks like there may be some storms later in the day so I hope I won’t be bored…more later….

Okay Jeff Flake, you’re up…

Well…with all of the posturing that is going on with the supposed “moderate” repubs on the Kavanaugh investigation, I rally have to revisit one comment that Jeff Flake made a few days ago when he said that if Kavanaugh lied to the senate, his nomination was over..well Jeffy, in his testimony just last week, Kavanaugh lied to your face about his knowledge of the Ramirez allegations, saying that he didn’t know anything about them until he saw it in the Sept 23rd article in the New Yorker…only one small problem with that…there are witnesses and text messages that show that Kavanaugh was involved in trying to cover up this assault all the way back in July…trying to get friends (and witnesses) to go on record saying that none of it happened…my question here for Flake, Murkowski, and Collins is: is witness tampering enough for you to vote no? Kavanaugh knew there was an active investigation happening and tried to get people to lie for him…and that is subornation of perjury and another in the long line of felonies that Kavanaugh has committed just in his confirmation hearings….and just yesterday, there was an ethics complaint lodged with the current court he sits on alleging that Kavanaugh lied in his confirmation hearings for every court he has been on…and in a delicious bit of irony, the person who is charge with investigating these claims is Merrick Garland…the eminently qualified judge who was not even given a hearing for his appointment to the SC since McConnell was not going to have a judge appointed by Obama…karma is a bitch, isn’t it, Brett?

October 2nd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but so damn cold and dreary that I think it depressed me some…I did get the top down on the car on the way out to pool…which I won…but, with the misty rain that came in while we were shooting, I had the top up on the way back and that was not too bad since it was only about 50….just not used to the cold yet…it is over 60 right now so when the rain moves off, I can get out on the bike in a t-shirt today and get a long ride in to make up for skipping yesterday….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I do have an errand to run today…need to get out and get an oil filter for the car so I can change the oil tomorrow with it going to be sunny and warm…and I am going to do some of the other maintenance I need to do to get ready for winter…it looks like I won’t get a house bought before the Nov 1 deadline so I need to sign another lease here…but that will take the pressure off and will allow me to get the house I want…and, I don’t mind living here…who knows? I may find one in the next two weeks…I can only hope..or I’ll win the Mega tonight and then all bets are off…more later…