Tag Archives: idling

Here’s a different one…

Well…there has been a long running thread over at Kos this morning about people that leave their cars/trucks running when there is no need for it…and I have bitched about the guy last spring that left his diesel F-350 idling in 60 degree weather at the coffee shop for a half hour that damn near choked me…but, I guess all of them have new cars that instantly defog or defreeze the inside of their windshields. In the last two cars I’ve owned…my 93 MX-6 and my Miata, if you try to just start them up and drive them when it is below freezing, you get a layer of ice on the INSIDE of the windshield that you have to use a scraper to get off to be able to see…and it re-fogs and re-freezes about every 30 seconds after you do clean it until the car warms up. so, I think I made myself a pariah over there by pouring a little water on the self-righteous indignation…now, if I lived in a warmer climate…there would probably be no need to warm it up…except that it shifts better when it’s warm…will probably be attacked pretty quick so I need to go back over there and wait for it to happen….

More musings….

Hmmm….you know that I’ve talked previously about becoming invisible as I age and to me, that is just part of the disconnect that I feel about society and how I fit into it..well, the great revelation was in the shower (I know, don’t put that image in your head) after I got back from the bike ride today. I don’t really know if it was a revelation so much as another crystallization of the vague feelings I’ve been having for quite a while of the new state of my life…that is that it all feels temporary, like I’m just marking time or idling; looking for work and hoping that there may be something for me here in Michigan. In an earlier life, there were the concrete foundations of family, job, and owning a home…that were then replaced by the great group of friends I had for a number of years that have largely gone away; most of them getting into their concrete lives that I had already done….so I feel like I’m starting over again…just like when the marriage crapped out…

This is part of the confusion that I mentioned in the first post to this page…and it is something that I am not having any luck figuring out…as time goes on, you’ll see how this fits with the posts on change….