Tag Archives: 98%

Republicans and percentages…

Well…getting ready to go out and shoot pool…my only activity for the week…and I thought I’d just throw in one thought that we have to remember…just like the 47% comment that haunted the Romney election campaign…when ole Boehner agreed to the sequester and many, many repubs voted for it, his comments were that he got “98%” of what he wanted from Obama and the Dems…to me, that sounds like the whole sequester mess is laid squarely at the feet of the repubs…and i hope that Obama and the rest of the dems let it lie there like the steaming pile of crap that it is…all the sequester is is the congress not doing its job and taking the easy way out due to the crazy assed tea partiers that reside there…and the repubs really did think they were going to win the White House and then get everything they wanted…lower taxes on the rich and corporations, and the gutting of the social safety net…didn’t work out so well, did it? Now, all we have to do is continue to remind the country that it is the repubs who are responsible for the next two years and then we can throw them out..permanently…geez…