Well…finally won a week shooting pool last night…but forgot it was Tom’s birthday…just don’t remember anyone’s except my kids and T’s really…but we had fun and I won 11 bucks toward the tab so that was not bad. Feel kind of crappy today but don’t think it’s from yesterday, probably from not sleeping and getting up at 5:30. No plans for the day today except to get back on the bike since it rained all day yesterday….and, I know this is kind of strange, but one of my favorite shows on tv comes back on tonight and I’m really looking forward to the entertainment. More later…
Category Archives: My Life
June 2nd…
Well…didn’t go out with G last night since she had a long day and grass on her lawn that was about 8 inches high and needed to be cut…not all bad since I saved some cash and really didn’t need to drink last night. Don’t really need to drink any night but it’s fun sometimes. Not really that much to do today, decided to not spend the 70 bucks for the USA jersey….just couldn’t justify it in my head. Speaking of in my head, had weird dreams last night that involved disappearing money, old girlfriends, and swimming,….yeah, I know, pretty weird but even worse if you’re there. Did put new line on my fishing reel just in case Tom and I go fishing instead of shooting pool today…and the new coffee table from G is working out really well as a work bench….yep, getting to be more of a furniture guy…weird.
One last thing, hmmm..this should be in sports but Nicky Lidstrom has signed for another year with the Wings….I’m pretty geeked about that!
June 1st page 2….
Well….just got done talking to my son who basically runs my website, and found out that there are people actually reading this stuff…mostly Americans and Canadians, but some from Russia and China, too. Now…I’m neurotic enough about just about everything but, I think this takes it up to an entirely new level. I started out doing this because I had things in my head that I wanted to get out (yeah, normally you wouldn’t want to see that) and I think that will always be the real driver behind what I do here. It does add to my stress level when I know that someone else is seeing this but it may also add to the quality that you’ll see…well…maybe not.
But I will say thanks to the readers (you know who you are) but I can’t promise anything else…as you’ve seen, sometimes I can write with the best of them but, quite a few times, it’s no great shakes…oh, crap, not supposed to admit that am I? I’ll have it figured out this week so the novel will get posted so give it a try…at least my friends liked it…or they were just being nice…man…didn’t think about that…geez…
June 1st
Well…feel a lot better today…even have some energy so I used it to go out and get a new rear tire for the bike and then try to find a USA jersey for the World Cup….but I don’t know if I want to spend 70 bucks for a shirt that I’ll only use a couple of times..probably not. Just got a call from G and since it is the first workday of the week, she thinks it’s Monday, and we usually go out on Monday…so we may go out for a few. Not too much else to say right now….one thing, taking two days off riding was the right thing to do…had lots of energy in the legs today so yay! What else? Oh, stayed home yesterday since it did storm and just did a complete veg….just the thing it appears….
May 31st
Well…I know…took a couple of days off to just chill out and do nothing except have a bunch of beers…still feel like crap with no energy that has been going on for a couple of weeks now; haven’t even gotten on the bike in a couple of days since my legs have been so dead. Did go over to K’s yesterday to get some sun and out to the winchester last night but didn’t stay out late.
Might go over to K’s again today but the radar shows that it is going to storm here in about an hour or so and last for a while so I may just stay home…more later…
May 28th
Well…another kind of normal day but have felt kind of out of sync all day…no energy in the legs for the bike ride but that may be that I just need to take a day off…have ridden every day for almost 3 weeks and now with the left knee starting to pop, a rest may be in order. I did get the coffee table, end table, and a lamp from G yesterday and I will say that I think I can get used to having more furniture. I know, I’m still not a furniture kind of guy but the coffee table works great for a foot stool. It looks like I have plans for the weekend after all…over to K’s tomorrow to sit around the pool and then a reunion of the Taps people at the Winchester Sunday. I don’t know if I’ve shared it but Taps was the place I met most of the friends I now have and it will be good to see some people I don’t see much any more.
That’s about it…no outrage at anything right now so that is why no extra posts lately, plus I’ve been busy doing other things…maybe more later…
Oh, there is the Indy 500 Sunday, too, that is a tradition for me so I’ll have to watch it…
May 27th
Well…been kind of a fun day today…had a nice surprise from T…she texted me this morning to ask me to go to lunch…so we did and had a hoot at the Beltline Bar….everything else today is just about normal except G coming over in a few minutes to bring me some furniture. Yeah, I know….I’m not the furniture kind of guy but thought I’d try it out…a couple of tables and a lamp…weird.
May 26th
Well…getting ready to go out to Ada for pool and beer again…so far, an uneventful day with just the regular stuff in it…great weather, though, and it looks like it is going to be good the rest of the week. Stayed in last night to get some rest although G and I took it easy Monday; it’s the damn sleep thing again, as always. I am so worn out from tossing and turning that I think I’ll have to get some more of the otc sleeping pills even thought they make you feel like crap the next day. Have to try to figure out what I’m doing for the weekend since it is the first holiday of the summer…might put the bike on the back of the wreck and just go somewhere to see some new trails…or if G and M are still having some conflict, I may be able to get 18 holes of golf in with her…probably not likely.
Hmmm…it’s 2:19 and I have to be out in Ada by 3 so, so I think I’ll stop here…I do have a comment on Stevie Y. leaving the Wings for Tampa but that will be later today or probably tomorrow….
More musings….
Hmmm….you know that I’ve talked previously about becoming invisible as I age and to me, that is just part of the disconnect that I feel about society and how I fit into it..well, the great revelation was in the shower (I know, don’t put that image in your head) after I got back from the bike ride today. I don’t really know if it was a revelation so much as another crystallization of the vague feelings I’ve been having for quite a while of the new state of my life…that is that it all feels temporary, like I’m just marking time or idling; looking for work and hoping that there may be something for me here in Michigan. In an earlier life, there were the concrete foundations of family, job, and owning a home…that were then replaced by the great group of friends I had for a number of years that have largely gone away; most of them getting into their concrete lives that I had already done….so I feel like I’m starting over again…just like when the marriage crapped out…
This is part of the confusion that I mentioned in the first post to this page…and it is something that I am not having any luck figuring out…as time goes on, you’ll see how this fits with the posts on change….
May 25th
Well…no golf with G last night since it was about 90 and that is just too miserable to be out in…so, went to the Mex place over here by me and had some beers; cheap check was a good departure from the normal Monday night at LC. I think it’s the kind of day today that you just take it easy and drop down a gear…especially since there was no sleep again last night and I was back up at 5 am…I am going to get out in the sun later since the bike tan is getting to look really weird…but I do get to take the night off from drinking tonight and that will be good, just feeling quite tired today and I think I’ve got an imbalance in the calorie intake and what I’m burning off every day…but that is a weird thing, I’m finding it hard to eat more…don’t know if it’s guilt from being fat in parts of my life or just the habit I’ve gotten into….
Okay, maybe you can tell me, had salmon on the grill, a baked potato, and about 15 asparagus spears….about 700 calories but I need almost 2K per day….I think I have my metabolism terminally screwed up…will probably have a salad and a turkey sandwich for the other two meals….ok, enough about food…and bitching…more later…