Tag Archives: Obama

Another thought…

Well…I was either reading or listening to the news the other day and came upon this little tidbit that the righties don’t want you to know…that over the last year, corporate profits have been the highest in the history of the world….yep, under the socialist, anti-business Obama administration, American corporate profits are the highest they’ve ever been…let’s say that again…highest corporate profits…EVER…now, I can’t wait to see the contortions that the repubs will go through to explain away the inconvenient fact that corporations are doing better under the Dems than they did in 8 years under the Bushies. But…I can guess one…that corporate profits are up because the repubs are coming back into control and are going to help business even more…and this fact has removed the new repub talking point “uncertainty”, that too scary state of affairs that has paralyzed everything…please, give me a break…geez…

Let’s talk about McConnell…

Okay..if you haven’t gotten it yet let’s talk about what Mitch McConnell said the other day about what the repubs primary focus will be if they take control…can you guess? Is it to reduce unemployment, or to reduce the deficit, or to help people get health insurance, or to end the war in Afghanistan? If you guessed that, you would be wildly wrong…the idiot came out and revealed their true plan…not to govern for the benefit of the people but to “make sure Barack Obama is a one-term president”. I’m not making this up folks, they have no ideas on ensuring the upholding the constitutional rights of the people, or addressing the pressing problems we have…they just hate Obama so much they will put the future of this country on the line for their own little political gain. But, if you were paying attention, this was their goal all along…they just could not stand that an African-American was elected president and he had the audacity to try to govern for the benefit of all Americans, not just the rich and business as the repubs do. So, this is what we have to look forward to on November 2nd…no solutions to the nation’s problems but more of the same Newt Gingrich-Karl Rove vision of America where the rich get richer and everyone else can go to hell. It’s not to late to change the dynamic, though, let’s keep on trying to expose these idiots for what they are and get off our butts and vote…there are more of us who long for the days when the big ideas and the big projects that made us great were possible…and they still are with the right leadership…and that is not the repubs…geez…

Gotta stop watching Keith…

Well…this one is going to be written tomorrow too, and I do need to stop watching Keith…just like reading “Bushwhacked”, I am quickly losing my faith in this administration with their decision to fight the decision of one of the appeals courts to allow a lawsuit against John Ashcroft for unlawful detention and breaking a bunch of other laws…geez…

Well…the gist of my anger with Obama and his administration is their decisions to allow people to blatantly break the law and then do nothing to hold the perpetrators accountable..the latest one has to do with John Ashcroft, as I said above, but it is a pattern of political calculation that goes back to their decision to not prosecute anyone in the Bush administration for their outright admission that they authorized torture; in direct violation of international and American law. Just think if this mindset was in use when Watergate was going on…the same ideas and actions would have let John Mitchell walk free…along with everyone else that was involved. What has happened to us? Why have we stopped holding criminals accountable? This latest action puts me about an inch away from giving up on Obama and withdrawing from the political process. I thought this country was a country of laws, a country that everyone from the president on down was subject to these laws…but I guess politics now trumps the law…and we are so the worse for it…geez…

I don’t get the media…

Well…as you are aware, the narrative that the media has taken up about the mid-term elections is that it is going to be a landslide for the repubs and Boehner is already working with lobbying groups since it is all but assured that he will be speaker of the house when the election is over. Let’s just wait a minute before we anoint the tanned one as the winner….what the media is reporting was the Gallup poll from last week that showed that a general repub candidate was almost 11% ahead of the general Dem one. But where is the reporting on the same Gallup poll from this week that shows the two general candidates in a dead heat at 46% each? Where are the stories about the erosion of this huge repub lead? Where are the stories that the ideas that Obama has set forth in speeches in the last week have started to gain traction with the electorate? Why has the media become so lazy that once they have a story they can lead with, they stay with that story and it becomes the general wisdom that is unchanging?

We all have to remember that in August of 2008, McCain led Obama by about the same 11% as the general repub candidate led by last week…and that McCain’s lead started to evaporate just as quickly. So let’s not write the epitaph for the Dems just yet; you and I still have to vote and if we all get out I think there can be a surprise for the conventional wisdom in November.

Finally some fire…

Well…just a short comment on the speeches that Obama gave over the last week…it’s about damn time! It’s about time he finally stood up and said enough to the repub smear machine and called them out on the economy. What was Boehner’s response? More tax cuts and slashing spending is all the economy needs to get going again…and believes that the policies that did not work for the 8 years when the Bushies were in power have magically changed and will work now. If the Dems can’t beat these know nothings, they deserve to lose and if Obama can’t clearly relate the differences between the Dems and repubs and highlight the good work that has been done; maybe he doesn’t deserve our support anymore. But, then, I put my thinking hat back on, tamp down the emotions, and remember what this country was like when the repubs were running the show and objectively see that the Dems couldn’t screw this country up as much as the repubs if they try….and, at least they have the integrity to not try….geez…

They’re fighting the wrong enemy..

