Category Archives: Politics

Off the ballot in Colorado…

Well…I think we all owe a big thank you to Colorado for the SC decision that the idiot trump is disqualified from getting on the ballot there since he led an insurrection against the US…this is exactly what article 3 of the 14th amendment says…that you can’t hold any office in the US if you attack it or help others attack it…and the context is that this part of the amendment was written specifically to keep people who supported the south in the Civil War from getting into the government…not much different from what idiot boy tried to do…I’m sure this is going to be appealed but the language of the amendment clear…and of course idiot boy is freaking out, calling the ruling “undemocratic” when the courts decision is just upholding the constitution against an asshole who plotted and planned an insurrection…I guess the ketchup is hitting the walls again at his tacky golf club…now we need to rest of the blue states to follow suit…we only need 3 or 4 and even if the repubs nominate him, that will be enough votes to keep him miles away from the WH….geez…

This is too funny…

Well…I guess ole rudy is one of the dumbest people in America…not that you didn’t know that already but damn, the stoopid, it burns…after having a148 million dollar judgement leveled against him last Friday, and even during the trial ole rudy kept up the same defamation that he was on trial for…still accusing the two women who sued him of bringing in boxes full of fake votes to give Georgia to Biden….and he is still out there doing it so guess what the two women did? They sued him for defamation…again and now we’ll get to see ole rudy have to go to court again and lose again…and I’ll bet the lawyer he was using in the last case won’t touch the new case…and who else will take it with rudy being less than broke? I mean he’d have to find the money to pay the 148 million dollar judgement just to get back being broke again….this is just too funny…geez…

Now we know why…

Well…and interesting article was out yesterday about the reasons why clarence thomas has been showered with bribes by a group of billionaires over the past 10 years or so…it seems ole clarence was whining about not making enough money and threatening to resign so to keep him on the court and continue to get his right wing business favoring rulings, a group of billionaires started showering him with cash, trips, loans that were forgiven, a motor home and then put his wife on the payroll to the tune of millions of dollars…now this may sound like a bribe…because it is…quite clearly a series of bribes…the week before last, finally, the dems in the senate sent out subpoenas to the billionaires in question to haul their asses in and make them explain how much money, gift, trips, and anything else they’ve give thomas over the years…and the repubs in the senate did everything in their power to quash the subpoenas since that is what they do…after all, without the billionaires funding them, they would never get elected again…the bottom line here is if thomas was in any other court in this country and took these bribes, he would have been arrested and would be sitting in jail right now…as he should be…geez…

Slow news day…

Well…not sure if I talked about this or not but the jury came back Friday in rudy giuliani’s defamation trial and yow…he new owes the mother/daughter election workers 148 million dollars…yep, the sucker is broke and will never pay it but neither will he be able to have anything worth anything…the 6 million dollar apartment in NYC? Gone…any bank accounts or any other valuable assets? Gone…and it couldn’t happen to more of rat bastard than rudy…sure, he will appeal it if the lawyer he has now sill do it for free since rudy really can’t pay him now…and ole rudy still has the criminal trial in Georgia that is going to start in the spring…and he is going to jail from that one along with the idiot trump and mark meadows…the last 3 defendants who were not given deals to testify….have a nice night, rudy…geez…

Finally, good news is being reported…

Well…during the Biden administration, if you asked any man on the street if the economy was good or bad, they almost always called it bad no matter what was really going on…and a large part of it was the news media not doing their jobs in reporting the good news…but, I think that has started to change a bit with many articles about the almost nonexistent inflation that the fed has engineered…in October, there was no inflation at all and in November it was only .1 of a percent and the CBO forecast is for inflation to be right on the 2% target for the next five years and the fed has 3 interest rate decreases scheduled for 2024…and this all adds up to the vaunted “soft landing” that the fed has been working for…do you remember all the doom and gloom that we were heading for a deep recession when Biden took over? When you put competent people and not cronies in charge, it is not surprising that good things happen…but if you listen to fox news, they are still rooting for that recession saying the economy is terrible when it’s not…I guess liars gotta lie…geez…

