Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Trump has broken the Secret Service…

Well…run across this little nugget in the news today….the Secret Service has already burned through it’s entire yearly budget protect trump, his family, and his cronies in only 7 months….it’s even gotten so bad that some agents have hit the ceiling of the overtime they are allowed to have and have been working for free on some weekends. At 3 million a pop to visit one of his atrocious golf courses, it’s no wonder he is burning through the cash so fast…but, it’s not his cash so I’m sure he doesn’t give a damn….now, just one question..is this making America great again? Maybe for the idiot, but not for the SS agents who are being treated as servants by trump and his family….and to think, there was that huge right wing uproar when Obama wore a tan suit…where are those voices now?  Impeach….

Serves them right….

Well…there is a bit of delicious irony going on in the farm states around this country and all I can say is it serves them right…okay, buried the lede here but I’ve been reading about the shortage of farm labor that is leaving food rotting in the fields…and I wonder why there is a shortage? Could it be the racist asshole in the White House and his ICE gestapo? The delicious part of this is that rural/farm areas went overwhelmingly for the idiot….and these people that are now whining probably voted for trump. So, morons….elections have consequences and now maybe you can get over your dem hate and use your minds to stop voting for repubs up and down the ballot…they don’t give a damn about you and never have….I really don’t want to wish ill on anyone, but damn, this is what happens when you elect an idiot….

Nice job, donnie…

Well….was just sitting here reading about the fallout to the racist trump’s meltdown from Tuesday…there has been huge amounts of political damage done, with all of his rich guy buddies bailing from his advisory committees and then most of them folding so the “people waiting in line to join”, as the idiot asserted, have no place to join….but, the best, most delicious result is hitting the idiot in the pocketbook. Since Tuesday, there have been at least 15 non-profits and other companies who have cancelled events at his ugly, gaudy Mar a Lago resort….and I am sure there will be many more to follow. Now, this couldn’t happen to a worse person…while I feel for the people who work there who will be out of a job, they are crappy jobs that trump doesn’t pay anything for….I hope this will be the final straw to make the idiot see that his time is over and he’ll give up and resign…he is going to jail anyway and should spend the last year of freedom with his idiot family…oh, I guess he’ll be in prison with them so there is that…impeach…

Not a bad day…

Well….was thinking of doing one on the idiot trump and his firing of Steve Bannon today..or that SB quit…who knows? Everything coming out of the WH is a lie so there is no way to know the truth…and it doesn’t really matter…just another racist asshole being fired is a good thing…now there is just one more to go and that will be the idiot trump. Oh, I guess this one is about him…damn…and the good thing about this is ole Bannon has announced he is going to war with trump with the backing of a couple of billionaires….and his Nazi rag breitbart….so, there is going to be a run on popcorn the next month or so…this could be the crack in the base that everyone has been writing was going to happen…after all, trump’s base only reads breitbart and listens to fox news and they believe all that crap….maybe this will convince them that trump really is an idiot…impeach…

Trump really is a four year old…

Well…with the racist asshole’s rant yesterday that was widely seen as support of the nazi’s that attacked and killed people in Charlottesville last week, the CEO’s that sit on his business advisory councils had started to resign enmasse and the 4 year old in the White House just couldn’t take it…so he took his ball and went home…by disbanding the councils before all of them resigned. I’ll bet there is steam rolling out of his ears with this latest in a long line of his failures…he can’t even get his buddies to still associate with him. But, I’m not going to heap too much praise on those who resigned…I still fault them for doing anything for the idiot in the first place…they knew he was a racist asshole idiot and yet they still supported him and loved the fact the Hillary lost…so what do you think now, repubs? Is this enough for you to remove this racist asshole? Nope, probably not…impeach…

The rumblings get louder…

Well…as every day goes by and more and more people interact with the idiot trump, the rumblings of his removal get louder and louder…and just today, Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame,  tweeted that important republicans, conservatives, intel-military higher ups that he has talked to are increasingly saying in private that trump is unfit to be president….and this is because of his lack of ethics, competence, and temperament/stability…and he calls on other reporters to find out how pervasive these feelings are. Now, I wonder if this ever happened to Obama? Or any other *president in memory…nope…just this idiot, this moron, this incurious tiny little prick of a man…this racist white supremacist…who is a stain on this country and I am sure will spend the rest of his days in prison after Mueller gets done….and he is just so dumb that he thinks things are just fine…okay, repubs…when are you going to do something about this? When are you going to remove this idiot and start repairing our status in the world? Impeach….

