Tag Archives: Supreme court

The problem with Koch money…

Well…int he wake of Citizens United and the McCutcheon decision, the supreme court has torn away the last vestiges of control of the government for and by the people and replaced it with one for and by the Kochs…let me explain…when the Kochs started out, limited by campaign finance laws, they concentrated on national issues since they were limited in how much they could spend…but now, since the supreme court has taken any limits away, these asses are now taking away the right to self determination across the country by getting into races as local as school boards. And, this is done with the single mindedness of hatred for unions, democrats, and the middle class that is just breathtaking…with them going so far as to spend millions in Tennessee to defeat a mass transit proposal that would have allowed people to leave their cars at home…something the oil rich Kochs could not stomach. This same interference and hatred for unions is seen in their assault on local school boards where they are buying seats for their tea party cronies on the boards and then instructing them to fight the unions, ensuring that teachers fall out of the middle class….so, when someone says the Kochs are not the problem, they are lying, lying, lying….geez…

The supreme court thinks elections should be for sale…

Well….here we go again…the righties on the supreme court have handed the big money in country another win by throwing out the limits on what an individual can give to any campaign…after citizens united, where corporations have been allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections but not to individual candidates, now we have the rich able to buy seats without having to go through a corporations….now, the Kochs just have to pick a candidate and buy them the seat…after all, they spent 400 million dollars inĀ  the last election…now, they can cut out individual donors all together…and they buy more and more influence while the rest of us will have none…this is probably the worst decision the court has made since Plessy v. Ferguson…these hacks need to be impeached…geez…

Now corporations have religion, too?

Well…I am amazed at the new case that comes before the supreme court today where a for profit corporation is suing to not have to have their insurance carrier cover birth control….and, they are suing on religious grounds, as if a corporation goes to church and prays…yeah, not making this one up. You only have to think what the ramification of a win for these asses would mean…then, the corporation would own you even more than they do now and could intrude on you life for religious grounds even if you’re an atheist…don’t go to church? Fired. Married to a black woman? Fired. Muslim? Fired. You can see where I’m going here…if these people prevail, the rights of all Americans will be decimated and the religious asses that try to control their employees lives outside work will have complete control…just what the righties want…geez….

The supremes get it wrong ….again..

Well…this looks like it is going to be a theme for at least the next couple of days while the term winds down…another bad, bad decision written by the righties on the court that strikes down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act that kept states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Texas from doing everything in their power to keep minorities and everyone else except whites from voting…and one of the reasons is that it has been a long time since 1965 and voter suppression can’t possible still be happening….well, it was more like they objected to a formula that is used to determine voter suppression but the effect is the same thing…that even though it is well documented that repub controlled states are doing their best to limit legal voting by shortening poll hours, requiring voter ID, and making sure that students in their states can’t vote there…the righties on the court dismissed these facts, handing the repubs a blank check to continue to keep legal voters from voting and allowing them to rig elections….I guess since these folks didn’t see a problem with handing an election ole GW, of course they would have no problem allowing their side to lie, cheat, and steal elections…bad, bad, decision….geez…

The supreme court of the chamber of commerce…

Well…while everyone has been talking about the affirmative action non-decision that came out of the supreme court today, the real eye opener was the win by the chamber of commerce who got a decision that basically immunizes all employers from charges of sexual harassment. Essentially, what the court has ruled is that harassment by anyone other than a supervisor or manager is just peachy even if the company knows about it…so, in real world terms that means that women in the workplace, or gays or lesbians, or anyone else that is subject to this nonsense just has to sit back and take it…the company has no responsibility or legal liability unless it is done by someone in a supervisory role…I just can’t believe how wrong these guys are on every issue…and I use the term guys here because it is always the conservative “guys” on the court that believe companies should be protected but individuals are on their own…just more of the Ayn Rand nonsense that has filtered into the right these days…whatever happened to the court just ruling on the law, not ideology? Not with these folks…geez…