Poor Rudy…

Well…today is going to be the day that poor rudy giuliani is going to be destroyed for attacking the mother/daughter poll workers in Georgia and lying his ass off that they were counting fake votes when the mother was just passing a tic tac to the daughter…and he got the maga assholes all riled up so both women got hundreds and hundreds of death threats…and it got so bad that both women ended up in hiding having to move out of their houses…so they sued rudy and won their case and the jury is deliberating what the penalty is going to be…the women have asked for 48 million dollars and they may just get it with the stunt rudy pulled yesterday when he again said there was “proof” they were faking votes…funny thing, he never presented that “proof” and now his lawyer isn’t even talking to rudy probably sine he is not going to get paid for his work since rudy is already broke and can’t pay his bills…poor rudy…geez…

They don’t give a damn about the “life of the mother”

Well..we know that the repubs lie about everything so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that the “life of the mother” exception that many of the red states have written into their draconian anti abortion laws just don’t work when women have to sue for that right and it has to go through the deep red court systems…just in the past week a case in Texas shows that the repubs had no intent of allowing any abortion even if the mother’s life is at risk and the fetus has a genetic disease that is fatal every time…a woman there had doctors refuse to perform the needed procedure since they can be arrested for doing it even though she may die or lose her fertility if the abortion wasn’t done…so she sued and a lower court agreed she qualified for the exception…but then the asshole AG stepped in to object and appealed to the Texas SC and the SC said she couldn’t use the exception so she had to leave the state to save her life…now, there is no damn way that any woman should have to sue to control her healthcare…but that is what is happening in every damn red state…and the repubs just don’t care since the cruelty is the point of these laws….geez…

Mr. Smith goes to the SC…

Well…with the continued bleatings from the idiot trump’s that since he was president, he is totally immune from any type of prosecution for any laws he has broken…and it doesn’t matter how many times the ploy is knocked down in court, he continues to use it in every venue where he is being tried to delay the trial as he has in every one of the 4,000 lawsuits he has filed during his lifetime. but Jack smith has other ideas and has filed a brief with the supreme court to ask them to rule on whether or not being president confers immunity to stop these delays…now, this could be a mistake with the right wing supreme court willing to make stuff up as it goes along and ready to break the constitution whenever they can…but I know for a fact that there is nothing in the constitution that gives that immunity and for them to give it to idiot boy would be another reason to reform the court and return it to it’s traditional role of ruling on laws, not making the law like htis ruling would do…geez…

Another great thing that Joe is doing…

Well…I am so damn tired of people don’t see that Joe Biden is doing anything to help anybody and that may make them vote for trump or not voting at all…well…let me tell you about the great thing he just frickin did that is going to help the whole damn country and protect it from the greed of drug companies…the FDA  is going to look at all of the drug companies and if they find that they are price gouging and if any of the research for the drug was paid for by tax money from the government, he will vacate the patent and give it to another company to produce…yep, you heard that right…finally, this one is going to have some teeth in it and it will bar the gouging company from getting any government research money for 10 years if they are guilty…so to all you doubters out there, do you think the idiot trump would do anything like this? Ha,ha…that made me laugh out loud…geez…

Why is this not treason?

Well…I don’t know why the media is not screaming about the treason the repubs are going to do this week…lots of repub lawmakers are going to meet with reps from Orban of Hungary this week to “strategize” how to cut off funding for Ukraine and help Putin take over the country…yep, you heard that right…the repubs are openly working with the dictator Orban to do putin’s dirty work and help him in his illegal invasion of Ukraine…any one of them who attend this meeting should be arrested and charged with treason for giving “aid or comfort” to our enemy which is the literal definition of treason…and with this meeting they are conducting illegal foreign policy interference but they just don’t care about any laws anymore…where the hell is Merrick Garland in this? He should be making phone calls to these folks telling them that they will be breaking the law if they attend…and then following up with charging these assholes as soon as they do…this crap can’t stand…geez…