Well…lots of uproar over the past few days about Robert Gibb’s castigation of the far left for being disappointed in the Obama administrations acceptance of half measures in their attempt to forge bi-partisanship in their legislative agenda. What Obama and Gibbs do not understand is that they will never have bi-partisanship with the right since they have an all or nothing mentality and their facade of wanting to work with the administration is just that; a stalling tactic that they use until they have a better position of strength…they are just biding their time like the Vietcong; waiting for the time that their lies become truth in the minds of the public and the fatigue of the economic downturn (caused by repub economic policies) cause people to grasp any straw that the repubs throw them.

So, to the Obama administration: grow a thicker skin but also keep your promises; the price you pay will be no higher going it alone and getting what the American people really need, not the bastardized healthcare that you accepted in service of bi-partisanship….the attacks of the right got even worse after you compromised since they smell blood in the water…if you are in a no-win situation, give your base what they voted you in for; a more equal society that is not run for the corporations and the top 2%
of the country. A society where even a president and vice-president can be held accountable for breaking the law. Geez…

One last thing that I will fault the left for and that is it’s assertion that Obama is no different than Bush; something I think is especially unfair…I think Obama really does care about the American people even with his misguided forays into compromise with the right…Bush and his team never cared at all about the people other than his donors and the rich.

A new low for these hypocrites….

Well…I’m sure by now, you’ve heard the new repub spin on the failure to pass extensions of the unemployment insurance that has expired for millions of Americans…that it is the Democrats fault since the repubs will vote for it if they cut the money from somewhere else in the budget…which, on it’s face, doesn’t seem like a bad idea. But, the question I have to ask is, “why didn’t they have to cut other spending to finance the Iraq war?” Why didn’t they have to cut spending to pay for the trillion dollars of the Bush tax cuts? It is the sorriest sense of hypocrisy that deficits are so important to them now when they had no problem giving oil companies billions in subsidies when they were making record profits but they can’t allow any increase in the deficit to help American families continue to eat. And the Obama haters go on and on and on with their lies and distortions….I hope these idiots get laid off and then there will be no money to help them….

Have to talk about salt….

Well…this one is another placekeeper since I’m getting ready to go out for lunch…the comments that I’m reading about the new GUIDELINES for salt intake are really showing me how deranged this country is getting. WOW….back later..
I’m back…had a nice lunch and a bike ride….I think it was yesterday that I saw an article that stated the recommendations for salt intake were being revised downward given some of the new studies that have been reported recently. Folks, these are just recommendations to help people stay healthy…just like how many calories a person should eat, whether or not to smoke, etc. but to hear the loonies out there, Obama is now going to have “salt squads” go around and arrest people and close down restaurants that put too much salt in their foods. One extreme idiot who I guess thinks he’s clever, even went so far as to say that he expects to be arrested for bringing his own salt shaker into a restaurant and using it. Really? Can anyone be so stupid?

I guess these cretins really think “ignorance is bliss” and what they don’t know can’t hurt them. I say to them, keep eating spoonfuls of salt every day, and burgers, lots of burgers loaded with bacon, and then sit on your couch and wait for the heart attack to come…it will be the best form of natural selection to let these morons die out young. Geez…

When did anger become a virtue?

Well…this just popped into my head…no it didn’t hurt…when did anger and the expression of it become such a virtue? To listen to those on the right, Obama is not fit to be president because he acts too cool in times of crisis. You have got to be kidding me again…when I was growing up it was a virtue to not get upset at every little thing…to act like a man (or woman) when things went wrong and to think, then take action. There is even a well-know phrase, “calm under fire” that was one of the highest compliments that you could give someone. What went wrong? I think the right is confusing the sound and fury that has come to define their brand of politics with accomplishment…and being an adult. Fox News is even using the phrase “No Drama Obama” as another slur…what would they have him do? Run around and scream?

It’s just another instance of the right saying whatever they can, no matter how true to try to bring the Obama administration down by any means…sounds like terrorism to me…but as always, I support their right to say it.

Keith, if you decide to steal this one, too..you owe me…

Good riddance…

Well…as I advocated the other day…the President has removed General McChrystal from his position leading the effort in Afghanistan strongly reaffirming to this country and the rest of the world that the civilians are now and always will be in charge of our military. And, as more and more information comes out on this guy, what I said about him in the other post is also true: that this guy was just one of the tea partiers that could not accept that their side lost the election and was just throwing an immature fit like you see at all of the tea party rallies. Now, I know that some of you that read this are bosses…what would you do if one of your employees did what McChrystal did to the President? If one of your brightest engineers, for example, spent his break or work time bad-mouthing you to the rest of your team and showed you no respect? I’m sure you’d warn him that it wasn’t appropriate…but if he kept it up you wouldn’t tolerate it and would probably ask him or her to go somewhere else. Just what Obama did.

But, there is a larger danger here that has been ignored by our generation; a warning of which was given by an ex-general who was also president Eisenhower. “Beware the military-industrial complex”…to that I’ll add my own corollary…”Beware the hero worship of the military”. Many of the commentators seem to want to give the military a pass on everything with the right being the biggest cheerleaders…and yes they do sacrifice…but they also know what they are getting into when they sign up. It’s become almost like a religion to some folks and what the world doesn’t need is another religion…geez.