Category Archives: Politics

Rfk Jr. is a fraud…

Well…revelations from the RFK jr. campaign the other day that every dem should listen to and act on it…his campaign manager came out and said the only reason he is still in the race is to help elect the idiot trump…and anyone who has been paying attention at all already knew that…every one of his donors are right wing billionaires and his advisors are the same…so why are “suburban women” thinking about about voting for him? You would think that with what has happened in this country after the fall of Roe, no women would ever vote for trump and any other right wing asshole…and let’s get this straight…RFK Jr. is a right wing asshole masquerading as a liberal or progressive…I’m going to be blunt to everyone out there..protest votes cost Al Gore the election and and helped elect the idiot trump last time and that is what will happen this year if people don’t get their heads out of their asses and vote for Joe…okay, I get it…Joe is old and I disagree with his support of Israel while they murder children in Gaza…but damn. if you protest vote you are voting for trump…that’s the whole of it…geez…

Fundraising lies…

Well…with everyone freaking out about the idiot trump raising 50 million dollars in one night, the only thing I have to say is where is the paperwork? There is no proof that he raised that much…no FEC filing, only idiot boy saying he raised that much money…and everyone in the world knows that idiot boy lies about everything…and I still have a beef with the media that just takes his word for it and prints the stories as if they are true…and they go back to this old saw…”how is trump raising 50 million dollars bad for Joe Biden?” Especially when we all know any money he raised is going to go to pay his legal bills…not for campaigning…just into his pocket and then he’ll milk the rubes for even more…don’t believe a word this liar says…geez…

Yeah, I know…

Well…it’s been an eclipse and riding day today and I have had any time to look for a political one…okay, but this one made me laugh…there was a smartass that posed the fake statement “why the total eclipse is bed for Biden’s election chances”…and that follows one from yesterday from the right wing media swamp that stated “why the great jobs numbers are bad for Biden”…and this points out the way the media is working it’s ass off to get trump elected again when even the mainstream media frames the good news on everything that Biden has accomplished is somehow a bad thing…over 20 million jobs created on his watch is a bad thing…wages up for working people is a bad thing…more people joining unions is a bad thing…getting more renewables for electricity generation is a bad thing since coal miners will be out of work…you get the gist…and the only place you see any criticism of the idiot trump is basically nowhere even though he promised the right wing billionaires if he is elected again he will end any abortions in this country and will eliminate LGBTQ protections in this country as well…and goodbye same sex marriage, contraception and women’s rights…it’s all there but no one covers it when the right’s plans for this country should be shouted every damn day…but no and that is because all the media is now owned by right wing billionaires…tax the crap out of them so that can’t continue to wreck this country…geez…

Read the 2025 project…

Well…if you’re sitting on the fence about voting…and I sure hope you’re not…you need to go out and find a copy of the repubs 2025 project that will turn this country into a christo fascist theocracy if the idiot trump cheats his way to another election…some high point include rounding up every undocumented immigrant (only brown ones, of course), putting them in camps and then deporting them…hey, I think you should ask the farmers in Florida who had most of their crops rotting in the field when the repubs there passed a law saying that any latino person could be arrested so they all left…and women are going to be the target of these assholes…no birth control, no abortions, IVF, monitoring women’s periods…and they are even floating taking away the right to vote…and don’t think the courts are going to protect you…especially since a few of them are already members of christian cults and believe that women should be kept in their place…so folks, just because you live in a state like Michigan that, for now, has enshrined women’s rights in the constitution…federal law will override them…and they really plan to come down hard on the LGBTQ community…essentially outlawing being gay or transgender…believe them when they say it and get out to vote in the most important election in any of our lives…geez…

This is what the repubs did…

Well…with the repubs in the house still blocking sorely needed aid to Ukraine, reports from intelligence services in Europe are getting alarmed that the lack of ammunition and artillery shells is allowing Russia to reconstitute their forces that are slaughtering Ukrainians…blocking aid has given Russia time to being in more tanks and artillery systems and call up more soldiers while all Ukraine can do is try to defend against them…they don’t have anywhere near what they need for attacks are are left to dig in and try to not lose more territory…and it is all the repubs fault…every damn one of them is kissing Putin’s ass and we know why…and that is the money that has been pouring into their coffers from Putin’s cronies and that money is doing just what Putin planned…stopping the biggest donor to Ukraine and leaving them twisting in the wind…I think we need to push for the 300 billion dollars of frozen Russian assets that was seized when the illegal invasion started…and that would be justice for Ukraine that would have Russia funding the war against them…let’s get it done…geez…

