Tag Archives: GM

Tired of all that job winning yet?

Well…hey, think back to last year when the idiot trump and his repub cronies were touting their tax cuts for the rich and corporations and that they just knew that giving away trillions of our dollars would “jumpstart” job growth here in the US…ha, ha, trumpsters…especially you in Ohio that still love the idiot boy…GM just announced that they are laying off almost 15,000 factory workers across the US and closing 5 assembly plants…and guess where one of those plants is? Yep, Lordstown, Ohio…where 1600 Ohioans are going to lose their jobs. Now, you know I hate it when anyone loses their job, but these folks voted for exactly that when they voted for trump and the repubs…and the tax law that has little noticed incentives for US companies to move jobs out of the US and had nothing in it that required companies to keep jobs in the US in return for the tax cut. Tired of all the winning yet trump voters? GM walked off with billions of dollars in tax giveaways paid for by you and me and this is how they respond…by continuing the repub driven war on workers here in the US…and the workers who voted for trump and the repubs have no one to blame but themselves…geez…

Music in advertising…

Well…I have talked to Tom about this before but I had to get it down here since it is something that I am a little amazed about…and that is the use of certain kind of songs in advertising….the first time this struck me was a Ford ad that used a Deep Purple song “‘On the highway stoned”…now I wonder if anyone listened to that before the made the ad…and they even left the lyrics in that one that you could hear plainly playing as the cars were driving across the screen…probably not the message that they wanted to convey. Then, I just heard a shoe company using “Who are you?” by the Who which is about a drunken night where the lyrics talk about passing out in a Soho doorway and getting in a drunken brawl….and now I will always connect drinking with that shoe company….and the last one that just came on is the use of the Who’s “Eminence Front” as the background for a GMC commercial when the song is about how people are getting screwed and used by the institutions and people that they believed in…maybe that one is appropo for GM…not sure….geez…