A little on the supremes…

Well…it is decision time at the supreme court and there have been a couple of notable ones that came out today…and they even decided them the right way….first, they struck down the law that the righties passed in Arizona that forced people to prove their citizenship before they could register to vote…one aimed at ensuring that the poor and those that normally vote for dems would be disproportionately affected and the court said no to this blatant voter suppression…good for them…second, they ruled that the practice where big pharma companies pay generic manufacturers to NOT make generic versions of their cash cow drugs when the patents expire…ensuring that the prices stay high are illegal….well, duh….I just don’t get why it takes the supremes so long to come to the obvious….well, at least they finally get some right…geez…

The supreme court finally got one right…

Well…this morning the supreme court finally ruled on a case that I have been following with some interest, and they even got it right. Yep, burying the lead again…but you know I do that a lot…oh, back to the case…this one had to do with a patent that had been granted to a company that had isolated a human gene to use in breast cancer tests…something I never understood…and that had restricted vital research from any other university or company since this company, Myriad, had sued anyone trying to use this same gene. Today, though, the supremes got it right when they said that you can’t patent naturally occurring things and rescinded the patent…this will mean that much less expensive tests can be developed and Myriad will no longer be able to screw women by charging them up to 10,000 dollars for this test….it’s about time….geez…

I’m stunned…

Well…just got back from the beach to the stunner that the supreme court has upheld the healthcare law with the chief justice being the swing vote that joined the liberal side of the bench in a 5-4 decision. Needless to say, I am stunned by this event since all of the pundits have been saying that the individual mandate portion would be declared unconstitutional…but, I guess all of the so called experts can be wrong. I am a little relieved that the law stood since it will help me to be able to afford insurance in a couple of years…it is still scary to be aging without insurance. I think I have to go turn the news on and then come back later to add to this one….

Okay, I’m back but with little more clarity on this whole issue…no one has a clue to what it’s going to mean…some say it’s a win for Obama while others say that it gives the repubs and edge since people across the country are not enamored of it…one other thing…the repubs are showing their true colors today by holding the AG in contempt of congress for the fake reason that he won’t give them documents relating to the “fast and furious” debacle…what they are truly after is to intimidate Holder to stop pushing back against the voter supression that the repubs are using to try to steal this election…..and they have been caught on tape saying that the reason they are pushing these laws is to get Romney elected….what a bunch of thugs and liars…geez…

Impeach Scalia…

Well…if it wasn’t clear before that Antonin Scalia was abrogating his responsibilities as a supreme court justice with his naked partisanism and his constant ignoring of legal precedence to advance the conservative agenda, you only have to read excepts of the 22 page screed that he wrote in response to the majority opinion striking down most of Arizona’s draconian immigration law. In it, he breaks all judicial decorum and attacks a sitting president by name, blaming the lack of immigration reform on the Obama administration; never mind that administrations from Reagan on forward have all had the responsibility to act but no one has the political courage to do what’s right for the country and then goes on to laud Arizona for doing something…anything, on immigration even though the majority of the court ruled that what they did was illegal. He then goes on to excoriate the majority basically calling them idiots for the ruling. What stark raving hubris from this judge who is supposed to rule on the law, not on what his conservative friends want him to rule…and whose actions of the past years where he strategized with the far right on how to defeat Obama should have disqualified him from the bench. With this latest explosion of bad manners, he has shown he does not belong on the court…but the only way to remove him is to impeach him…which I wholeheartedly support….geez…

Two in a row on the courts…

Well…just a short one about the latest destruction of your personal freedoms by this radical supreme court…if you haven’t heard, the supreme court this week said it is perfectly okay for anyone that is arrested, or ticketed, or has any other interaction with the police to be strip searched if the officers think it’s okay to do it. This includes getting stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, for eating on a subway train, for spitting on the sidewalk…do I need to go on? This whole nonsense again reveals the need to elect Obama again and tip the scales in the supreme court back to common sense…back to the individual liberty that the right reveres above else (or so they say) back to the ability of citizens of the country to be let alone…to have the police work for us and not assume that all of us are hardened criminals and get treated like one….I, for one, will be writing to my congresspeople to have this travesty rectified by a law that specifically prohibits this abhorrent practice and I hope you will to….this is a hell of lot worse than being required to buy health insurance…but we’ll see that struck down as being a threat to liberty…..how much more crazy can this court get? It’s time to impeach at least two of these idiots and restore the integrity of the court….