Let’s remember this…

Well…as the election gets closer, there is only one thing that we need to remember…the economy always does better under dems…in every measure, like growth in GDP, income, jobs, and wages are better under dems…and the negative indicators like unemployment, inflation, and interest rates are lower under dems…and any gains from economic growth are spread more evenly when dems are in charge and the social safety nets are strengthened…and this data is so lopsided the study lead can’t figure out why polling shows that people think the repubs are better with economic issues…and that gap in the polls is due to the media not covering the economy other than as a horse race and never publish anything good about the dems performance even though for 75 years dems have outperformed repubs and Joe Biden and his team never get credit for an economy that is outperforming every other G-7 country in all of the indicators…and by a large margin…so we need to shout this from the rooftops every day from now until we win the election this fall…no tax cuts for the rich or corporations…geez…

Tesla’s sales and stock are cratering..

Well…I wonder when the board of Tesla is going to give ole elon the boot? Their sales figures are down 20% in the first quarter and the stock price has dropped by a third in that same time frame…it doesn’t help that musk built the stupid cybertruck which it just damn ugly and all through the winter new videos of that stupid truck getting stuck on inclines that my Miata could get up in the snow were posted…and with every real car company making competitors for teslas, the pool of people needing to buy from tesla if they wanted an electric car is shrinking every day…and musk buying twitter and turning it into a fascist cesspool along with his almost daily pronouncements that he supports the idiot trump for president is going to drive left leaning folks away…and the polls have shown that this crap is a deal breaker for them so even more sales are going to go bye bye…I hate this for the workers at tesla who are not the cause of the sales decline but will pay the price for elons dumbass comments…get rid of him now and put a real car guy in charge…after all, he’s not the genius he thinks he is and his daddy gave him over 450 million dollars to get started…just like some other ass who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else…geez…

Even Florida hates repubs policies…

Well…as the repubs in red states try to outdo each other in how many rights they can take away from women, women and their allies are fighting back even in Florida where they have just gotten a citizen led constitutional amendment on the ballot to protect reproductive freedom…even as the repub controlled legislature is working feverishly to pass an outright ban on abortion…and the polling on the issue makes it appear like it will pass easily since more than 70% of those polled want it to pass…the repubs were so stupid when they packed the supreme court with lying right wing assholes who overturned Roe when they testified they wouldn’t…and I am still amazed that they got away with the clear lies when it is against the law and all of the right wingers on the court should be charged with perjury…so what is the repubs response? In almost all the red states they are making it harder or impossible to put these initiatives on the ballot so then the people will have no recourse against the unpopular ideas of the repubs…cheating as usual…geez…

I predicted it…

Well…with the stock in the idiot trump’s latest scam in freefall…I just want to say “told you so” but I have no feeling at all for the trumper idiots who gave him millions of dollars for stock in a company that had 1.4 million dollars in revenue last year and lost 52 million in that same time frame…I sure idiot boy was counting on his followers to be ignorant about reading the prospectus from the IPO and not sophisticated enough to understand that the fundamentals for the stock makes it not much more than a penny stock and that’s why not one institutional investor would touch it…maga folks, you have been lied to and scammed again…is this the one that will make you see idiot boy for what he is? Nope…these people are not too bright…geez…

Nuke Gaza?

Well…we sure do grow them stupid here in Michigan…just yesterday, one of our repub congresscritters thought he was supporting Israel when he said Gaza should be nuked to look like Hiroshima and to use as many bombs as it takes…now when you get stupidity mixed with hatred, it’s not a good look but that doesn’t stop the repubs these days…but one thing these Michigan assholes have to remember is that the state is much less gerrymandered now and even in red leaning districts they can get voted out of office with stupid bullshit like this…I could find the name of the guy who said it but if I find out I’ll do another one…geez…