Nazis are still a thing?

Well…man, how much worse can this country get under trump? Now we have Nazis in the street trying to “protect” a statue of Robert E. Lee…you know, the noted traitor who led an army trying to destroy this country just to make sure they could still own slaves. Yesterday, these idiots held a “rally” in Charlottesville Virginia where their only purpose was to scream their racist crap and beat up people who oppose them. One of the idiots, after carrying around signs and swastika flags, got in his car and drove at high speed into the crowd opposing them, killing a young woman protester and injuring 30 more….now, I lay this right at the idiot trumps feet and I’m still waiting (like the rest of the world) for him to denounce these Nazis…but what does trump say? The same old both sides so it crap that the repubs have been pushing for years to make their nastiness seem less so…he couldn’t just say that this Nazi crap is unacceptable…nope, because he believes the same crap and pushed it throughout the campaign and so far into his *presidency….when are you going to end this repubs? Impeach….

Why not just give the country to the Russians?

Well…my outrage meter is back at the top again today with two more fricking idiocies and more treason from the idiot trump. I can’t believe this crap and I can’t believe that the congress is letting trump get away with it…it was announced today that the the Pentagon is in talks with the Russians to use their satellites  to provide internet access to our soldiers on the battlefield…the stupidity of this move is just breathtaking…allowing Russia to read all the correspondence of our soldiers? There is more more than just personal correspondence that happens over the internet with our military….the entire military and it’s coordination happens over satellite communication…how many of you think that this connection wouldn’t be used to hack into the supposedly secure part that coordinates troop movements and communicates with our aircraft on the battlefield? Jesus, this is the stupidist thing I have ever frickin heard…we don’t have our own satellites? This is treason pure and simple and the simpleton in the White House should be frog marched out of his golf club and straight to a federal prison…how long, repubs? How long is treason going to be tolerated before you act to impeach and convict this idiot? The clock is ticking….impeach…

Infants in charge of foreign policy….

Well…have you ever seen the spectacle of the idiot trump and his minions threatening  a little, backward country with nuclear holocaust in the history of the US? Could you imagine Roosevelt, or Lincoln saying they will reign down “fire and fury” on the Bahamas? That is about what the idiot did this week when he lowered the US to the level of the psychotic dictator of North Korea….I guess the entire world now knows how to push the idiots buttons…they know he is such an infant when it comes to foreign policy that they can manipulate him into anything they want him to do…just look what Putin has been able to do….and the idiot boy doesn’t even realize they are doing it…he just reacts, and reacts, and reacts…with no coherent idea of how the world works or how to get what the US wants. What we should be doing is just treating them like the flea they are…annoying, yes, but a threat to the US? Only to the repubs who are frickin scared of everything and run around with their hair on fire about every real or imagined threat. Repubs, is this dangerous enough for you? When are you going to stop this decline in American power? It’s all up to you, repubs…do your damn job….impeach….

Is this enough repubs?

Well….does a sane person ever threaten nuclear war? After all of the idiocy of trump, yesterday should have been the final straw for the repubs in this country after trump threatened to rain down fire on North Korea…just like the bullying idiot that he is, trump took the bait from Kim Jong Un and lowered the US to his level by resorting to threats…threats that were not cleared through any agency but trump’s own diseased head…not the national security advisor, not the pentagon, not the joint chiefs of staff….just trump shooting his mouth off and trying to be the tough guy that he isn’t….now, threatening nuclear war should be the thing that gets the idiot removed for the safety of the world but now, the repubs are showing they are all party before country or the world….and, if we live to see 2018, they all need to go so some sanity can be restored to this country…and the world can start to respect us again…which will never happen with the idiot thrashing around with his delusional ideas of what diplomacy is…..impeach…